Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Evidence-Based Decision Making in Elementary Schools: A Case Study of How Districts Make Decisions When Implementing Foreign Language Programs, Danielle Elizabeth Moran
“if I Had Felt Comfortable Or Accepted, I Would Have Made More Progress”: A Phenomenological investigation into The Experiences of Lgbtq+ Persons in Clinical Professional Counseling, Valerie Moreno-Tucker
How Principals influence, Facilitate, and Support instructional Coaching Programs, Nadine Y. Norris
A Narrative inquiry on The Leadership of Latina Women Practitioners in Community Colleges, Cynthia Padilla-Gaytan
First-Generation College Students Experiences in Master's Counseling Programs Using Social Cognitive Career Theory Framework, Sandra Mary Bednarz Petersen
Connecting School Finance Policy with Practice: A Site-Based Expenditure Report Study, Julia Chapdelaine Pontarelli
A Measure of Psychological Needs For Higher Education Students: A Validation Study, Elyzia Edward Powers
Exploratory Study of Practicum Counselor Strategies of Connection and Disconnection, Ashley S. Roberts
Case Study of Elementary Teacher Perceptions Regarding Technology integration in The Writing Curriculum, Dana Marie Robinson
Eat Glass and Walk on Fire, While Managing A Pandemic: A Narrative Study of African American Women Who Serve as Chief Housing officers, Valronica Marie Scales
“There Was Me Before Prp, and Then There Was Me After I Participated in Prp”: A Mixed-Methods Program Evaluation of A Pharmacy Summer Pipeline Program, Cynthia Schaefer
Retaining Los Maestros: Exploring The Working Relationship and Role of Principal in Support of Latinx Teachers, Arturo Senteno
Perceptions of Oppression, Emancipation, Empathy, and Participation in the Workforce, Matthew Smith
A Principal's PLC: Supporting the Development of Professional Learning Communities Through the Lens of a School Leader, Allison Beth Stein
African American Males of Men of Vision: A Case Study of Self-Efficacy, A Sense of Belonging, and Their Perception of Community College, Jorge Theotis Tennin
Formal Teacher Evaluation and Self-Determination Theory: The Role of the Principal, Christine Trendel
“Not a Typical Adjunct”: Qualitative Case Studies of Adjuncts Serving A Teacher Preparation Program, Rachel Lee Warren
Administrator Knowledge of The First Amendment Rights in A School and How to Improve Legal Literacy Through Self-Efficacy, Stuart E. Wrzesinski
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Medical Cannabis and Counselor Education: Examining the Relationship Between Counselor Education Curriculum and the incorporation of Medical Cannabis, Anne Catherine Adrian
Factors influencing Faculty Members’ Behavioral intentions to Use Flipped Classrooms in Saudi Arabia at Taif University, Abier Jaber Akiry
Relationship Between Student Personality Traits and Continuance intention to Use Massive Open online Courses (MOOCs), Rakez Mahmoud Al-Ararah
Comparing Students’ Academic Achievement and attitudes in Undergraduate Flipped and Non-Flipped Classrooms: A Mixed-Methods Study, Rabab Alareifi
Examining Teachers' Use of Adaptive Diagnostic Assessment to Improve Mathematics Teaching and Learning, Dalal H. Alfageh
Using Community of inquiry to Examine the Effect of Station Rotation Strategy in Elementary Mathematics, Ahmad Alshahrani
Investigating the Determinants of Mobile Computer Acceptance by Special Education Teachers, Rashed Alsulami
International Graduate Students’ interactions with their Writing Tutors and the Role of Writing Center in their Academic Experiences, Chynar Amanova
Collective Teacher Efficacy and its Enabling Conditions: Measurement and Associations, Christine Marie Anderson
Exploration of Principals’ Leadership Qualities and their associations with a School Learning Environment and School Outcomes, Gultekin John Aytekin
How College and University Women Navigate Rape Culture and Fear of Sexual assault on Campus: A Phenomenological Study, Robert Babcock
Cultivating a Stem investigation: Reading and Task Expectations for introductory Biology Courses, Tina M. Ballard
The Effect of Priming Metacognition and Critical Thinking on Dispelling Psychological Misconceptions, Marissa Renee Bamberger
Widening the Pathway to a Degree: The Impact of Accepting Credit for Prior Learning at a Community College, Jessica Berek
"Sup Bro": Constructions and Perceptions of Masculinity and Gender Identity Among Division III Student-Athlete Men, Mark Carbonara
Secret Literate Lives: Rural Adolescent Title I Reading Students, Zoe A. Cassady
Lived Experiences of Counselor Educators During their Supervisory Relationship with International Counselors in Training, Vera Lucia Chimbanda
A Quantitative Study of Community College Student Re-Enrollment Choices and Outcomes After a D/F/W in an Online Class, Patricia Lee Clark
Their Lessons: inspiring Stories of Ten Retired African American Volunteers Serving the Augusta, Georgia, Community, Gwendolyn Bentley Clayborne
Enrolling and Matriculatiing Adult Learners at A Public Community College in Illinois, Christina J. Coclanis-Loding
Imprecise Words: A Critical Discourse Analysis of institutional Statements Addressing Anti-Black Racism in 2020, Shedrick Wayne Daniels III
Avoiding "Oh my God" Experiences: How White Female Developmental Literacy instructors (Dis)Engage Race in their instructional Decision Making, Alison Michelle Douglas
Black Women and Identity Development: Educational Experiences of Black Women and Their Motivation to Persist, Anne Marie Edwards
Special Education Administrators' Understanding and influences on Least Restrictive Environment within The Seventh Circuit Court System, Tiffany Amber Frey
Exploring Superivsion, Efficacy Beliefs, and The Supervisory Working Alliance When Counselors-in-Training Work with Lgbtgeqiap+ Clients, Sandra Gene Gavin
Virtual Group Advising: Engaging in Alternative Advising Strategies to Support Students Amid A Global Pandemic, Bethany Geiseman
A New Frontier: The Transformative Essence of F-1 international Students at Suburban Community Colleges in The American Midwest, Gregory Michael Gordon
Knowledge to Support Reading and Writing Among Teachers of Students Who Are Blind Or Visually Impaired, Nosheen Gul
What Does The Staff Say?: Front-Line Staff Perceptions of Their Role in Student Success, Lee A. Helbert
Using Logistic Regression to Examine The Relationship Between Early Alert Systems and Success in Mathematics, Jennifer-Anne Tekawitha Hill
The Balance of online Learning: A Qualitative Case Study Exploring online Students’ Decision Making and Experiences, Jessica Ashley Hill-Jones
Undocumented Community College Students: The Impact of Strategic Enrollment Management Frontline Staff in Level of Undocufriendliness, Melisa Erica Jimenez
The Effect of Digital Game-Based Learning on Students' Motivation in Math Classes, Rania Abdulkareem Kokandy
Legal Literacy: A Survey of Research, Legal Content within Educator Preparation Programs and Improvement Through The Development of Professional Learning, Susan A. Kondrat
Closing The Opportunity Gap in The Advanced Placement Program, Julie H. Lam
Oh, You're the one That's Keeping Us Open: Senior Student Affairs officers' Crisis Leadership and Decision Making in Response to COVID-19, Michael R. Lango
Sociodemographic factors influencing choice of career training program: An analysis of Washington State technical colleges, Scott J. Latiolais
An investigation into The Legal Literacy of Educators: A Professional Development Approach, Ariana L. Leonard
Effect of Academic Advisor interventions on Course Completion After An Alert Raised By Faculty, Misty L. Lyon
Spiritual Leadership in Early intervention Practice, Jo Lynn Mccray
The Co-Requisite Model: A Quantitative Analysis of Its Relationship with Gateway English Course Success, Anita Moore-Bohannon
The Use of Technology in Bilingual Elementary Settings to involve Hispanic Families, José Antonio Moya Roda
Reflections From Gifted Students: A Qualitative Study Examining Social-Emotional Development in Relation to Social Justice-Oriented Citizenship, Margo A. Nauert
A Qualitative Evaluation of a Pre-College Summer Program: The Research Apprentice Program, Stanford B. Oglesby III
To Note or Not to Note: Students' Conceptualizations of Note Taking During Academic Reading in a Developmental Reading Course, Margaret J. O'kerns
An investigation into The Legal Literacy of Educators: A Professional Development Approach, Gina Louis Pogue Reeder
Educators and The Law: A Survey of Research, Training Programs, and The Development of An Approach to increase Legal Literacy, Teresa K. Polson
Seeds of Knowledge: integration of A Garden-Based Science Curriculum at Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School, A Youth Connection Charter School, Nancy Therese Prange
“They Just Think No one Struggles Here”: A Qualitative Case Study on The Experiences of Students with Food insecurity at A Small, Liberal Arts College in The Midwestern United States, Rachel Costello Pridgen
Why Older Adults Do Not Engage in Formal and Nonformal Educational Programs, George Psaras
The Student Experience with Success Coaching as a Retention initiative, Lisa Richardson
Legal Literacy of Educators: The Implications and Critical Next Steps in A Litigious Society, Tricia L. Rollerson
The Effects of Mini-Lectures on Students’ Academic Achievement in an Adaptive e-Learning Environment: A Mixed-Methods Case Study, Antonella Scarpiello
Advising Matters: An Exploration of Trio Students’ Experiences with Advising, Kari Schimmel
The Impact of An Immersive Virtual Reality Learning Environment with Computer-Aided Design and Three-Dimensional Modeling Through Stem Middle-School Education Programming, Danielle Eve Schneider
Ascension to The Presidency: A Narrative inquiry of African American Women, Konya Monique Sledge
Grief Experiences of Counselors: A Photovoice Exploration and interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Paige S. Spangler
That Push Helps: A Qualitative Case Study Exploring Students' Responses to Receiving an Early Alert, Eric Tammes
The Relationship Between Academic Coaching and Student Retention For Community College Students Enrolled in Developmental Education Courses, Tanya Woltmann
Community College Full-Time Faculty Members’ Perceptions of Course Grading, April C. Zawlocki
Assessing Faculty Perceptions of a Guided Pathways Model, Lesley Lynn Zimmerman-Cooper
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
K-6 Saudi Arabian Teachers' Implementation of Electronic Textbooks: Factors Associated with Behavioral intention, Hamed Alghamdi
An Analysis of online Faculty Training Practices in the Illinois Community College System, Melissa Andrews
Case Study Examining Foreign Language Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (tpack) in Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills in Virtual Worlds, Rahmi Hartati Aoyama
A Phenomenological Examination of Womanist Leadership in an Urban Community College, Cynthia Denise Armster
How Adult Learners Participate in Collaborative Learning within a University Environment, Dennis Keechul Awen
Unraveling a Lifetime of Racism and Sexism: An Autoethnography of the Educational Journey from Kindergarten to Doctoral Education for an African American Woman, Sandy Lee Barney-Inniss
Identifying Barriers Faced by Adult Learners in General Educational Development Programs, Matthew Patrick Beasland
A Qualitative Study: Black Male College Students’ Perceptions of Campus Law Enforcement officers on a College Campus, Junelle M. Bennett
Alumni Perceptions of Trio Student Support Services' Contribution to their Success, Shatoya S. Black
Personal Epistemological Beliefs and Teaching Practices: A Case Study of Three High School History Teachers, Monica Boehle
It’s a Family Affair: Exploring the Needs of Families in Supporting Trio Upward Bound Students, Tashena Denise Briggs
The Efficacy of Educational Robotics in an Integrated Stem Elementary Curriculum, Colleen Marie Cannon-Ruffo
The Fog of Blackacre: Exploring Depression, Anxiety, and Stress of the American Law Student, Amanda Carey
High-Impact Practices Support Second-Year Students' Academic Success, Engagement and Persistence, Melissa M. Cavazos-Eichelberger