Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Historical understanding, personal epistemology, and the educational experiences of students at a suburban high school : a case study, William Charles Stepien
Adolescents' perceptions of parenting styles in social context among low-income African Americans, Mary Swinney
Dialogic management in adult education : a case study in Spain, Itxaso Tellado Ruiz de Gauna
Strengths of Illinois public school superintendents and principals : relationship to leadership components for change, Scott Eric Wakeley
The therapeutic use of props with children, Christine E. Walawander
An intervention to advance piagetian levels of cognitive development and algebraic reasoning in high-school students, Michelle R. Wesolowski
Responsiveness of public higher education institutions in Illinois to major budgetary changes: 2001-2004, Rebecca K. Wojcik
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Perceptions and reflections about educational opportunity among Northern Illinois African American adults : a case study of C.H.A.N.C.E. alumni, Chigozie Achebe
Analysis of affective behaviors and critical thinking events in online learning, James Arthur Allen
Effect of goal development on self-efficacy and stages of change for nutrition behaviors, Catherine Leona Stein Arnold
Defining mother-child interaction in a children's museum : an in-depth study of the interaction between mothers and their preschool-aged children, Florence J. Beaumont
A study of multicultural attitudes and actions among superintendents in school districts experiencing demographic changes, Christa Boske
Listening to the soloists in the choir : a study of the life experience of exemplary K-12 environmental educators, Robert L. Carter
Rural women learning the American way : cooperative extention services and home economics from 1960-1980, Karen Castelein
Learning beyond borders : a phenomenological investigation of transnational adult education, Siew Sim Chin
Experiences of African-American students in a predominantly white, two-year nursing program, Lucille Deloise Coleman
Accommodating on-line postsecondary students who have disabilities, Kevin L. Crow
Relationships between the constructs of epistemological beliefs and personality types in higher education, Rene-Ramona Dawson
The ethical development of intercollegiate certified athletic trainers, Greg G. Ehlers
Older adult urban and rural volunteerism, Jane Fraser
Popular education as grassroots and indigenous knowledge production : possible sources and locations, Hugo Arnoldo Guerra
An examination of primary-grade teachers' understanding of English phonology considered necessary for the teaching of reading, Gail Diane Hanna
Joy and pain : breaking through the myths of breast cancer : an exploratory study with implications for adult and health education, Diana P. Jones
A community college paradigm and paradox : an examination of the culture of nursing programs and retention of minority students, Patricia S. Kupina
A case study of at-risk young adolescent females' interpretations of heterosexuality in magazine advertisements, Roberta A. Linder
School culture in academically improving, high-poverty African American public elementary schools, Margaret W. Longo
The necessity of pictures : illustrating history in textbooks 1950-2000, Keith Lowman
An analysis of faculty perceptions of nontraditional degree programs, William A. Martin
Contextual motivational and deterrent factors of faculty participation in online learning at the University of Botswana, Regina Kegopotswe Masalela
Supportive practices principals use that influence prospective principals to pursue administrative roles, Sandra Marie Niemiera
Toward a tri-level model and comprehensive theory for onlline writing laboratory (OWL) research and design, Katheryn O'Toole
Information technology use in nursing and nursing education as reported by beginning nurses, Lori Ann Bonar Peterson
Empowerment of low-income women in India : emergent female grassroots leaders in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Meena Razvi
The literacy lives, perceptions of teaching reading, and classroom practices of second-career preservice teachers, Ruth L. Rohlwing
Unveiling the hidden wholeness : an approach to critical life events impacting student nurse learning and work, Charlotte N. Sanford
An exploratory study of the experiences of Mexican American women attending community college, Diane P. Sarther
A Rasch model analysis of the standards for teacher competence in educational assessment of students using the Classroom Assessment Practices Inventory, Catherine S. Schaff
Women's participation in advanced and emerging technology programs : stoires [sic] of confidence and determination, Margaret M. Semmer
Multiple goals, multiple voices : exploring the newcomer's learning process in the mainstream classroom, Martha Jean Strickland
Factors influencing condom use among Latino men who have sex with men, David Tews
Navigating the glass maze : towards a phenomenology-derived learning model of graduate students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Tad Ashley Vogl
Illinois superintendents' perceptions of the importance of their knowledge and performance of administrative responsibilities for special education programs and services, Michael Goran Volpe
An examination of professional practioners' perceptions and experiences in providing services with older adults : a qualitative study, Cherrye G. Watts
Cultural capital and reading achievement of economically disadvantaged students in traditional public and charter schools, Sonya Whitaker
Understanding middle school students who struggle with reading, Mary C. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Relationship between home environment, community resources, parent-child interactions, and reading achievement using the early childhood longitudinal study, Tasha Marie Almond
Connecting students to four dimensions of high school climate : the role of administration in promoting the safe-school concept, Jo A. Ambrugey
Adult learning and space making : the struggle of African Americans to construct and sustain pedagogy of place within public housing in the city of Chicago, Dorothy M. Appiah
Hispanic pastors' referral practices for counseling problems, Efrain Avila-Juarbe
Tax increment financing : a documentary case study of the financial impact and policy implications for public schools in Illinois, Christine M. Benson
A comparison of block scheduling models and their relationship to Prairie State achievement exam scores in selected Illinois high schools, Dan J. Bertrand
Schools of the air : rediscovering radio's educational history, William Bianchi
Transient criminal subcultures and the crimes they commit against the elderley : implications for continuing criminal justice and community education, Kenneth B. Blachut
The extent of van use for student transportation by public school districts in the state of Illinois, Mary Baptist Brown
Using adult education critical theory to understand the admission process of an occupational therapy program, Elizabeth Ann Cada
The African American church as a provider of nonformal adult education in the Chicago community under the leadership of Pastor William Samuel Winston, Pamela C. Cannamore
The effect of flavor on voluntary fluid consumption during a simulated duathlon, Susan E. Clayton
The impact of work requirements on quality of life among female high school principals, Colleen Conlan
African American students' perceptions of a technology-enhanced learning environment : a case study, Jaami Dawan
A study of principal priorities during the transition period, Richard Stanley Decman
The meaning and experience of caring among African Americans with cancer and their caregivers, Larinda Dixon
Cardiovascular responses in older adults using the treadmill, elliptical trainer and the recumbent stepper, Ndubuisi Edeoga
National issues forums : an alternative to promote students' civic development and community service, Sherwood Edwards
A developmental model for propreneurs, James N. Fedenia
Lifelong learning in physical therapy : characteristics and facilitation of initial and continuing professional education, Kathy D. Hall
The relationship between aerobic fitness levels and the Framingham prediction scores in premenopausal and postmenopausal women, Suzanne Ramjattan Halverson
College Latino students : cultural integration, retention, and successful completion, Robert J. Hernandez
Negotiating identity in a second-language environment : a narrative study of nine East Asian female international students, Min-Hua Hsieh
An explanation of continuous quality improvement practices by college faculty, Paul A. Hummel
Investigating creativity : understanding the perspectives of teachers and students, Tracy Jennings
Patterns of knowing-circles of being : adult transformation through personal energy experience, Marilyn Johnston
A study of the disparities and controversial factors surrounding the salaries of school superintendents, Marcey L. King
Precursors to change and women coping successfully with multiple sclerosis, Donna M. Kirkpatrick-Pinson
An analysis of the relationship between recovery and prevention methods for eating disorders and personal human development, Cathy Maxwell
The development of professional expertise through reflection in the principalship, Eric G. McLaren
Physical therapy educators' perceptions of Certified Athletic Trainers' roles and qualifications, Tanya Nadine Muskievicz
Women becoming mentors : reflection and mentor identity formation as a process of lifelong learning, Noreen F. Mysyk
Examination of the use of political power by selected superintendents, Pamela R. Nichols
An examination of sources of subjective task value among female hockey players, Kerry Krystosek Norton
A study of the relationship between resiliency attitudes and selected risk factors of gang involvement in adult Honduran males, Georgina Panting
Cardiovascular responses in older adults using different grips on an elliptical trainer, Prashant V. Patil
The effects of two instructional strategies on the development of the golf swing, Aaron M. Pembroke
Understanding participation in online courses : a case study of online interaction, Noppadol Prammanee
Examining social support and academic self-efficacy in Indian American and Caucasian American undergraduate students, Purva J. Rushi
Heart rate and perceived exertion responses to power yoga asanas, Karen M. Rzesutko
Becoming an intercollegiate athlete : an investigation into the process of role transition experienced by freshman athletes, Sue Spielbauer
Validity of maximal oxygen uptake predictions made by the Polar S810i heart rate monitor, Michael Turner
The effect of mentoring on the leadership practices of principals in large unit districts in Illinois, Susan Baker Wolfe
A comparison of muscle activity between straight-bar and both unilateral and bilateral dumbbell bench press, Yousef A. Zamat
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Menogogy as the art and science of becoming a crone : changing perspectives on women, aging, and adult education, Linda K. Armacost
An investigation of the social support network of injured athletes, Kari M. Borseth