Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Citizenship development of Chinese immigrant youth in the United States, He Qin
Educational videogame design strategies used to improve motivation in engineering students, Thomas Abdul Rasheed
Persisters and completers in a community college academic program, Mary Blumenberg Reaves
Examining the effect of a flipped classroom on students' motivation and mathematics achievement in developmental college algebra, Abdelfattah Sabir
Leadership development in human resources : an examination of transformational leadership behaviors, Karen Kocour Schliep
Life histories of African American women senior student affairs officers, Tamekia M. Scott
The secret recipe : to leadership and career pathway success in dietetics, Paula Milas Sochacki
Choosing sustainability : the relationship between personal standards and environment responsive behavior, Bridget Denise Stuckey
Validity of whole and regional body composition testing devices, Alexa R. Suida
The role of authentic leadership and interpersonal trust in the language development success of middle school English language learners, Tracy Renea Taylor
Teacher perceptions of usefulness of mobile learning devices in rural secondary science classrooms, Lisa Tighe
Understanding directed self-placement as it relates to student persistence and success, Tonya M. Troka
African American males' perceptions of a midwestern community college, Marietta Turner
The relationship between undergraduate student involvement and subsequent alumni engagement, Joseph Volin
Dreamkeepers at the gate : culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy in the community college classroom, Stephanie A. Whalen
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Teaching argument : how prepared are middle school teachers to teach argument?, Victoria D. Albon
Student perceptions of a school-based mentoring program and the implications for practice, Sharon Yvonne Alexander
The effects of a coconut beverage on blood glucose and lactate concentrations, Josh Alis
Smartphones wandering at the mall : a case study investigating the use of smartphones on English oral learning skills in a collaborative mobile-assisted language learning environment, Anwer S. Al-Zahrani
Professional learning networks, teacher beliefs and practices, Brent J. Anderson
A validation study of the APTA Professionalism in Physical Therapy : Core Values Self-Assessment, Deborah K. Anderson
An examination of teaching and cognitive presence in an online community of inquiry, Jennie J. Asher
Improving new student orientation as a tool to support community college students' entry into college, Vicki Atkinson
Examining student satisfaction of interaction in online learning : analyzing student satisfaction using the community of inquiry framework, Michelle Bacino Thiessen
Developing a personal guiding theory of counseling : a qualitative exploration, Amy L. Barth
Writing instruction : examining elementary teachers' self-efficacy, beliefs, and practice, Tammy L. Bennett
Mathematics beliefs and teaching practices of preschool teachers, Kristine L. Black
Development of a rhythmic achievement test for elementary general music students, Jeanette Susan Brooks
Analyzing the effectiveness of the comprehension toolkit as a methodology for teaching transactional strategies, Jennifer Brown
Improvisation in organizational development : basic interpretive examination of the improviser facilitator in corporate training and development, Nicole Annette Buras
Learning within collegiate recreation student employment, Sandi Carlisle
Principals' perceptions of the impact of parent and family involvement activities with parents of latino students, Rene D. Carranza
Work-family conflict among elementary teachers, Debra Kay Coberley
Male health promotion professionals in higher education : why they enter and remain, Alicia Katherine Czachowski
Gifted learners' motivational outcomes in cluster versus ability-grouped reading instruction : an ex-post facto study, Julie Esparza
Preparing elementary pre-service teachers to integrate STEM : a mixed-methods study, Erin Marie Evans
International student engagement and deep approaches to learning, Christine Fiorite
Women of color counselor educators : overall job satisfaction and subjective well-being at predominately white universities, Latehesha Fitch
The effects of peer coaching on elementary teachers' application of differentiated instruction, Staci Garvin
Portable responsive instructional materials 1957 to 1982 : a historical content analysis using failure mode and effect analysis, Bettylynne F. Gregg
A case study of an effective teacher in relation to responsibility-based practices, Janel Grzetich
The effects of positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) Tier 1 on student behavior : a case study, Sidney Guillory
Middle school girls and one STEM OST program, Andrea Holba
Predictors of attitudes toward the use of moodle for learning English in a blended learning environment in Cambodia, Chenda Hong
Build MyTune : children's reflective practice during music creativity processes, Chia-Pao Hsu
Medical laboratory science student perceptions of learning during clinical education, Jeanne M. Isabel
"A happier way of learning" : the Visual Instruction Movement, 1918-1928, Wendell G. Johnson
Carbohydrate supplementation during cycling exercise, Bill Julian
A historical analysis on the status of unilateral private placements in special education, Jeremy Lambe
Symbolic self-completion theory : the impact of a threat to undergraduate students' academic competence beliefs, Matthew David Lange
Project-based learning versus textbook/lecture learning in middle school science, Sindy Main
Pedagogical beliefs of bilingual teachers about technology integration, Manuel Cuauhtemoc Martinez Castro
Leadership development of high school varsity basketball captains with mentoring by their coach, Jason Mead
Examining principal self-efficacy and technology behaviors, Kathleen A. Melton
The relationship between sense of community, course performance, and persistence in community college distance learning courses, Pardess Mitchell
A study of the statutes, regulations and judicial rulings impacting the access of service animals to the public schools, Jenell A. Mroz
Illinois' Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA) examined within the context of the federal government's expanding role in public education, Hillary A. Nasso
Family and school activation of cultural capital in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process, Christine Nelson
Effects of weight training and a whey beverage on muscular hypertrophy and strength in trained males, Anthony Edward Nielsen
Applying Frances Fowler's model to analyze the history of compulsory attendance laws in the United States, Deborah Dyer Osborne
Understanding and strengthening the education expectations of undocumented Latino high school students, Cynthia Padilla-Gaytan
"I'm sorry for the mistakes I'm about to make" : interaction, social status and emotion in the Indonesian EFL classroom, Francesca Pase
International counseling traits : identifying counseling traits ranked most important by international counseling professionals through Q sort analysis, Nathan C.D. Perron
School counselors-in-training perceptions of their academic preparation and training using the ASCA National Model during internship, Chantelle M. Peterson
An examination of elementary teacher candidates' challenges in reflecting on critical incidents, Anna M. Quinzio-Zafran
They decided to be educators : a study of African American male experiences in the K-12 education system, Sherry Reynolds-Whitaker
Role of school boards in promoting social justice : a critical race theory perspective, Tia Lorese Robinson
A journey of joy- a biography of an excellent mathematics teacher : exploring what influenced her retention in teaching, Patricia S. Mannion Rowe
A legal analysis of school vouchers and the social justice impact, Michael Patrick Ryan
When student-on-student sexual harassment triggers school district liability under Title IX, Joe Salmieri III
Teachers' and administrators' attitudes towards inclusion, Leatrice Lynn Satterwhite
Your teacher said what on Facebook : application of First Amendment rights to teacher cyber speech, Anthony M. Scarsella
Professional learning communities : teacher perception of components of professional learning communities in high schools, Erika Schlichter
The use of discussion at the kindergarten level to advance cognitive abilities, Gayle J. Sears
Student cyberspeech targeting faculty : what can school administrators legally do about it?, Bradley L. Shortridge
Adjunct faculty evaluation at public community colleges : a precursor of organizational learning, Muhammad Muddassir Siddiqi
The role of a residential learning community in the faith development of Catholic college students, Michael J. Stang
Supporting growth mindset in upper-level high school students : a comparison of two classroom interventions, Steven K. Stern
An exploration of elementary teachers' self-efficacy beliefs about teaching mathematics among teachers with advanced degrees, Kelly J. Talaga
(De) constructing students of concern : how Chief Student Affairs Officers make meaning regarding concerning student behavior, Melanie V. Tucker
Moderating factors between self-efficacy and role stressors for high school counselors, Nathan Gene Underwood
Learning in the discipline of psychology : an action research project using the paired course model, Rebecca L. Vaughn
How do project managers become experts : an examination of the engineering procurement and construction management (EPCM) industry, Derrick J. Walters
Standardized assessment and the accountability structure in the state of Illinois, Daniel M. Warlop
Employee engagement in an economic downfall : perspectives of first-line supervisors, Susan K. Warren
Factors that affect the development of writing competence in fifth-grade students, Ellen D. Weinstein-Blackman
Addressing the union of counselor education and military families : creating best practices, Katherine M. Wix
Technologically enhanced inquiry-based learning : experiences and perspective of first-graders, Janise Venia Wriddle
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Faculty online teaching self-efficacy : a cultural perspective, Fahad AlShahrani
Exploring Thai teachers' conceptual beliefs about reading and their influences on instructional practices, Patchara Boonteerarak
The implementation of a hybrid learning environment at a community college in the mechanical trades, Christopher Carlson
The effect of a warming up to fluency intervention on second-grade students' reading, Jacqueline J. Cleven
The power of words : a study of the intentional use of language to frame interactions in the elementary classroom, Julia Cloat