Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Relationship of Transformative Learning Experiences on Multicultural Competency and Multicultural Self-Efficacy in Counselors in Training, Kristina Leigh Wilkerson
Wellness in asexual-Identified individuals: The Impact of Social Support and Microaggressions, Elisa Marie Woodruff
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Factors supporting faculty's intention to use online video sharing platforms in the classroom environment, Abdullah Albalawi
Factors Supporting Faculty’s intention to Use online Video Sharing Platforms in the Classroom Environment, Abdullah Eid Albalawi
The relationship between learners' motivation, gender, and completion of MOOCs in Saudi Arabia, Farraj Ali Alshehri
Factors related to employees' behavioral intention to use online professional development, Yousef Alshrari
Factors Related to Employees’ Behavioral intention to Use online Professional Development, Yousef Saud Alshrari
Examining faculty barriers with simulation and successful student learning outcomes, Alissa Althoff
The impact of text messaging on students' academic achievement in an online computing course, Selom Assignon
The Impact of Text Messaging on Students’ Academic Achievement in an online Computing Course, Selom Assignon
Effective school leaders and student achievement : an examination of 265 schools in Northern Illinois, Jason Bednar
The effects of acute caffeine ingestion on repeated-sprint performance in college-aged non-athletes, Michael D. Belbis
“I’m Not a Traditional Teacher Anymore”: Ecuadoran Teacher Perspectives Regarding a US Professional Development Program, Gail Cappaert
"I'm not a traditional teacher anymore" : Ecuadoran teacher perspectives regarding a US professional development program, Gail Boone Cappaert
Gender differences in perceived barriers of aspiring superintendents, Maureen Cassidy
Learning in an environmental social movement : walking and learning with the poor, Eliezer Colon-Rivera
The impact of human-provided external instruction on learning with an interactive learning technology, Elizabeth O. Davis
Special education teacher preparation programs and their influence on self-efficacy, Mary B. Davis
The United States Virgin Islands cultural perspectives and education : a qualitative study, Vanessa Suzanne Doran
It's a dangerous world in there : leadership methods and actions of school administrators during emergency situations and times of crisis, James J. Drake
It's A Dangerous World in There: Leadership Methods and Actions of School Administrators During Emergency Situations and Times of Crisis, James J. Drake
The connection between principal leadership behavior and school climate, Raymond H. Epperson
The Connection Between Principal Leadership Behavior and School Climate, Raymond H. Epperson
Examination of task-based language learning methods on high school students' oral proficiency in French as a foreign language, Emily Erickson-Betz
Title IX of the Education amendments of 1972 and its impact on interscholastic athletics : a review of related litigation, Rebecca P. FitzPatrick
Embracing success : the experiences of first-genration students in a freshman learning community, Charnell Gilbert-Thomas
The validity of point-of-care glucometers referenced against the YSI 2300 Stat Plus during aerobic activity and an oral glucose tolerance test, Davoncie Granderson
Multicultural inclusion : a phenomenological study of men of color who are professional counselors, Kimberly A. Hart
Exploring the role of urban early career teachers' perceptions of social elements of the school context and their feelings of teacher efficacy, Kristine Anne Herrell
The schoolhouse gate in the digital age : examining the first amendment when student electronic speech targets school employees, Jessica Herrmann
Eastern European immigrants' advancement into U.S. nursing practice, Dubravca Iordan
Motivational factors in an online professional development environment : a study of faculty's intention to teach online courses at King Khalid University, Naif Mohammed Jabli
Middle school teachers' use of iPads to support disciplinary literacy practice in the social studies classroom, Lisa Janezic
Exploring high school teachers' perceptions of facilitating conditions prior to the implementation of a 1:1 learning environment, Ellen Kathleen Lawrence
Exploring High School Teachers’ Perceptions of Facilitating Conditions Prior to The Implementation of A 1:1 Learning Environment, Ellen Kathleen Lawrence
Language learning in the virtual wild : the influence of emotions on learning another language in informal virtual environments, Iwona Barbara Lech
Language Learning in The Virtual Wild: The influence of Emotions on Learning Another Language in informal Virtual Environments, Iwona Barbara Lech
Creative and expressive arts in practicum supervision : perceptions and experiences of counselor educators, Oksoon Lee
Fight, flight, barter, or collaborate : kindergarten teachers' perspectives of implementing the common core state standards, Sarah Machamer
Adoption of plagiarism detection software by college faculty, Patricia Meyer
Adoption of Plagiarism Detection Software by College Faculty, Patricia Meyer
Exploring African American students' perceptions of belonging at an urban community college in the Western United States, SyLinda Nicole Gordon Musaindapo
Exploring African American Students’ Perceptions of Belonging at An Urban Community College in The Western United States, Sylinda Nicole Gordon Musaindapo
Exploring The Role Purpose-Related Experiences Can Play in Supporting interest Development in Stem, Neil J. Naftzger
Exploring the role purpose-related experiences can play in supporting interest development in STEM, Neil J. Naftzger
College major choice : exploring the perspectives of expectancy and value placed on stem fields by female high school students, Diane O'Connell
Here comes the monkey! : best practices for using student test scores as part of the teacher evaluation process based on an analysis of legislation and litigation in early-adopting Race to the top states, Julie Dausey Oziemkowski
Examination of the Relationship Between Classism and Career Agency, Lucy Charlene Parker
Examination of the relationship between classism and career agency, Lucy Charlene Parker
An exploration of gifted adolescent motivation in academic learning experiences, Vicki A. Phelps
An Exploration of Gifted Adolescent Motivation in Academic Learning Experiences, Vicki Ann Phelps
High school students' experiences with social studies inquiry and technology in two history classrooms, Aaron Phillips
Student financial aid processes and borrowing perspectives, Carol Pierson Milhous
Student Financial Aid Processes and Borrowing Perspectives, Carol Pierson Milhous
Implementation of Systems-Level Learning in a Community College Mechatronics Program, Margie N. Porter
Implementation of systems-level learning pedagogy in a community college mechatronics program, Margie N. Porter
Investigating the link between a middle-level geography professional learning community and classroom practice, Hazel Ellie Reitz
Development of persistence among Uruguayan adult students, Aldo Rodriguez
Grit as a predictor of success and persistence for community college students, Kathryn A. Rogalski
Determinants related to faculty members' intention to use webinars for professional development purposes, Ali Mohammed Saghir
Determinants Related to Faculty Members’ intention to Use Webinars For Professional Development Purposes, Ali Mohammed Saghir
Leadership and humor styles in continuing education administrators, Emmanuel Sarris
Leadership and Humor Styles in Continuing Education Administrators, Emmanuel Sarris
Developing collective teacher efficacy through job-embedded professional development in elementary teachers, Michele Schluntz
Exploring the lived experiences of international doctoral candidates and graduates of counselor education and supervision programs, the United States of America, Mastewal Mekonnen Seyeneh
Impacts of different forms of teacher feedback on student mindset beliefs and goal orientation, Matrisa Ann Shadley
The evaluation of school principals and its effects on transformational leadership, Christopher R. Silagi
K-12 public school teacher free speech : the impact of Garcetti v. Ceballos on First Amendment protections, Erin M. Slater
K-12 Public School Teacher Free Speech: The Impact of Garcetti v. Ceballos on First Amendment Protections, Erin M. Slater
Literacy Coaching For Disciplinary Literacy instruction: An Exploration of A Partnership at The Secondary Level, Kathy Jo Smith
A bibliometric analysis of introductory public speaking textbooks in higher education, Richard E. Soller
How we gatekeep online : a grounded theory study, Stephannee R. Standefer
English language investment : a qualitative study on transitioning adult language learners to postsecondary and career certificate programs, Colleen Collins Stribling
English Language investment: A Qualitative Study on Transitioning Adult Language Learners to Postsecondary and Career Certificate Programs, Colleen Collins Stribling
Validity of whole and regional body composition testing devices, Rachel Tauber
Exploring factors related to acceptance of 1:1 devices among high school students, Victoria Therriault
Exploring Factors Related to Acceptance of 1:1 Devices Among High School Students, Victoria Therriault
A study of the factors influencing algebraic problem solving by individuals with visual impairments, Sean Richards Tikkun
The association between local public school board member beliefs and behaviors and student academic achievement, Brenda D. Vishanoff
Exploring the clinical supervision experiences of school counselors : perceptions of counseling skills and professional identity, Vincent J. Walsh-Rock
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Examining gender differences toward the adoption of online learning and predicting the readiness of faculty members in a Middle-Eastern recently established public university, Mohammed Mansour Abahussain
Parents' perspectives about inclusive education for their children with autism, Rahma Abbasi
Connections between principal leadership orientations and the implementation of professional learning communities, William J. Ady
Acceptance of integration of mobile technology in the higher education environment : instructors' perception, Shawnice L. Avilez
Exploring the evolving professional identity of novice school counselors, Olamojiba Omolara Bamgbose
Social presence in an online cohort, Marlo Barnett-Allen
Levels of exit slip feedback in secondary mathematics, Mitch Berenson
Assessing the effectiveness of a training program designed to increase participants' self-efficacy for promoting positive youth development through sports in a developing nation, Lucia Cabrera Gadea
The reciprocal relationship between text literacy and music literacy among beginning band students, David Lawson Carroll
A retrospective study on rampage school shootings : considerations for school-based threat assessment teams, Seth H. Chapman
The effects of utilizing simulation to promote content knowledge acquisition and problem-solving skills in a STEM classroom, Jui-Ling Chiang