The purpose of this collection is to provide a broad view of academic publications produced by NIU-based scholars through the years. To accomplish this, citations are harvested from multiple sources, co-located by year, and additional information - like NIU departmental affiliation and authors' ORCID numbers - is added. Each citation with a full text copy of the item in Huskie Commons includes a direct link to that version of the publication. The remaining citations each include an external link to its published location. This collection is in its infancy and years/citations continue to be added through the NIU Bibliography Project at the Library. This is not an exhaustive list of all scholarly, NIU-affiliated publications, however it is intended to become a nearly comprehensive bibliography over time.


Publications from 1995


Sign Regulation After Ladue: Examining the Evolving Limits of First Amendment Protection, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law


The Preschool Speech Intelligibility Measure, Sherrill R. Morris, School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders


Nucleotide Sequence of Four Ribosomal Protein 127 cDNAs from Growing Axillary Buds of Pea, Joel P. Stafstrom and Michelle L. Devitt, Department of Biological Sciences


Conflicts of Interest and the Indigent Client: Barring the Door to the Last Lawyer in Town, David H. Taylor, College of Law


Rambo as Potted Plant: Local Rulemaking's Preemptive Strike Against Witness-Coaching During Depositions, David H. Taylor, College of Law

Publications from 1994


Wage Change and the Quit Behavior of Workers: Implications for Efficiency Wage Theory, Carl M. Campbell III, Department of Economics


United States Copper Companies, the State, and Labour Conflict in Mexico, 1900-1910, Michael J. Gonzales, Center for Latino and Latin American Studies


Sanctioning Legal Organizations Under the New Federal Civil Rule 11: Radical Changes Loosen More Unforeseeable Forces, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


The Presence of Family Members and Others During Attorney-Client Communications: Himmel's Other Dilemma, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Structural Instability of Exponential Functions, Zhuan Ye,

Publications from 1993


Confirmation and the Computational Paradigm (or: Why Do You Think They Call It Artificial Intelligence?), David J. Buller,


Do Firms Pay Efficiency Wages? Evidence with Data at the Firm Level, Carl M. Campbell III, Department of Economics


Designating Male Parents at Birth, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Disciplinary Referrals Under New Federal Civil Rule 11, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Fines Under New Federal Civil Rule 11: The New Monetary Sanctions for the "Stop-and Think-Again" Rule, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Pregnant Dads: The Crimes and Other Misconduct of Expectant Fathers, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


The Forum Selection Clause: A Tale of Two Concepts, David H. Taylor, College of Law

Publications from 1992


The New Paradox of Temporal Transience, David J. Buller and Thomas R. Foster, Department of Philosophy


Preparing Minority Students for Law School: The Program for Minority Access to Law School, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law


Arming the Pregnancy Police: More Outlandish Concoctions?, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Failed or Uneven Discourse of State Constitutionalism?: Governmental Structure and State Constitutions, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Expression of a Ribosomal Protein Gene in Axillary Buds of Pea Seedlings, Joel P. Stafstrom and Ian M. Sussex, Department of Biological Sciences

Publications from 1991


Planters and Politics in Peru, 1895-1919, Michael J. Gonzales, Center for Latino and Latin American Studies


Soybean Leaves Contain Multiple Lipoxygenases, W. Scott Grayburn, R. Schneider, T.R. Hamilton-Kemp, G. Bookjans, K. Ali, and D.F. Hildebrand, Department of Biological Sciences


Arbitrage, Clientele Effects, and the Term Structure of Interest Rates, Eliakim Katz and Eliezer Z. Prisman, Department of Economics


Defendant Class Actions Under Rule 23(b)(2): Resolving the Language Dilemma, David H. Taylor, College of Law

Publications from 1990


Comparative American Judicial Systems, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Observations on Recent Efforts to Deter Frivolous Papers in the Illinois Circuit Courts, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Prospective Fathers and Their Unborn Children, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Respecting State Judicial Articles, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


The Legal Status of the Unborn After Webster, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law

Publications from 1989


Policing Bias and Conflicts of Interest in Zoning Decisionmaking, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law


Chinese Plantation Workers and Social Conflict in Peru in the late Nineteenth Century, Michael J. Gonzales, Center for Latino and Latin American Studies

Publications from 1988


Choices About Attorney Fee-Shifting Laws: Further Substance/Procedure Problems under Erie and Elsewhere, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law

Publications from 1987


Where to Pray? Religious Zoning and the First Amendment, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law


The New Method of Regulating Lawyers: Public and Private Interest Sanctions During Civil Litigation for Attorney Misconduct, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


A Second Extensin-Like Hydroxyproline-Rich Glycoprotein from Carrot Cell Walls', Joel P. Stafstrom and L. Andrew Staehelin, Department of Biological Sciences

Publications from 1986


Multiple-Output Production and Pricing in Electric Utilities, Stephen H. Karlson, Department of Economics


Labor Migration and Risk Aversion in Less Developed Countries, Eliakim Katz and Oded Stark, Department of Economics


Cross-Linking Patterns in Salt-Extractable Extensin from Carrot Cell Walls, Joel P. Stafstrom and L. Andrew Staehelin, Department of Biological Sciences


The Role of Carbohydrate in Maintaining Extensin in an Extended Conformation, Joel P. Stafstrom and L. Andrew Staehelin, Department of Biological Sciences

Publications from 1984


The Process of Factfinding in Judicial Rulemaking: "Some Kind of Hearing" on the Factual Premises Underlying Judicial Rules, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Are Annulate Lamellae in the Drosophila Embryo the Result of Overproduction of Nuclear Pore Components?, Joel P. Stafstrom and L. Andrew Staehelin, Department of Biological Sciences

Publications from 1983


The Duty to Prevent Handicaps: Laws Promoting the Prevention of Handicaps to Newborns, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law

Publications from 1982


Let Live and Let Die: Disabled Newborns and Contemporary Law, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law

Publications from 1981


Market Constraints as a Rationale for the Friedman-Savage Utility Function, Eliakim Katz and Elie Appelbaum, Department of Economics

Publications from 1980


Capitalist Agriculture and Labour Contracting in Northern Peru, 1880-1905, Michael J. Gonzales, Center for Latino and Latin American Studies

Publications from 1975


Effect of oncogenic virus on muscle differentiation, H. Holtzer, J. Biehl, J. Yeoh, R. Meganathan, and A. Kaji, Department of Biological Sciences