Theses/Dissertations from 2004
The relationship between learner-centered techniques and student motivation in an extended-time schedule, Jolie A. Burns-Casey
A study of Illinois superintendents' perceptions of the Illinois superintendent leadership standards, Daniel J. Coles
A correlation of self-assessed leadership skills and interpersonal communication competencies of public school superintendents in Illinois, Sandra L. Doebert
The diffusion of an innovation : online professional education, Kenneth R. Eineke
School organization at successful alternative high schools serving Latino students in Chicago, Wanda I. Figueroa-Peralta
Legislatively endorsed Illinois state standards for school counselors : a vehicle for transformation, Sheilaann Fritz
A phenomenological investigation of vision : toward a theory of optimal vision development for first-time community college presidents, Patricia Granados
The effects of utilizing graphic organizers with traditional basal reading instruction on sixth-grade reading comprehe[n]sion achievement scores, Faye Noreen Hughes
Academic engagement from the perspective of flow theory : a comparative analysis of student experience in nontraditional and traditional schools, Lisa S. Johnson
The moral orientations of justice and care in relation to peace : a study with Turkish and American college students, Hayal Z. Kacker
Motivational role of primary students' perceptions of their classroom experiences, Deborah L. Kalkman
Institutional elements that encourage or discourage the implementation of on-line classes in Illinois community colleges, Mary Lou Kidder
Tao, art and adult learning, Sze-oi Lau
A case study of Midwest Elementary School's assessment and accountability model, S. B. Lillis
The relationship among reading self-efficacy, reading scores on the Illinois Standards Achievement Test, and reading performance in the classroom, Nicole N. Linhardt
Stages of concern of selected Illinois public high school teachers toward integration of the Internet into the curriculum, David V. McCartney
Developing tutor expertise in an early reading intervention program, Maria Gregory McClurkin
Breaking down barriers : a case study on welfare-to-work job training programs in Chicago from the program administrator's perspective, Alexis D. McCoy
The role of the principal in developing a professional learning community in selected Chicago public elementary schools, Donald A. McKinney
Illinois public school superintendents' and teacher association presidents' perceptions of knowledge and skills and group performance-based pay, David A. Moyer
Balance and mobility training to improve self-efficacy in an older adult population, Sarah Piekielny
Identifying gender bias through verbal instructional feedback in middle school physical education, Christy P. Presseau
Emerging leadership practices of national board certified teachers, Jeffrey T. Schuler
Perceptions of selected elementary school principals regarding violence : experiences, causes, and interventions in schools, Christine M. Schumacher
Illinois principals and the performance indicators associated with the content area standards for principals, Susan Sebright-Smith
Who are they? : military parents who homeschool their children: recommendations for adult educators in the military community, Melissa S. Silva
Perceptions of privilege and skin tone bias among African Americans in the workplace : implications for diversity training, Cynthia Howard Sims
An examination of burnout and stress-related issues experienced by certified athletic trainers working in the high school setting, Kimberly A. Singer
Perceptions of technology directors to computer acquisition and usage in their Illinois rural public K-12 unit school districts, Karen Sirgany
A correlation of self-assessed leadership skills and interpersonal communication competencies of public school principals in five Illinois counties, Jean Hayes Sophie
Attitudes and preferences of intercollegiate female athletes when comparing male/female coaches, Allison Stafne
In search of the characteristics of adults who are gifted and have a learning disability, Scott Fredrick Terry
Epistemological development among gifted high school students : a three-cohort study, Jerald A. Thomas Jr
Adult education, citizenship, and textual imagery, Amaal V.E. Tokars
Making the case for Afrikan-centered adult education, Authens Oppong Wadie
Causal modeling performance excellence in higher education : 2001-2003 Baldrige National Quality Program Education for Performance Excellence, Marjorie Ann Wall鉍
The evolution of an open computer laboratory for English as a second language (ESL) in a community college context, Leatha Ware
The process of response : an examination of how middle school literacy teachers utilize dialogue journals, Donna E. Werderich
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
States of consciousness and cognition : a study of state-dependent learning, Paul D. Anderson
The relationship between sport commitment and athletic injury, Tabitha Barber
Learning the norms : an investigation of moral atmosphere among a division 1A football team, Deborah T. Brown
Evolving artifacts at work : a case study of computer-supported cooperative work implementation in a bank, Marlin M. Cluts
Early childhood educators' attitudes toward and knowledge about computers in the classroom, Craig L. Derscheid
Parenting stress and daily parenting hassles as predictors of difficult mealtime interaction, Timothy James Drew
A study of informal learning in an adult degree-completion cohort program, Gwen Freiberg-Svoboda
Using a study-reading intervention to improve success in a community-college nursing program, Peggy A. Gallagher
An analysis of the vocabulary gloss selections of college-level L2 readers when reading a narrative hypermedia text in Thai, Jenjit Gasigitamrong
A naturalistic investigation of voluntary service in faith-based adult literacy programs : altruism, education, and spiritual development, Cynthia Ann Gray
Effects of spontaneous phonemic awareness knowledge, contextualized phonemic awareness instruction, and decontextualized phonemic awareness training on phonemic awareness, reading, and spelling development in kindergarten students, Regina L. Slattery Gursky
An evaluation of sponsorship and ambush marketing at grassroots level sporting events, Jennifer S. Hassrick
The intended and unintended consequences of mandatory educational requirements in law enforcement, Kristie A. Hilton
How apartheid predisposed blacks to HIV infection and AIDS in South Africa, Cynthia N. Hlongwane
Principals' perceptions of virtual learning as part of the overall curricula in Illinois public high schools, Richard Louis Jancek
An analysis of library web sites at colleges and universities serving distance education students, Odin L. Jurkowski
Learning new traditions of partnership, coordination, and jurisdiction : a critical ethnographic investigation of the long-term effects of homeland security on national policy, Kathleen L. Kiernan
Coming into their own : a study of a feminist adult education program in Esteli, Nicaragua, Karen Kjellquist-Guti鲲ez
Developing school-level financial reporting guidelines for Illinois public school districts : a synthesis of current practices from other states, Michael J. Locigno
The perceived role of the principal and teacher-student engagement as affecting the academic achievement of high school students, Jo Ann K. Lopykinski
Relationship between perceptions of classroom climate and students' perceptions of competence and motivational orientation, Brenda Lee Love
Neuropsychological changes in fibromyalgia, Richard F. Mangold
The impact of technology on job effectiveness : perception of high-school principals, Stephen J. May
Professional education and critical race theory : exploring the experiences of graduate trainees, Teresa McDowell
A descriptive case study of the implementation of brain-based learning with technological support in a rural high school, Anita L. Miller
What do students think of learner-centered education? : an analysis of student assessments of the value of learner-centered practices, Daryl J. Mortensen
An application of growth curve analysis : the evaluation of a reading intervention program, Judith A. Murphy
An inquiry into administrative and instructional practices in workforce diversity training, John H. Newsom
The administrator's role in professional development : the connection between the district's strategic plan and professional development for best teaching practices with emphasis at the middle school, Marlene Rae Clikeman Novota
Live and learn : mothers of large families and their evolution of learning, Barbara J. Provost
Dimensions of empathy and partnership health, Linda Miller Puetz
Perceptions of Illinois school superintendents on teacher absence rates and the effectiveness of absence reduction plans, Alice Leman Reardon
Reflections on a sense of place : from intuitions to teacher praxis, Eliezer Colón Rivera
Professional development of academic coordinator/directors of clinical education in physical therapy : portraits of persistence, Alice J. Salzman
The effects of moderate physical activity on resting heart rates of adolescent girls, during daily physical education class, Krista J. Settles
Critically transitive pedagogy : a theoretical comparative framework, Nicholas J. Shudak
Real estate professionals' reasons for participating in online continuing professional education, Karen J. Solomon
Feedback comparisons between middle school physical education teachers and basketball coaches, Andrew Stacy
The inception and evolution of the Consortium Model for Alternative Certification (CMAC) : a case study of individual group interests, Janet Lynn O'Brien Star
Characteristics of bargaining team members that affect the outcome of union negotiations in Illinois secondary school districts, Barbara I. Stephani
The relationship between peer influence and aggression in soccer, Carolyn S. Strasen
Factor analysis of special-education hearing officers' decisions in Illinois, Dennis Alexander Studinski
A state-by-state analysis of the components that facilitate the reporting of expenditure data at the school site, Jeffrey C. Taggart
"Do I count?" Adult experiences with involuntary separation from the job : context, perspective, violence, and institutionalized myth, Daniela Truty
Phenomenological profiles of selected Illinois public school superintendents as servant leaders, Laurel A. Walker
A study of Illinois elementary principals' teacher selection criteria and process, Thomas A. Watrobka
Explanatory styles of superintendents, principals, and business managers in public schools located in Northern Illinois, Thomas P. Wensch