Theses/Dissertations from 2014
High school teachers' disciplinary literacy knowledge : a mixed-method study, Paula Di Domenico
When push comes to shove : an equity analysis of a uniform tax rate and equalized assessed valuation in Illinois, Susan L. Farrell
Cinematic representations of female teachers : a narratological analysis of mise-en-scene in recent Hollywood films, Laura A. Gilbert
"I feel young, I feel alive, I am discovering a new world" : life transitions and identity construction of adult English-language learners, Renata Gutowska
Converging play therapists' voices : facilitating parental involvement in child therapy process, Mi-Hee Jeon
Distance learning : adult learners and computer-mediated communication, Shari J. Lendy
The effect of a mentoring intervention on the teaching self-efficacy of pre-service special education teacher candidates, Mary M. Lombardo-Graves
Becoming who we are : informal learning and identity formation among the Garinagu of Western Belize, Harold Anthony Lopez
Examining teacher self-efficacy about best practices in science during a professional development series, Jessica L. Menez
Outside university walls : Alexandra David-Neel's influence in developing the field of Buddhist studies, Mary Michele
The games men play : how community college men use video games to construct masculinity, Eric J. Niemi
An examination of impact fees in growing school systems, Ronald V. Pacheco
Assessing social and emotional skill development in early elementary students, David K. Rongey
Integrating spirituality and religion with counselors-in-training in practicum : a look at competence and comfort level, Nikki Renee Ruffin
Science fairs and Science Olympiad : influence on student science inquiry learning and attitudes toward STEM careers and coursework, Kathleen M. Schmidt
Examination of middle school students' perceptions of including democratic practices in an environmental service-learning project, Eileen Anne Stocco
Assessing social problem solving and frustration tolerance in early elementary students, Catherine G. Wang
Exploring faculty beliefs regarding teaching African American freshmen to interpret social cues at a minority-serving institution, Concetta A. Williams
Destructive leader behavior : assessing public school leader behaviors and workplace attitudes, Daniel Scott Woestman
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The Relationship Between Community College Student Engagement and Student Usage of Online Social Networking, Douglas Olson
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Online case studies and critical thinking in nursing, Sharon M. Abbate
A study of the implementation of an information system in a college of education, Syed Abedi
The significance of the instructional medium : a phenomenological analysis and interpretation, Christopher T. Adamsick
The effects of a career counseling intervention on career related self-efficacy of South Asian immigrant women in the United States, Naveeda Athar
A historical investigation on the establishment and development of higher education in Jordan, Marzoq F. Bataeineh
Identifying characteristics of nurse educators in academe, Georgine Menton Berent
Experiences affecting academic success for African Americans in a predominantly white community college, Robert A. Berry
Moving to a new requirement : how are career and technical education teachers holding provisional certificates perceiving new policies?, Patrice C. Boyles
Urban African-American students: What is the effect of advisory participation in the adolescent years—grades 8–9?, Joyce V. Brown
Web-enhanced teaching among post secondary faculty : levels of adoption and teaching beliefs, H. Jean Bryan
Measuring the effect of feedback on the technical trainer's assessment-development competency, Mark Michael Burke
The effects of a paired reading intervention on the reading fluency of second graders, Cynthia L. Drumheller
A study of the principalship : performance indicators of leadership standards and the work of principals, Peter William Hannigan
An analysis of vocabulary and comprehension knowledge growth of first-grade English-language learners using an instructional package, Susan R. Hinrichs
The development of an instrument to assess the usability of courseware, Louvenia D. Hollins
Student involvement, experiences, and perceptions in study abroad programs, Tammy Lynn Holmes
Examining the hidden curriculum in water safety education for African Americans, Gail H. Ito
Strategic business planning and human capital staffing, Christina A. Kamer
Partitioning: A grounded theory investigation of instructor mathematics philosophy shaping community college mathematics courses, M. Joanne Kantner
Novice teachers and knowledge acquisition : reminiscent reflections of experienced teachers, Kyoung-Ae Kim
Is there a schoolhouse gate in cyberspace? : the extent of public school officials' authority over student cyberspeech, Steven Douglas Koch
Characteristic beliefs of K-12 teachers that influence their decision to implement GIS into classroom practice, Aryliss Lee Lisner
Business executives' perceptions of ethical leadership and its development : implications for higher education and human resource development, Catherine Marsh
The effects of computer animation in the design of instructional messages, Yue Ma
The role of student support services programs in motivating students to persist in postsecondary institutions, Jonathan McKenzie
Perceived benefit of new teacher induction programs by Illinois teachers, Donn Mendoza
Disciplinary knowledge, intertextuality, and developmental readers : a study of community college students, Mary Claire Newman
An analysis of the problem-solving experience of students in an online problem-based learning environment, Nancy L. Oldenburg
Learning organization attributes and organizational performance : is there a relationship in church congregations?, James Gerald Panosh
Voices of faculty members in the community college: A grounded theory study on hybrid course development and delivery, Joanne M. Parke
Creating social presence through online discussion forums, Ardelle Pate
Diffusion of innovation: A case study of course management system adoption, Phillip Powell
The perceptions of newly certified athletic trainers regarding transfer of learning into the workplace, Sarah Lynn Radtke
Teachers' educational technology practices : understanding teachers' critical thinking skills and teachers' cognitive demand practices in the classroom, Ximena D. Recalde
Standards and technology integration among beginning K-8 teachers, Wynter J. Rose
Educational contexts perceived to influence effective teaching practices, Kristine A. Schach
The impact of a face-to-face orientation and sociocultural factors on student retention in a community college distance learning course, Darrylinn D. Todd
Data-driven problem solving and students' critical thinking in a problem-based learning environment, Ming-Huey Tseng
Negotiating the senior project : epistemology and expectations, Linda E. Urman
An analysis of the levels of moral decision making of public elementary school principals, Charles J. Vitton
Hearing the voices : African American nutrition educators, Jill H. White
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
The effects of using different types of multimedia presentations on Thai seventh-grade learners' understanding of a social studies text, Rosarin Adulseranee
Faculty attitudes and perceptions concerning the use of course management systems in higher education, Muhannad Anwar Al-Shboul
"Minimalist" administration : an innovative administration model utilized by a film institute in Arizona, Jane Campa Alvarez
A study of two technology-enriched inclusion classrooms that promote learning for students with learning disabilities, Sylvia Elisabeth Asplund
Levels of thinking in individual vs. group problem-based asynchronous online learning environments, Mary Ellen Aydam
The impact of a tailored lesson introduction on learners' motivation and cognitive performance, Jennifer Rebecca Banas
A phenomenological study of superintendents of high-performing, high-poverty school districts as servant leaders, Robert G. Bohanek
Subcutaneous : the life experience of African American transsexual college students, Darnell J. Bradley
Ethical epiphanies of an instructional technologist : an autobiography, Bernard Dean Bull
A study of faculty attitudes, perceptions, resistance, and expectations toward teaching Web-based learning courses in higher education, Constance Cooper
Using metaphor in designing training activities to support large-scale organizational change efforts : a case study, Susan L. Dodt
The improvisational theater art form in theory and practice : a phenomenological study into the cognitive and affective dimensions of undergraduate students' education and learning, Max Broderick Elsey
The role of motivational and attitudinal variables in second language acquisition, Ricardo Espinosa de los Monteros
The process of becoming : a grounded theory study of Hispanic nursing student success, Carla R. Goetz
An Interpretive analysis of selected peace education activists with implications for adult education, Hsiu-Chu Hsu
Military retirement transition as learning, James E. Hunt
Use of an advance organizer in the ill-structured problem domain of information seeking : a comparative case study, Terry Lillian Huttenlock
Influences on career decisions of international students attending community colleges in the United States, Patricia L. Jachowicz
The role of resiliency in the journey from welfare to self-sufficiency for former welfare recipients : a quantitative study :, Pamela D. Jackson-Smith
Faculty perceptions of teaching and learning in adult accelerated courses, Carrie Johnson
Gay and lesbian school administrators : negotiating personal and professional identities and professional roles and responsibilities within heteronormative organizations, Sophia Jones-Redmond
Directors of Pupil Personnel Services' perceptions of student needs, program resources, and service effectiveness for at-risk high school students, Craig Davis Lehigh
I think I might be in over my head : a study of counselor ethical decision-making patterns in boundaries of competence concern situations, Linda Leitch-Alford
How classroom teachers conceptualize continuing professional development : emergence of a practice-based participation model, Joan McCollom
Perceptions of the meaning of dance choreography by contemporary African-American dancers, choreographers and educators, Debra J. Nelson
Positive Psychology : Implications for leadership development, Lynne Panega
Identification of play therapy strategies that are used with Latino children, Daphne N. Pradilla
A grounded theory investigation of change leadership during turbulent times, Tess Reinhard
School leadership and happiness, Sandy Renehan
The transmission of knowledge : perspectives on the change from traditional to modern settings in Papua New Guinea, Bruce I. Renich
Toward a code of ethics : an inquiry into the ethical constructs valued by selected superintendents, Lauren Dale Rentfro
An examination of the perceived influences on the practices of beginning classroom reading teachers, Patricia Lynne Rieman
High school staff development design and implementation : a case study of a cross-curricular writing initiative, Matthew A. Ruckoldt