The purpose of this collection is to provide a broad view of academic publications produced by NIU-based scholars through the years. To accomplish this, citations are harvested from multiple sources, co-located by year, and additional information - like NIU departmental affiliation and authors' ORCID numbers - is added. Each citation with a full text copy of the item in Huskie Commons includes a direct link to that version of the publication. The remaining citations each include an external link to its published location. This collection is in its infancy and years/citations continue to be added through the NIU Bibliography Project at the Library. This is not an exhaustive list of all scholarly, NIU-affiliated publications, however it is intended to become a nearly comprehensive bibliography over time.


Publications from 2025


Mapping the Prevalence of Mixed Methods Research in Educational Technology Journals, Alissa Droog, Olha Ketsman, and Sumaiya Qazi, Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment (ETRA)| University Libraries


Contexto rural del caribe colombiano descrito por docentes de matemáticas de secundaria, Ricela Feliciano-Semidei and Kevin A. Palencia Infante, Department of Mathematical Sciences


Informal Caregivers Connecting on the Web: Content Analysis of Posts on Discussion Forums, Michelle L. Foster, Chinenye Egwuonwu, Erin Vernon, Mohammad Alarifi, and M. Courtney Hughes, School of Health Studies


The Sky’s the Limit: Improving Satellite Imagery Data Literacy to Address Noncommunicable Diseases, M. Courtney Hughes and Elizabeth J. Folkmann, School of Health Studies

Publications from 2024


Patient, Referring Physician, and Radiologist Opinions Over Time on Providing Patients Access to Radiology Reports: A Systematic Review, Mohammad Alarifi, M. Courtney Hughes, Abdulrahman M. Jabour, Yazeed Alashban, and Erin Vernon, School of Health Studies


Playing Changes: Music as Mediator between Japanese and Black Americans, E Taylor Atkins, Department of History


Challenges and Coping Strategies in Transitioning From Caregiving to Widowhood: A Systematic Review, Abby Baumbach, M. Courtney Hughes, and Yujun Liu, School of Family and Consumer Sciences| School of Health Studies


"Critical Legal Studies, Again?" "Again and Again!", Evan D. Bernick, College of Law


A Progressive Judiciary? Judicial Review and National Politics from Reconstruction to the Present, Joshua Braver and Gregory A. Elinson, College of Law


A New Hope? Restoring Self-Compassion in Response to Abusive Supervision, James P. Burton, Brittany C. Buis, and Larissa K. Barber, Department of Management


Dataset for Mapping the Prevalence of Mixed Methods Research in Educational Technology Journals, Alissa Droog, Olha Ketsman, and Sumaiya Qazi, Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment (ETRA)| University Libraries


Along for the journey: Graduate student perceptions of research, Alissa Droog, Kari D. Weaver, and Frances Brady, University Libraries


Intraparty Conflict and the Separation of Powers, Gregory A. Elinson, College of Law


Norm-Breakers, Rights-Makers: Legislative Norms, Democratization, and the Fight For Civil Rights, Gregory A. Elinson, College of Law


Caminatas comunitarias para enseñar matemáticas en la costa caribe colombiana: un enfoque rural, Ricela Feliciano-Semidei, Kevin A. Palencia Infante, and Jonathan A. Cervantes Barraza, Department of Mathematical Sciences


Assessing Life Expectancy Disparities in Chicago With A Deep Dive Into Green Space, Elizabeth J. Folkmann, M. Courtney Hughes, Lei Hua, Mohammad Alarifi, and Mahdi Vaezi, School of Health Studies| Department of Engineering Technology


Examining Noncommunicable Diseases Using Satellite Imagery: A Systematic Review, Elizabeth J. Folkmann, M. Courtney Hughes, Uzma A. Khan, and Mahdi Vaezi, Department of Engineering Technology| School of Health Studies


Dodging Truths and Burning Facts: Visual Literacy and Critical Thinking in the Photography Classroom, Larissa K. Garcia and Jessica Labatte, School of Art and Design| University Libraries


Geospatial hotspots and coldspots in US cancer disparities and associated risk factors, 2004-2008 to 2014-2018, Lei Guo, M. Courtney Hughes, Margaret E. Wright, Alyssa H. Harris, and Meredith C. Osias, School of Health Studies


Reparative Editing: Working with Ukrainian Authors in Wartime, Amy K. Levin, Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality| Department of English


Impact of Processed Food on Heart Health, Elizabeth Moxley, School of Nursing


Associations Between Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease in Young Adults, Elizabeth Moxley, Marc Conrad, Desale Habtezgi, Clayton Camic, Peter Joseph Chomentowski III, Barrie P. Bode, Rachel Kowal, Troy Loeser, and Sara Budhwani, School of Nursing


Contributions of Speaking, Listening, and Semantic Depth to Word Learning in Typical 3- and 4-Year-Olds, Peter Richtsmeier, Allison Gladfelter, and Michelle Moore, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literature| School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders


How Mathematicians Characterize and Attempt to Develop Understanding of Concepts and Definitions in Proof-Based Courses, Rachel Rupnow and Timothy Fukawa-Connelly, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literature| Department of Mathematical Sciences


Fatigue and Depressive Mood in Chronic Low Back Pain, Anitha Saravanan, HL Matthews, D Tell, A Starkweather, and L Janusek, School of Nursing


Designing for Everyone: Accessibility, Inclusion, and Equity in Online Instruction, Kimberly Shotick, University Libraries


Exploring the interplay of psychological and biological components of stress response and telomere length in the transition from middle age to late adulthood: A systematic review., JN Souza-Talarico, S Chesak, N Elizalde, W Liu, C Moon, NDCF Oberfrank, AJ Rauer, CL Takao, C Shaw, Anitha Saravanan, FG Longhi Palacio, and H Buck, School of Nursing


Universal Design and DEI, Matthew L. Timko, College of Law


Great lengths: a review of website preservation activities at three American Universities with digital humanities centers, Drew E. VandeCreek, University Libraries

Publications from 2023


Equal Protection Against Policing, Evan D. Bernick, College of Law


Jane Crow Constitutionalism, Evan D. Bernick, College of Law


Movement Administrative Procedure, Evan D. Bernick, College of Law


There Is Something That Our Constitution Just Is, Evan D. Bernick and Christopher R. Green, College of Law


What is the Object of the Constitutional Oath?, Evan D. Bernick and Christopher R. Green, College of Law


The Urgent Need for Neuroscience Research to Consider Culture when Assessing the Development of Gait in Autistic Children: A Scoping Review, Milijana Buac, Gabriela Ibarra, Ricardo Torres, Sinana Onal, Allison Gladfelter, and Ziteng Wang, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literature| Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering| School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders


Drawing to Conceptualize Research, Reduce Implicit Bias, and Establish Researcher Positionality in the Graduate Classroom, Alissa Droog, Kari D. Weaver, and Frances Brady, University Libraries


Dynamic Patterns and Modelling of COVID-19 Early Transmission by Dynamic Mode Decomposition, Dehong Fang, Lei Guo, M. Courtney Hughes, and Jifu Tan, School of Health Studies| Department of Mechanical Engineering


Technology in Cognitive Research: Methods to Examine Second Language Processing in Study Abroad Research, Mandy Faretta-Stutenberg, Irene Finestrat, and Kara Morgan-Short, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literature| Department of World Languages and Cultures


Preparing Secondary Mathematics Preservice Teachers for Rural Schools in Colombia, Ricela Feliciano-Semidei, Mariana Alvayero Ricklefs, Yolima A. Rocha Fontalvo, Kevin A. Palencia Infante, and R. Beltrán Hoyos, Department of Mathematical Sciences


The Prospect and Perils of Climate Preemption for Public Health, Sarah Fox, College of Law


From Rookie to Researcher: Integrating Information Literacy into Undergraduate Research, Larissa K. Garcia, Dee Anna Phares, and Kimberly Shotick, University Libraries


Additivity of Diene Substituent Gibbs Free Energy Contributions for Diels–Alder Reactions between Me2C=CMe2 and Substituted Cyclopentadienes, Thomas M. Gilbert, Austin S. Flemming, and Brendan C. Dutmer, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry


Supporting Information for "Additivity of Diene Substituent Gibbs Free Energy Contributions for Diels–Alder Reactions Between Me2C=CMe2 and Substituted Cyclopentadienes", Thomas M. Gilbert, Austin S. Flemming, and Brendan C. Dutmer, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry


Snail Races: An Inquiry-Based Approach to Learn Invasive Species Ecology, Emma Grindle, Heather E. Bergan-Roller, Ashton Johnson, Grace Lunaburg, and Jennifer A.H. Koop, Department of Biological Sciences


The Effectiveness of Community-based Palliative Care Program Components: A Systematic Review, M. Courtney Hughes, Erin Vernon, and Allison Hainstock, School of Health Studies


Inequality and Superfund sites: Using backward design, cooperative learning, and data integration in introductory environmental economics, Anna A. Klis, Department of Economics


Perpetrators’ and Victims’ Folk Explanations of Aggressive Behaviors and Desires for Apologies, Randy J. McCarthy and Jared Wilson, Department of Psychology


Spanish L2 Development in a Short-Term Domestic Immersion Program, Kara Moranski, Juan Godoy-Peñas, Bernard Issa, Mandy Faretta-Stutenberg, and Harriet Wood Bowden, Department of World Languages and Cultures| Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literature


Cardiovascular health through Vitamin C intake, Elizabeth Moxley, School of Nursing


Is heart health as simple as gut microbiota?, Elizabeth Moxley, School of Nursing


Weight Management: Lifestyle Versus Pharmacotherapy, Elizabeth Moxley, School of Nursing


Variegated Order: Making Space for Neurodiverse Perspectives in Archives, Sophie Penniman, University Libraries


Norms of mathematical definitions: Imposing constraints, permitting choice, or both?, Rachel Rupnow and Brooke Randazzo, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literature| Department of Mathematical Sciences


A Survey of Fear for Others, Fear for Self, and Pandemic Anxiety Predicting Intention to Take the First Booster Vaccine to Combat COVID-19, Joseph N. Scudder and Dennis P. DeBeck, Department of Communication


Policy Matters: EDI Evaluation of an Academic Library's Policies, Kimberly Shotick, Michele N. Hunt, Sata Prescott, Alissa Droog, and Sarah McHone-Chase, University Libraries


In the Room Where the Constitution Happens, Lorianne Updike Toler, College of Law


The Constraint of History, Lorianne Updike Toler and Robert Capodilupo, College of Law

Publications from 2022


The Perceptions and Experiences of Nontraditional Students in Teacher Licensure Programs, Natalie R. Andzik, Stephanie N. Baker, and Kristen Koehler, Department of Special and Early Education


Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Adults With Complex Communication Needs: A Review of Single-Case Research, Natalie R. Andzik and Yun Ching Chung, Department of Special and Early Education


Using a Token Economy to Treat Escape-Maintained Problem Behavior Without Extinction, Natalie R. Andzik, Elle Smith, and Nancy Neef, Department of Special and Early Education


Dividend payouts, cash-flow uncertainty and the role of institutions, Zhe An, Wenlian Gao, Donghui Li, and Dezhu Ye, Department of Finance


Parenting style in childhood and attitudes toward caregiving in adulthood: a qualitative study, Abby Baumbach, M. Courtney Hughes, Lily Derain, and Yujun Liu, School of Health Studies; School of Family and Consumer Sciences


Fourteenth Amendment Confrontation, Evan D. Bernick, College of Law


An Anthropocene History of Central Asia, Andy Bruno, Department of History


Atomic Visitors from Outer Space: The Tunguska Nuclear Hypothesis in Soviet Technological Imagination, Andy Bruno, Department of History


Reporting animal crime: Individual, family, and community influences, Keri Burchfield, Department of Sociology


Ecuadorian and Uruguayan Teachers' Perceptions and Experiences of Teaching Online during COVID, Ximena D. Burgin, Sheila Coli, and Mayra C. Daniel, Department of Curriculum and Instruction (CI)| Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment (ETRA)


Perceptions of Teamwork in Schools of Nursing, Marcia Cooke and Nancy M. Valentine, School of Nursing


Making War on the Fabric of Society: A Cross-National Analysis of Terrorism, Urban Public Space and Generalized Social Trust in Europe, Edward M. Crenshaw and Kristopher K. Robison, Department of Sociology


Bible Story Teachings: A survey of children’s bible stories about creation in 19th century Britain, Alissa Droog, University Libraries


Review of the book Academic librarianship: Anchoring the profession in contribution, scholarship, and service, Alissa Droog, University Libraries


Unpacking the Graduate Student Research Experience: Findings from a Drawing-Based Interview Study, Alissa Droog, Frances Brady, and Kari D. Weaver, University Libraries


How Torture Fails: Evidence of Misinformation from Torture-Induced Confessions in Iraq, Christopher J. Einolf, Department of Sociology


The career paths of executive directors: Founders, fillers, planners and risers, Christopher J. Einolf, Department of Sociology


When a Statute Comes with a User Manual: Reconciling Textualism and Uniform Acts, Gregory A. Elinson and Robert H. Sitkoff, College of Law


Evidence, Epistemic Luck, Reliability, and Knowledge, Mylan Engel, Department of Philosophy


Construction and case study of a novel lung cancer risk index, Ali Faghani, Lei Guo, Mahdi Vaezi, Margaret Wright Geise, and M. Courtney Hughes, School of Interdisciplinary Health Professions| School of Health Studies| Department of Engineering Technology


Association of anti-contagion policies with the spread of COVID-19 in United States, Ali Faghani, M. Courtney Hughes, and Mahdi Vaezi, Department of Engineering Technology; Department of Mechanical Engineering; School of Health Studies


Introducing conditional probability using the Monty Hall problem, Ricela Feliciano-Semidei, Department of Mathematical Sciences


Five Hundred African Voices: A Catalog of Published Accounts by Africans Enslaved in the Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1586-1936, Aaron Spencer Fogleman and Robert Hanserd, Department of History


Adapting To a 4°C World, Sarah Fox, Karrigan Börk, Karen Bradshaw, Cinnamon Piñon Carlarne, Robin Kundis Craig, Joshua Galperin, Keith H. Hirokawa, Shi-Ling Hsu, Katrina Fischer Kuh, Kevin J. Lynch, Michele Okoh, Jessica Owley, Melissa Powers, Shannon Roesler, J. B. Ruhl, James E. Salzman, David Takacs, and Clifford Villa, College of Law


The Right to Access Legal Information: Progress and Evolving Norms in a Digital Age, Heidi L. Frostestad, College of Law


What Web3 Means For Lawyers' Ethical Duties, Heidi L. Frostestad, College of Law


The role of bank lenders in firm leverage adjustments, Wenlian Gao, Feifei Zhu, and Kai Chen, Department of Finance


Prevalence Versus Evidence: A Closer Look at the Research Available for Serving Children Exposed to Maltreatment and a Response to Hyter's Call for Trauma-Informed Care, Savanah Gayaldo and Allison Gladfelter, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literature| School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders


Simulation, Optimization, and Economic Assessment of Pelamis Wave Energy Converter, Hana Ghaneei and Mohammadreza Mahmoudi, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering


Linguistic awareness and dyslexia beliefs among teachers of students who are blind or visually impaired., Nosheen Gul, Lindsay N. Harris, Alicia LaRouech, and Gracie Strohm, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literature| Department of Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations (LEPF)


Creation and Evaluation of the Illinois Cancer Risk Index as A Predictor of Four Common Cancers, Lei Guo, Margaret E. Wright, Meridith C. Osias, Mahdi Vaezi, and M. Courtney Hughes, School of Health Studies| Department of Engineering Technology


Moving beyond traditional sponsorships: understanding the structure and dynamics of minority equity sponsorship agreements, Furkan Amil Gur, Adrien Bouchet, Brian R. Walkup, and Jonathan A. Jensen, Department of Management


Relationships between Course Taking and Teacher Self-Efficacy and Anxiety for Data-Driven Decision Making, Valerie M. Hamilton and Todd D. Reeves, Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment (ETRA)


Do Data-Driven Decision-Making Efficacy and Anxiety Inventory Scores Mean the Same Thing for Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers?, Valerie Hamilton, Yasemin Onder, Natalie R. Andzik, and Todd D. Reeves, Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment (ETRA); Department of Special and Early Education


Men of science and standards: Introducing the metric system in nineteenth-century Brazil, Anne G. Hanley, Department of History


The role of word knowledge in error detection: A challenge to the broken-error-monitor account of dyslexia, Lindsay N. Harris, Benjamin Creed, Charles A. Perfetti, and Benjamin Rickles, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literature| Department of Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations (LEPF)


Braille literacy as a human right: A challenge to the “inefficiency” argument against braille instruction, Lindsay N. Harris, Allison Gladfelter, Alecia M. Santuzzi, Iwona Barbara Lech, Rocío Rodriguez, Luis E. Lopez, Dawn Soto, and Ailing Li, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literature| Department of Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations (LEPF)| Department of Psychology| School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders


Culture is not destiny, for reading: highlighting variable routes to literacy within writing systems, Lindsay N. Harris and Elizabeth Hirshorn, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language and Literature| Department of Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations (LEPF)


A Comprehensive and Unified Procedure for Symbolic Analysis of Analog Circuits, Reza Hashemian, Department of Electrical Engineering


Extended "A Comprehensive and Unified Procedure for Symbolic Analysis of Analog Circuits", Reza Hashemian, Department of Electrical Engineering


Quick Access to Circuit Transfer Functions via NAM Determinant/Cofactors Using UaL Technique, Reza Hashemian, Department of Electrical Engineering


Remote Learning Strategies for Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Sarah N. Heinz and Natalie R. Andzik, Department of Special and Early Education


Like sands through the hourglass, M. Courtney Hughes, School of Health Studies