Theses/Dissertations from 1975
Food under different colored lights : students' attitude, acceptability, selection, and consumption, Azucena Martinez Datiles
Magnetic properties of the system R₂Au (R=Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm), Stephen M. Drensky
The cotton textile industry, 1925-1935 : labor, capital, and the National Recovery Administration, John W. Duffy
The arousal of the motive to avoid success in college women, Fern Myra Dunker
Colonization rate of macroinvertebrates on multiple plate samplers at three ecologically different areas of Mill Creek, Douglas Arthur Ehorn
Rubidium-strontium geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic inclusions, associated volcanic rocks, and basement rocks from the Ross Island area, Antarctica, Rick L. Ericksen
Polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid inhibition of Finkel-Biskis-Jinkins virus in CF1/An1 mice, James Fast
Site selection of the LaSalle County Station : a land use study, Joseph D. Ferrero
Individual differences in cognitive dissonance : repression-sensitization, Steven Gabler
Individual differences in cognition : some relationships between verbal ability, sex, and information-processing, Robert A. Goldberg
A theoretical study of the adsorption properties of bismuth telluride, Douglas K. Grefrath
A scanning electron microscope study of epidermal cell differentiation in developing barley embryos, Gary G. Gunderson
Biochemical and morphological characterization of a mammalian cell line mutant, Laura J. Haars
Attrition: a comparison between weight control and other self-improvement programs, Carolyn J. Haase
Information retrieval in concrete and abstract phrases, Michael L. Hillinger
Birth control and the private physician : revisited, Steven R. Hoffacker
Color term saliency : an experiment, Leilani R. Hothan
Familial structure and fertility in Afghanistan, Pamela A. Hunte
The effects of trait-defined and situationally induced approach-avoidance tendencies on adaptation of stress reactions, Barry L. Jacobson
Honeysuckle, a study of one weave and its application to fabric and costume design : documentation of the one-woman show of textiles and clothing design, Maxine James Johns
Qualitative correlation of seismic flux and free-air gravity with crustal structure of the midcontinent of the United States, James J. Kohsmann
A qualitative and quantitative study of the fatty acid composition of selected micro-organisms, Gary R. Kramzar
An evaluation of an area source diffusion model for carbon monoxide in Rockford, Illinois, Alan Krol
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Wedron Mounds : a late woodland site in Illinois, Miriam Agran
An information integration approach to the self-esteem-persuasion relationship, Robert F. Ahlering
The nutrition knowledge of homemakers in relation to their ability to interpret nutrition labels, Dian J. Ahrendsen
Trade unionism under the Swedish social welfare state, Michael A. Anderson
Origin of aluminous laterite and bauxite, John L. Arola
The distribution of the group D streptococci in the rivers and streams of Northern Illinois, Linda Louise Ator
The effect of choice on vicious-circle behavior, Betsey A. Benson
The effects of pH and auxin concentration on the rate of elongation and heat production in oat coleoptiles at 25⁰C, Harlan E. Bogie
A comparison of nutrition knowledge in nursing homes, Minnie E. Box
Normally developing Xenopus laevis embryos will take up and incorporate labelled precursors of macromolecules, Stephen T. Brei
The eagle, the sparrow and the vultures : America's policy and perceptions in Liberia, 1909-1933, Larry Ray Brim
Structural laterality in the feet and its relationship to handedness, Elizabeth Jane Burrows
A statistical analysis of intra-urban industrial location, John W. Byorni
Collegiate wrestling and the sociology of sport, David Carver
Isotope shifts in the absorption spectrum of SeO₂ vapor near the origin, Linus T. Chen
I. Diels Alder reactions of unsaturated silanes; II. precursors to the ζ,ω-elimination of organosilanes, Shing P. Chen
The relationship of sensitivity to external cues and body weight in high school females, Frances J.K. Copeland
Individual recognition between parents and offspring in ring-billed gulls, Francesca J. Cuthbert
A contextual analysis of the Wallace vote in Indiana, 1964-1972, William A. Denham III
Type and intensity of shock in one-way avoidance learning, Stephen E. Dieter
Career apparel : the relationship between its acceptance and selected socio-economic variables, Louise Dirksen
Ultrastructural changes in Physarum polycephalum mitochondria : influences of ionizing radiation, cycloheximide, chloramphenicol, and ethidium bromide, Kenneth G. Draper
Pictographic art of North American Indians: an interpretive survey., Carolyn Eastwood
Spectrophotometric studies on chromogenic properties of some new ferroin-type chromogens, Tsai-Ling Fang
An examination of long term fluctuations in prices and wages for North Babylonia during the Old Babylonian period, Howard Martin Farber
Investigations of the reduction of the tetrachloraurate (III) anion with triphenylphosphine and replacement reactions of some gold(I) complexes, Gerald P. Fenske
The role of identification in moral development as a function of videotaped and verbally presented moral dilemmas, James P. Fishman
Geology for planning in DeKalb township, DeKalb County, Illinois, William Harry Ford
The amorphous Sb₁₋ₓTeₓ system, Charles Michael Garner
Transport properties of amorphous group III and V chalcogenides, Laurence R. Gilbert
Further investigation of the effect of the intertrial interval on the classical conditioning of fear, Michael J. Grelle
Synthesis and characterization of some diacido (triethylenetetramine)chromium (III) complexes, Silvano Grosso
The effect of dietary salt intake on toxemia of pregnancy, Maria L. Hassel
John Fitzpatrick and the Chicago Federation of Labor, 1935-1938 : a study in labor politics, Nao A. Hauser
Energy levels in ¹⁴⁴Nd via thermal and average resonance neutron capture γ-ray spectra, Jonnie Kyle Hawkins
The effects of sex guilt, need for approval, and mode of test administration (human or computer) on sexual responsiveness and denial, Jerrold J. Heinrich
The effect of socio-economic level, age, and household composition on the quality of diet of low income black children, Julia K. Henderson
Variation-seeking behavior as a function of early auditory experience, Michael B. Hennessy
Reaction of β-chlorovinyltrimethylsilane with lithium, James M. Herbach
Deficit in passive avoidance behavior following bilateral medial forebrain bundle lesions in rats, John P. Heybach
The terrestrial leech, Haemopis terrestris, Thomas I. Hiebert
The effect of thyroxine on acquired fear, Elizabeth L. Hillstrom
Order effects in attraction formation, Joel J. Hoffman
Effects of x-irradiation on estrogen-induced synthetic processes of the avian liver, Sidney J. Holshouser
Petrography and petrology of a basanitoid flow from Hut Point Peninsula, Antarctica, William Clay Hunter
Thermal neutron capture studies of levels in ¹⁷⁸Hf, Mouhamad A. Ja'afar
Identification of factors relating to food involvement in white women, Linda M. Janavaras
Attributions of attractiveness to countries and request for further information : effects of information breadth, Gwendolyn Dearment Kemmerick
Relationship of sensitivity to internal clues to hunger and body fatness : comparison of two methods, Hai-Chi Keng
Aztec resistance to assimilation under Spanish rule, 1521-1810, Barbara Anne Kidd
Decision making and program practices in adult educational broadcasting : a comparison study in Sweden and Chicago, Kent P. Kjellgren
Photoemission studies of Bi₂Te₃ and Sb₂Te₃, Thomas A. Knecht
The facial muscles of the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta), John C. Kolar
Electrophoretic analysis of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, and protein of rabbit serum, erythrocytes, and intraocular fluid, John George Konrath
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Primary gamma-ray transitions of tungsten-184 following thermal neutron capture in tungsten-183, Arthur Robert Adams
The life-history of Jean Baptiste Charbonneau an anthropological analysis, Paula Fenza Alleman
American and Filipino dietitians in Chicago, Illinois : their academic background and job performance, Estela C. Aplasca
Processes of drumlin allocation within the Wisconsin drumlin field : a statistical analysis, Gerald V. Arnold
The influence of the education of dietary assistants upon therapeutic dietitians expectations of them in large and small Illinois hospitals, Sarah Louise Bachner
The Lot test and school-age children, Charles R. Behnke
Documentation of the one man show of painting, Leslie B. Bell
The bottle or the breast : a symbolic interactionist study of deviance and conformity in La Leche League, Claronette Booker
Algorithms for rational thought : an innate-language approach, Paul Davis Bowen
Portuguese emigration to Brazil : the role of the Atlantic Islands, 1530-1780, Gregory Brown
Photoemission studies of crystalline and amorphous Sb₂Se₃, David M. Buczek
Documentation of the one man show of costume designs for Aristophanes' Birds, Merien M. Canale
The use of classically conditioned secondary reinforcement with chronic schizophrenics, Joseph B. Caulfield
The effects of para-chlorophenylalanine on the conditioned emotional response and drinking behavior in the rat, Jerome A. Cerny
Effect of length of time in America on changing eating patterns of Chinese students, Jye-Ping Lee Chiao
Geophysical studies of permafrost in the dry valleys, Clifford Charles Clark
Acceptability of beef and pork prepared by the dry heat method and in a plastic bag using a conventional and an electronic oven, Nancy D. Cole
The cultural context of Irish broadcasting, Farrel John Corcoran