Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Examining community college faculty attitudes toward open educational resources : a mixed methods study, Denise Cote
The effects of flexible ability grouping on mathematics improvement and self-concepts in the intermediate grades, Sara Curran
From technology teacher to technology integration specialist : preparing for a paradigm shift, Jennifer Lynn Penry Dalrymple
Exploring racial bias within clinical supervisory relationships : the experiences of supervisees of color, Tonya C. Davis
Principal self-efficacy : a qualitative exploration, Will Dwyer
Stereotype threat : a qualitative study of the challenges facing female undergraduate engineering students, J. R. Entsminger II
The figured worlds of high school science teachers : uncovering three-dimensional assessment decisions, Megan Ewald
A study of in-service professional development training of principals for early childhood education in Illinois, Kaneez Fatima
Teacher, parent, and administrator perceptions of social responsibility at the elementary school level, Scott Benjamin Fink
Evaluation process of paraeducators : perspectives from paraeducators and principals, Lynn Glickman
The big picture : the perception of teachers, counselors, and administrators on interdisciplinary instruction, Panagiota Merris Grow
The relationships among collective efficacy factors and achievement in Illinois high schools, Matthew E. Haug
Reader identity development : a multiple case study of adolescent reluctant readers participating in a ninth-grade, free-choice reading intervention class, Michael P. Henry
Illinois's performance evaluation reform act (PERA) and its effect on the dismissal of teachers for unsatisfactory teaching performance : a review of related litigation, Kristin M. Humphries
Physical activity levels, physical activity choices, and social interactions of preschoolers with and without a disability, Seokheon Kang
The relationship between teacher induction and teacher satisfaction, Charles A. Kyle
Implementing social and emotional learning standards in a high school setting : a case study, Kimberly Melton Lechner
High school science teachers' interpretations and perceptions of reform and literacy in the discipline of science, Rachel A. Lesinski-Roscoe
Relationships among principal leadership behaviors, teachers' motivation, and teacher job satisfaction, Thomas C. Lind
Portraits of low-income African-American mothers' involvement in suburban schools, Rachael Loeb Batchu Mahmood
The development of a new comprehensive measure of school climate and associations with school leadership, Christopher J. Maier
An examination of vocabulary acquisition by kindergarten English learners, Judith L. Matuszewski
The impact of the Microsoft Office PowerPoint program on students with medical conditions in a home and hospital program, Vicky McClure
Teaching multiplication facts during physical education : the effects on third-grade student academic development and on teacher perception, William Dale McGuire
Exploration of the lived experiences of chronic pain sufferers : an interpretative phenomenological investigation, Margo Danielle Milano
A utility-value intervention : will it help Hispanic parents to motivate their adolescents in mathematics?, Margaret Molenda-Lesniak
Voices of Latina/o parents : sending a child to college, Karla Neal
The relationship between advanced placement course completion and college readiness, John Novak
Students' attitudes and perceptions about writing : what do they think?, Michelle L. Olson
A multiple case study : gauging the effects of poverty on school readiness amongst preschoolers, Melissa J. Onesto
Core leadership practices or prior classroom teaching experience and their value when hiring building principals, Patti Palagi
Does evaluation affect teacher self-efficacy? : a qualitative investigation into the effects of evaluation on teachers' sense of efficacy, Anthony J. Palmisano
The art of transformational leadership : a study of Sun Tzu's strategic philosophy applied to managing civil service employees, Jesus N. Perez
"Invisible knapsacks" in education : an autoethnography of privilege and power dynamics in higher education, Elyzia Powers
Teachers' strategies for involving parents in the development of their children's literacy skills, Sadia Qamar
Rapport-development practices of outstanding college faculty, Robert A. Remedi
Principals' perceptions of working with suburban elementary students from poverty, Kathryn M. Schafermeyer
A study of first-grade teachers using instructional technology for literacy instruction : the contributing factors, Teresa C. Schneider
An investigation of elementary school principals' self-efficacy beliefs, their goal expectations of student achievement, and their impact on student achievement, Paul D. Schrik Sr.
Education impacts of zero-tolerance expulsions on now-incarcerated individuals, John D. Suarez
Principal motivation in the era of accountability, Matthew Vosberg
The effect of whole-language ICALL programs on student achievement scores, Jeffrey Ware
Exploring the transition experiences of first generation adult learners to undergraduate education : a qualitative case study, Russell D. Wartalski
School librarians' self-efficacy in the multiple literacies : a mixed-methods study, Kristina J. Weber
The effects of postactivation potentiation on subsequent 40-yard sprint performance in 16- to 23-year-old male athletes, Cody James Yates
An examination of parental perceptions of standards-based report cards, Erik Christian Youngman
Octopus moms : the lived experiences of college students who are mothers, Jill Zambito
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Gender differences in attitudes toward online training in Qatar private institutions, Manal Ibrahim Alkarzon
Investigating the determinants of mobile learning acceptance in higher education in Saudi Arabia, Hamed Al-Shahrani
The lived experiences of Bulgarian immigrants in the Chicagoland area : their perceptions of work, Iva Ventzislavova Angelova
21st century assessment : an examination of the relationship among computer-adaptive homework, self-regulation strategies and student scores on computer-adaptive assessment, Darla Bennett-Smailis
A case study examining perceptions of female Saudi university students regarding the use of asynchronous online discussion boards, Hanadi M. Bokhari
I'm licensed. what do I do now? : a qualitative study of the learning journeys of newly licensed real estate agents, Kristine A. Brown
Examining K-8 teachers' perceptions of mandated curriculum change, Sarah Marie Cacciatore
What are we going to do when the yellow bus stops coming? : a historical legal analysis of the transition provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Tanya Leah Carter
Student perceptions of learning strategies in a secondary video production classroom, Jeffrey M. Doles
A qualitative exploration of masculinity among community college males, Marianne Fontes
Domestic violence counselors' supervision experiences : a qualitative inquiry, Ann Friesema
Professional identity of student conduct administrators, Brian M. Glick
Increased personalization through the use of technology in the secondary mathematics classroom, Karla J. Guseman
Developing geospatial thinking and the science practices of investigation and evalutation with geographic information systems, Kelli Hamilton
Impression management and social presence within asynchronous online discussions : a case study, Kimberly M. Harrison
Core competencies and role development of nursing faculty in associate degree programs, Marsha Hawk
Energy expenditure of collegiate golfers in a competitive setting, Kaela May Hierholzer
Elephant on a stepladder : an exploration of pre-service English teacher assessment literacy, Amy M. Howerton
An analysis of the transfer of life skills through sport, Jennifer M. Jacobs
Situating the humanistic paradigm in clinical dental hygiene : empathic understanding, thoughtfulness and tact, and pedagogical influence, Mary B. Jacobs
Why do we need to learn this? : an investigation of the association between science teachers' use of utility value statements and students' immediate and global perceptions of science utility, Stephen Spaulding Kafkas
Validity assessment of biometrics for the first-generation Apple Watch and Microsoft Band during steady-state exercise, William Constantine Kalamaras
Collaboration and critical thinking in an online chemistry environment, Elizabeth Irene Kershisnik
Examining the effect of inquiry-based learning vs. traditional lecture-based learning on critical thinking skills and students' achievement in college algebra, Elaina M. Khasawneh
An examination of the athletic identity, identity foreclosure, and career maturity of Division I collegiate student-athletes in nonrevenue-producing sports, Stacia A. Klasen
Teacher beliefs about factors that influence student dropout, implicit theories of intelligence and self efficacy, Robin Lenart
The influence of building social presence and sense of community in online learning : a meta-analysis on student satisfaction and retention, Martha Lowe-Madkins
In our voices, through our eyes : an oral history of the Illinois school library media association, Mary Romano Marks
Jumping in the snow : an exploration of early childhood educator career commitment, Tara Mathien
Moving beyond personal responsibility : a critical discourse analysis of digital citizenship curricula, Kristen Mattison
An activity theoretical perspective on inter-organizational collaboration in instructional technology development and implementation, Robin Angela Medley
Learning and leading : transformational learning experiences among college student peer leaders, Alexander R. Miller
Parent education and involvement program as a support for Hispanic immigrant preschool parents, Luilia E. Palermo
A case study exploring Saudi special education teachers' perceptions toward the use of mobile technology for teaching purposes, Adel Ibrahim Qahmash