Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Magnesium and manganese ions as protection against X-ray induced dominant lethal mutations in Drosophila Melanogaster, Richard J. King
Positron annihilation in metals and alloys, George S. Komada
The influence of body image on weight loss maintenance, Beila Simon Kunis
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
Metternich's internal policies in historical perspective, 1809-35, Herbert K. Achleitner
Peru's last frontier, G. C.W. Ames
Some base-catalyzed reactions of ?-phthalaldehyde with alkyl and aryl amides, David L. Arendsen
A land use study of Sterling, Illinois, Robert Charles Baither
Contractions of the isolated rat uterus as affected by seminal plasma, Joseph Darwin Bast
Presidential control through appointment: President Kennedy and the National Labor Relations Board, Jeremy E. Baxter
Chromatographic comparison of pteridines in white locus alleles of drosophila melanogaster, Katherine W. Bennett
An inquiry into the Pell equation, x² - Dy² = N, Doreen Joyce Bentsen
Continued fraction expansions for pure quadratic irrationalities, Raymond F. Bentsen
On mathematical form in nature, Elizabeth Catherine Berni
An exploratory study of the influence of selected social factors on smoking behavior, Paul J. Biestek
The privileges and immunities clause of the fourteenth amendment of the Constitution of the United States, James Branson Bishop
The effect of a linear alkylate sulfonate detergent on the reproduction of helisoma trivolvis (Say), Keith Eldon Blackmore
Accelerated rural development : A counter-insurgency program in Northeast Thailand, Edward L. Block
Base-catalyzed condensations of ο-phthalaldehyde and thiourea, Carol A. Brookbank
The environmental factors affecting the habitat preference of the cottontail rabbit (sylvilagus floridanus), Wayne H. Bruckner
Infrafed [sic] photographic analysis of the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition and polyploidy on tobacco ringspot virus infection, Edward Earl Burns
Caffeine and radiation induced mutations in drosophila melanogaster, Margaret Mary Callaghan
Excystation and fine structure of the rabbit coccidium eimeria stiedae, Larry Richard Chappel
The philosophy of Henri Bergson as an answer to certain contradictions found in the work of Friedrich Nietzsche, Judith A. Clark
An analysis of the impact of interest groups upon Mexican development, John G. Conklin
The influence of Jean-Jacques Rousseau on Charles Fourier : two romantic views of human nature, David J. Croft
Wilsonian dollar diplomacy : conflict of interest between the United States and Germany during World War I, George Daugherty
An investigation of the clay mineral suite in a type section of the Jackfork Group, Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas, Carl G. Davis
Synthesis and stereochemical studies of fluoro-trans 1,2 diaminocyclohexane complexes of chromium (III), James M. Dejovine
An investigation of the twentieth century role of the Senate in the appointment of Supreme Court justices, Calvin W. Deur
The controversy over the economics of minimum wage, William A. Dietz
An investigation of the retention of Algebra I that is necessary for the study of tenth year geometry, Gerald H. Dunn
Soil microfungi of a prairie restoration area - study II, Philip G. Eickhoff
The role of the city planner in governmental decision-making : a case study in Rockford, Illinois, Paul M. Eisen
Abundance and distribution of Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd in the Downeys Bluff Limestone, Minerva Mine No. 1, Cave-In-Rock District, Illinois, Donald Ellsworth Englishman
Alumina-catalyzed dehydration of isomeric octadienols, Robert D. Feldt
Introducing electronic digital computers to high school students, John S. Gardner
The effects of state patronage on a local party organization, Joseph L. Gaziano
Kant's theory of the thing in itself in the Critique of Pure Reason, Richard Alfred Glidewell
Earth science field trips for ninth grade students in the area of Mendota, Illinois, Don C. Gooden
Roosting and flocking behavior of the common crow, Thomas L. Goodwin
U.S. v. Seeger--a case study of the judicial process, Tom Graham
The relationship of intolerance of ambiguity and dogmatism to religiosity, age, sex, and religious preference, Albert James Grandpre
The effects of German economic nationalism : the trade offensive in Southeastern Europe, William B. Hauslein
The determinants of negro and white male relative income, David D. Hemley
A quantitative analysis of discrimination of hummocky stagnation moraine from end moraine, James L. Hesler
Dissolved oxygen requirements of the Orangethroat darter (Etheostoma spectabile Agassiz), George William Heth
Independence of the Federal Reserve System, Michael F. Hollendoner
An analysis of the impact of the German historical school upon American economic thought: 1865-1910, Frank James Howard
4,4'-dihydroxy-2,2'-biquinoline : a new copper reagent, William C. Hoyle
Familial problems as expressed by seventh and eighth grade students, Irene Hulick
The study of renomizing movements, Ebenezer T. Jacob
Four examples of Non-Desarguesian planes, Glen A. Johnson
The Illinois Central Railroad strike, 1911-1915, George M. Juretic
An analysis of the locational and economic factors influencing the trading area of six Walgreen drug stores in the Chicago area, Carl L. Kahlfeldt
Kinetics and mechanism of reactions of acetyl and chloroacetyl chlorides with methanol and phenols in acetonitrile, Chang-bae Kim
A study of D-glucose dissimilation by Actinoplanes philippinensis, Ellis Lee Kline
The identification of three accelerator concepts in selected business cycle models, Earl Raymond Knudson
A geographic survey of the cranberry industry in the United States, Lawrence John Kolbrak
The value of teacher-prepared slides in a physical geology unit for the seventh grade, Edward J. Kveton
From invention to monopoly : the history of the consolidation of the barbed wire industry, 1873-1899, Joseph M. McFadden
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
The economic effects of the negative income tax proposal, Roy Andersen
Love and death in Thomas Carew, Patricia Johnson Anderson
"The grand inquisitor legend" and Dostoevsky's concept of man's duality, Richard D. Auman
Progesterone concentration levels in ovarian and uterine tissue of the normal cycling, pregnant, and human chorionic gonadotropin injected rat, Richard J. Baranczuk
The Robinson-Patman anti-price discrimination act : an economic appraisal, William B. Batte
Factors maintaining local two-party competition in a suburban community, David R. Beam
Certain aspects of sexual maturation in the male rat, John C. Berg
A study of the open country churches in DeKalb County of Illinois, Edgar E. Biberdorf
The series Σ 1/N and an application, Donald Bielick
Roger Casement, man and myth, Alan Bingham
In vitro proliferation of eimeria stiedae (Lindemann, 1865) within infected homologous cells in heterologous medium, Lawrence J. Blecka
Computed soil moisture patterns in and around the Prairie Peninsula during the great drought of 1933-34, Wayne A. Britton
Certain effects of a metabolic inhibitor on the seminal vesicle-coagulating gland complex of the rat, Gerald A. Brown
A study of attitudes toward Negroes and Jews in a church related college, Daniel C. Bruch
The effect of adenosine triphosphate on the frequency of radiation-induced crossovers in male drosophila melanogaster, Thomas Rey Burckhalter
Validity of word-count scoring for the Thematic apperception test, Hilmer Jon Carlson
Incidence of chromium and its effect on glucose tolerance, Dorothy Chambers
Heat of formation of μ-peroxo-bis(pentaamminecobalt) tetranitrate by solution calorimetry, Romesh Chander
Comparative studies of protein bands of haemolymph and fat body of the cockroach, Blaberus craniifer (Burmeister), Akbar Ali Cheema
The Federal Child Labor Amendment : movement for ratification in Illinois, 1924-1933, Raymond Albert Cipriano
An analysis of the National Farmers Organization, John Peter Craig
A study of community attitudes toward migrant workers, Michael O. Creighton
The effects of various intensities of prenatal shock administered during different trimesters of pregnancy on the emotionality and avoidance learning ability of rat offspring, James Russell Davis
Conditions for a 3 x 3 magic square and a variation, Richard F. Dempsey
The influence of age on the sensitivity of the Guppy (Lebistes reticulatus), to X-rays, Ronald Charles Dickinson
Some relationships of glaciation to land use in Blackberry and northern Sugar Grove Townships, Kane County, Illinois, Ronald R. Dilamarter
A study of succession on an acid peat bog in Kane County, Illinois, Jon J. Duerr
Equal approximations in the Newton-Raphson method, William L. Duncker
Aspects of binding of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in rat serum proteins, J. Charles Eldridge
A neglected forerunner of Georg Friedrich Knapp : an examination of William A. Berkey, David P. Evans
A study in military unpreparedness : Britain and France and their failure to modernize their armies, James William Evans
Periodic and terminating decimals in different bases, Raymond Joseph Fetzner
A study of the growth/temperature relationships among the actinomycetes, with special reference to thermophilic groups, William Mace Floyd
Evidence for a modified mechanism in the termolecular alcoholysis reactions of acyl halides in aprotic solvents, Fred David Foss
Chronology of air pollution abatement by the Commonwealth Edison Company of Chicago, 1887-1966, Anita E. Gast
A chromatographic analysis of the free and proteinated amino acids of selected strains of Coelastrum microporum Naeg. and C. proboscideum Bohn, James Edward Gates
A coincidence study on the decay of Antimony-124, Marie Diane Gawlik
A statistical study of microfossiles by application of mass data processing and computer techniques, Richard Joseph Giliberto