Theses/Dissertations from 1962
Coordinate geometry and locus, Roy David Gustafson
Custer's last stand : a study in the historiography of General George Armstrong Custer and the battle of Little Big Horn, Marie L. Hessling
Some ecological notes on the first occurrence of Lycopodium obscurum (L.) in Illinois, William S. Hooks
A note on symmetric matrices, Lawrence Carol Johansen
The industrial geography of Waukegan, Illinois, John Delbert Kapter
Hammer, sickle, and dragon : to what extent did Soviet Russia influence the Chinese revolution in the period from 1924 to 1927?, Richard Dean Karsen
A study of selected unwed mothers in northeastern Illinois who have received agency care, Patricia G. King
The reception of Rodin in his time and photographs of selected examples from my one man show, Richard T. Klatt
Land use trends in St. Charles Township, Kane County, Illinois, Robert J. Kozurek
An ecological study of a natural prairie situation in DeKalb County, Illinois, Joseph R. Kukura
Theses/Dissertations from 1961
An essay on the pictorial imagery of Francis Bacon, Carl Melanchthon Allen
Halogen complexes of heterocyclic amines, Richard M. Bezjian
The preparation of stained wholemounts and serial sections of mite embryos, Kenneth Allen Blake
The scientific development that created a need for the calculus, Garth C. Coxhead
Problems of the 18th century American urban society : colonial period, 1700 to 1776, Walter A. Dahm
Historical geography of Forest Park, Illinois, Thomas Jon Deizman
A note on elementary summation of series, Therese J. Delia
Speculation and the public domain, 1785-1841, Duane K. Everhart
Henry Fielding, champion of liberty, John F. Fanselow
Aspects of Mark Twain's pessimism in the 1880's : an examination of five books, stressing The Prince and the Pauper and A Tramp Abroad, Jeannette H. Joiner
Pierre Simon Laplace, Newtonianism and secularization : a study of the impact of astronomy on nineteenth century thought, Alexander Hunter Jolly III
Conditions imposed on roots of a cubic equation by restrictions on the coefficients, Paul David Kern
Theses/Dissertations from 1960
Latin and Italian influences on the works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Benjamin John Calacci
A selection and evaluation of physical science concepts from present secondary school general science outlines to be used in a two year 7th and 8th science program, Sue Rowe Cantrell
An examination of the leading addresses on patriotism of Thomas Starr King, Asa James Colby
Samuel Sewall: Puritan-Yankee, Zelma Ewing Duzan
A geographic survey of school district 107, Highland Park, Illinois, Hal S. Galbreath
An evaluation of the methods used in selecting students for an accelerated science program, Thomas E. Hake
Stephen Crane's poetry as an expression of his religious and social conflicts, Gene Albert Hass
Milton's Ludlow masque : an historical approach, Betty J. Irwin
The Donner story : a mountain tragedy and its effect on the westward movement in American history, Shirley H. Jacobson
The Odes of Keats, Warren Jones
A comparative study of three methods of selection for DDT-resistance in Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, Thomas Richard Kallstedt
The preparation and use of 2 x 2 slides in the teaching of biology, Stanton Eugene Knodle
Theses/Dissertations from 1959
Washington Irving's social attitudes revealed in Salmagundi, Knickerbocker's history, and the sketch book, Jeannine Wieza Blomgren
The historical development of atomic structure and fundamental particles, David Byrkit Brown
The usability of triphenyltetrazolium chloride as a determiner of viability in corn seed, Lois Helen Case
An investigation of the Palos Park portion of the forest preserve district of Cook County describing the geologic factors which influence its forest environment, Richard Herbert Diesner
Land use study of the village of Downers Grove, Illinois, Donald Herman Feld
Description of the physical geology and geography of the Elmwood Park region with references to human alterations of these natural elements, Frank Joseph Gawell
A study of soil and water conservation problems in nine counties of northwestern Illinois, Robert Edwin Greene
Jack London - the selfish socialist, Karl Adam Holtz
Land uses in a portion of the Rock River Valley, Joseph Kane Jobst
Ecological survey of the flora of Wilkinson Swampages, William Rogers Johnson
Theodore Dreiser : a holistic approach, Thomas P. Kazakos
Drosophila of the Montgomery Arboretum, Fred Louis Knez
An analysis of a course of study in ninth grade algebra designed to teach postulational thinking, Harlan James Koca
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
Parasitic arthropodes, platyhelminthes and nemathelminthes of the common pigeon (Columba livia), Charles Pasquale Coletta
A modified fractional system and its use in mapping the commercial area of DeKalb, Illinois, Rudolph Joseph Gron
General science teaching in Illinois high schools, James Goddard Hake
Flora of the mid-west as a source of natural survival foods, Henry E. Kazmier
An erythrocytic study of freshwater fishes, John Kenneth Klicka
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
Horace Walpole's correspondence and memoirs, Lucille Lamb Aikins
A study of the temperature and humidity reactions of some free living mites, Gene Rae Becker
The development of locus in plane geometry, Russell A. Chadbourn
Achievement in high school curricula and its relationship to achievement in high school physics, John Richard Gibson
An ecological study of a small Aurora pond, Richard S. Guthrie
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
General considerations about polyploidy and differences between monoploids and diploids of maize, Rita Barr
Arthropodous ectoparasites of rodents, Jerome Broede
Experimental determination of Planck's quantum of action employing commercial photo-tubes, James Edward Coxey
A partial check list of cultivated trees and shrubs of the Northern Illinois State College Campus, Irene Helen Derr
The development of the concepts of mass, energy, and charge in high school physics text books, Donald James Hruby
Mosses of the campus woods, John G. Husa
A review of the literature on the new antibiotic erythrocin including studies of its effects upon certian non-pathogens, Robert Seymour Johnson
Theses/Dissertations from 1955
A comparative study of four utopias of the renaissance period : More's Utopia, Rabelais' The Abbey of Theleme, Campanella's The city of the sun, and Bacon's New Atlantis, Beryl Skinner Fish
A study of general biology courses taught in secondary schools in the state of Illinois with special emphasis on the teaching of genetics, Arthur Edward Gjertsen
Social factors in the historical background of the concept of "right handedness superiority", John Bryan Henaughan
An introduction to brown trout, Ronald Joseph Kolar
Theses/Dissertations from 1954
The husband and wife relationships in the Canterbury tales, Helen White Ellis
How coal strip-mined areas can be reclaimed, Goldie Marie Gigous
The influence of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter on Henry James' The Turn of the Screw, Elwood H. Hasemann
A study of matrimonial institutions in England during the middle ages : background to an understanding of Chaucerian marriage references, Elizabeth Smith Hixon
Experimentally observed characteristics of a P-N-P junction transistor with published information, Donald A. Hucker
Theses/Dissertations from 1953
A comparison of Euripides' Medea with Anderson's The wingless victory, W. Howard Beemer
The conscience of Oscar Wilde, Jane Payne Britton
Sea birds of Midway, Earl James Hahn
Planning and furnishing a high school biology department, William E. Helms
Classification of some protozoa found in Wilkinson's swampages, Walter Jabczynski
Native drama of England with related developments in the theatres of Germany and Italy, Richard C. Johnson
Ezra Pound, man and poet, Richard Johnstone
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
Tennyson's dramas, Constance Chenette Bax
Anatomical and hematological studies of four genera of turtles (Chelonia), Norman Lee Biggs
Teaching conservation in urban high schools, Joseph Gullo
The evaluation of high school biology textbooks, Frank Louis Kaminski