Theses/Dissertations from 1958
An appraisal of the public educational system of Norway, Della N. Joneson
An analysis of bookkeeping teaching aids : a study of teaching aids by bookkeeping teachers, William Wayne Kahle
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
Business education problems in Hampshire High School, Robert Charles Beals
The geology of the Lorado Taft Field Campus and vicinity, Kenneth Lester Bowden
Guiding under-achievers in the problem-solving phase of arithmetic in the sixth grade, Albert H. Boysen
The correlations of algebra success with mental ability and attitude towards mathematics, Dorothy M. Chadwick
Teaching ball skills in the elementary grades, Catherine D'Amore
A study to determine the type and effectiveness of motivational devices in high school business law courses, Ralph John Fiala
A curriculum on elementary school mathematics for kindergarten through grade eight, John F. Gross
An evaluation of the SRA Reading Laboratory as reading material for ninth grade children possessing learning deficiencies, Mary Weinberg Hohe
Aphra Behn : a critical study, Irma Grace Howell
A report on the business education offerings of the public high schools of DuPage County, Illinois, Roger B. Johnson
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
A philosophic consideration and justification of the unique functions of the democratic educational leader, John J. Barder
Selected personality factors which influence success in retail selling, William Andrew Creamean
Theses/Dissertations from 1955
The use of American literature in the teaching of American history, Robert Gilhart Keller
Theses/Dissertations from 1954
Elgin's junior high school social studies program : a transition toward a core, Wayne E. Block
The value of directed reading for personal-social adjustment on the ninth grade level, Mary Louise Brinkmann
Foundations of National Socialist Government, Basil Kakavas
Theses/Dissertations from 1953
Psychological adjustment of war-blinded veterans, George H. Acker
Recognizing and using the clique to solve social problems among adolescent pupils, John E. Albright
Ecological factors and vegetational analysis of the trees of the Lorado Taft Field Campus, J. D. Barton
Proposed judicial reform in Illinois, William S. Calder
The Henrician revolt : the role of Henry VIII in the English revolt from papal authority, 1529-1539, Bernard J. Carter
The Spanish intrigues in Franklin and Kentucky, 1787-1788, Ward F. Chick
The embittered misalliance : a study of the relationship between Alexander Pope and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Corinne Johnson
A criticism of the treatment by modern physics textbooks of mass-energy equivalence in special relativity : by Robert C. Krabel, Robert C. Krabel
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
Plant hormone concepts and hormone experiments for the high school level, Alfred Anthony Buoscio
Recognizing the gifted child and his need for guidance, Russell L. Cossart
The American civil war : "fatal blunder" or "fatal image"?, Francis Dombrowski
Implications of children's interests, Helen Gundry