Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Motivating High School Students in a Blended Physical Education Learning Environment: A Self-Determination Theory Analysis, Soyini Chism
The influence of Student Discipline Practices on Students, School Climate and Culture, Matthew J. Clark
Connecting Evidence Use and Practice in K-12 Education: Discovering and Planning for Research Practice Partnerships, Amy Jo Clemens
The Acculturation Experience of College of Lake County’s International Students, Jacob Cushing
Perceptions on Teacher and Collective Efficacy While Platooning over an Academic Year: A Case Study of Three Elementary Educators, Alison Kay Ducharm
Post-Traditional Student Perceptions of Academic Advising in Community Colleges, Lindsay Rae Eickhorst
The Effects of in-Season Training Changes on Body Composition in Division I Collegiate Football Players, Kayla Emory
Experiences of Southeast Asians at a Community College in The Midwest, Emmanuel Canlas Esperanza Jr.
They Decided to Graduate: A Study of Collegiate African American Men’s Transformational Experiences in College and Beyond, Kathy Marie Freeman
Social Change Leadership Development associated with Black Greek Letter Organizations (BGLO): Determining How The Divine Nine BGLOs Develop Social Change Leaders, Jason Reco Goode
Hearing Their Voices: The Educational Experiences and Journey of Latina Doctoral Graduates, Mary Ann Guillen
Kishwaukee College Alumni: Donating Behavior to Their Alma Mater, Kayte Marie Hamel
Temporal Contiguity and Verbal Redundancy in online instruction: Examining Boundary Conditions for Multimedia Learning, Hal Hinderliter
Open Doors and Closed Communities: Creating Community Colleges in White Flight towns, Kristy Wittman Howell
How Secondary English Language Arts Teachers Determine, Select, and Plan Using Complex Text, April Hughes
Free Ain’t Really Free: A Critical Ethnographical Exploration of The Experiences of Queer People of Color in Postsecondary Education, Antoinette Ebony Jones
S.I.S. (suffering in Silence): The influence of Educational attainment on Black Women’s Health, Quiana Chakeena Jones
Remodeled Classrooms: Experiential Learning and Its Impact, Mindy Kinnaman
integrating Quality Improvement Concepts into Nursing Curriculum: Perspectives of associate Degree Nurse Faculty, Debbie Krachtus
Case Study: Examining Perceptions of Students with Low Vision in online Courses, Asma Fuad Marghalani
Transitional Math in Illinois: A Quantitative Study on Eligible and Enrolled Students, Whitney Lynn Martino
Association of Various Physiological and Fitness Markers to Body Fat Percentage in Physically inactive Adults, Anthony Mckee
Women Obtaining the Superintendency: An Examination of internal and External Barriers That influence a Woman's Career Trajectory, Jodi J. Megerle
Examination of Practices Used By AP Computer Science Teachers with Higher Than Average Female Enrollment, Derek J. Miller
Phenomenological Exploration of School Social Workers' Perceptions of Grade Retention, Veda Newman
Faculty Supporting Community College Students' Academic Success, Personal Development and Social Adjustment: Perspectives of First-Generation African American Men Students, Natalie Renee Page
Exploring The Cultural and Structural Barriers Justice-involved individuals of Color Encounter in Urban Community Colleges, Eddie J. Phillips, Jr.
College Student Confidence in Career Readiness Competencies, April Pickett
College Leadership Opportunities' Impact on Life During and After College, Mark Anthony Pietrowski Jr.
The Second Prong of The Tinker Test: A Constitutional Right to Not Be offended?, Jonathan Pilkington
Wellness and Self-Care of Counselor Education and Supervision Doctoral Students, Andrew Michael Plath
Principals’ Legal Literacy About Tenured-Teacher Evaluation in Illinois, Elizabeth Pohlmann
Professional Development of in-Service Teachers Utilizing Mobile Technology in Classrooms: A Qualitative Case Study, Ryan Christopher Read
Excess Credit Accumulation Impact on Degree attainment for Community College Students, Stacy Riley
The Relationship of the First-year Seminar Course and Degree Completion at Kishwaukee College, Michelle Rothmeyer
Becoming internationalized: Faculty Directors of international Programs at Universities in Japan, Robert Joseph Schalkoff Ii
Effectiveness of online Credit Recovery Programs, Diana Barbara Schill
Becoming Gatekeepers: A Constructivist Model of Gatekeeper Development in Counselor Education, Natasha Joy Salier Schnell
Workplace Learning: An Exploration of The Relationship Among Organizational Culture, Leader-Member Exchange, and individual Development Plans, Stacy M. Seaworth
A Phenomenological Study of First-Generation Latin@ Community College Students as They Successfully Persist in College, Michelé Elaine Smith
Exploring Hip Hop Pedagogy in the Lives of Four African American Adolescents, Roland Steele
An Exploration of First-Year University Students’ Conceptualizations of Academic Reading: A Multicase Study, Jennifer C. Theriault
Mid-Career Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of Elements that Contribute to Job Satisfaction and intent to Remain in the Field, Sarah Elizabeth Westberg
Men's Lived Experiences in a Counselor Training Program: A Phenomenological investigation, Suzanna Marie Wise
Examining Reflective Practice Through Lesson Study, Amanda L. Wojcik
Effects of Differential instructional Time in Algebra on Standardized assessment and Semester Grade Outcomes, Michael S. Wojtowicz
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Saudi Students’ attitude toward Using Mobile Applications in Learning English Vocabulary, Talal Ali Abozandah
The Role of Administrative Observation, Evaluative Evidence and Procedural Due Process in Illinois, Before and After the Passage of the Performance Evaluation Reform Act (pera) and Senate Bill 7 (sb7)., Christopher J. Adkins
Factors predicting faculty members' intention to teach online in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Fahad Obaid T. Alenezi
Factors Predicting Faculty Members’ intention to Teach online in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Fahad Obaid T. Alenezi
Biliteracy Development in a Second Grade Dual Language Classroom, Erika Harumi Aoki
The Effect a School District’s inservice, about the Implicit Curriculum of School Functioning, has on Educators’ attitudes towards Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Debra Louise Barton
Providing counseling in a rural setting : a new multicultural perspective, Danessa Carter
Providing Counseling in a Rural Setting: A New Multicultural Perspective, Danessa Ann Carter
Understanding Elementary Teachers’ Perceptions About Their Experiences Implementing The Common Core State Standards, Angelyn Kay Dieckman
An Exploration of Clinical Nursing Education: The Nurse Educator's Perspective, Tonya Alyse Dixon
Elementary Principals' Support of Beginning Teachers and Their Use of Transformational Leadership in a State-Approved induction Program, Patrick Enright
Talented High School Students' Perceptions on How Their Parents influence Their Achievement, Michael Fitzgerald
Caring high school teachers : promoting students' social and emotional development, Roberta Jean Geosling
Caring High School Teachers: Promoting Students’ Social and Emotional Development, Roberta Jean Geosling
Newcomer Educational Programming: in response to increasing social-emotional needs of adolescent newcomer refugee students, Rachel Louise Wixson Gilbertson
A Study of Progression in Science Process Skills During A Midwestern Public Research University’s Stem Summer Camps, Anila Fiaz Gill
Exploring The Use of Podcasts on Students’ Language Learning and Change of Students’ Self-Efficacy About The Use of Podcasts, Silvia Rehulina Ginting
Student Perceptions of a Customer Service Model in a For-Profit Higher Education institution, Leonard J. Grinstead
Course Taking and Teacher Data-Driven Decision Making Self-Efficacy and Anxiety: A Secondary Analysis, Valerie M. Hamilton
Treated Like A Professional: A Case Study in Adjunct Faculty Socialization, Elizabeth C. Hobson
Principals' Perceptions of Professional Development and Caring Communities for English Learners, Sunny Sue Chang Jonas
Holistic Analysis of The Social, Emotional, and Academic Development of at-Risk Students in A Self-Regulated Learning instructional Environment, Jennifer K. Macek
Effects of Different Dual Tasking Modalities on The Standing Balance Performance of College Students, John Patrick Manning
“Hersay,” An Exception to the Rule: A Narrative inquiry of Women Law Professors Navigating the Gendered Organization of Law School, Lisa M. Matich
College to Career Transitions: Understanding Experiential Learning Opportunities offered through Business incubators, Luanne Kelly Mayorga
How two high school teachers conceive of student voice, value it, and foster it, Katherine McCleary
How Two High School Teachers Conceive of Student Voice, Value It, and Foster It, Katherine Mary Mccleary
Students' perspectives regarding their emotional engagement in middle school learning environments, Brendan McCormick
Students’ Perspectives Regarding Their Emotional Engagement in Middle School Learning Environments, Brendan Joseph Mccormick
An investigation into The influences Leading to Special Educator attrition; A Professional Development Approach, Kimberly Miller
First-Generation, Underrepresented Community College Graduates and The Accrual of Social Capital, Jorge Nieto
The Evolution of Educational Rights of School officials and Parents of Disabled Students: A Review of Related Litigation, Laura C. Pawlak
Television Viewing and Markers of Physical Fitness and Body Composition in College-Aged Students, James Peterson
The role of spirituality in women's doctoral journeys : a portraiture study, Katherine M. Richards
The Role of Spirituality in Women's Doctoral Journeys: A Portraiture Study, Katherine M. Richards
Student and teacher response to formative assessment feedback in eighth-grade mathematics : a design experiment, Desiree Dawn Rones
Student and Teacher Response to Formative assessment Feedback in Eighth-Grade Mathematics: A Design Experiment, Desiree Dawn Rones
African American Army women's journeys : a question of mentoring, Renee Rouse
African American Army Women's Journeys: A Question of Mentoring, Renee Adryce Rouse
Hearing The Unheard: Perspectives of indian and Pakistani Immigrant Parents on Their involvement in Their Children’s Schools, Ghazala Siddiqui
Librarians in Community Colleges: Strategies For Promoting information Literacy, Sharon Telise Silverman
In and Out of School Literacies: Adolescents Negotiating and Navigating Identities Through Social Media, Brooke Elizabeth Simon
Necessary Resilience: Experiences of African American Men athletes in Community Colleges, Julian Springer
Funding and high school student achievement in the State of Illinois, Michael E. Tresnak
Funding and High School Student Achievement in the State of Illinois, Michael Edwin Tresnak
Counselor Self-Efficacy Re-Examined: Components of Racial Identity Development and Impostor Phenomenon Among Counseling Graduate Students of Color, Erica Denise Wade