Theses/Dissertations from 2003
An analysis of the evolution of instructional technology as a discipline, James A. West
The effects of high- versus low-intensity dynamic resistance training on excess postexercise oxygen consumption, Christine L. Wiese
An analysis of the perceptions of superintendents and school board members regarding the ability of the school board to effectively govern in local districts, M. Susan Workman
The impact of block scheduling on student academic achievement, Gongshu Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Leadership, community, and the role of the elementary principal in two performing bilingual schools : a comparative study, Christie L. Aird
Citizenship, social capital, and public school inequality, Emmanuel Allie
Transformation of self : portrait of youth investigators and forensic interviewers exposed to repeated trauma, Lynn Atkinson-Tovar
Sexual abuse and forgiveness, John Beckenbach
Conflict styles among African, Asian, Hispanic, and Caucasian Americans in same-ethnic and inter-ethnic conflict situations and their relationships to participants' ethnic identity level, Tsui-yee Dorothy Chow
A critical examination of the virtual organization and the mutual dependencies of trust, communication, and collaborative learning, Deborah Lavin Colky
Sponsorship of Catholic health care : an adult education model for preparing the laity, Jeanne M. Connolly
Diversity capital and organizational performance : a new paradigm for strategic human resource development and higher education, Steven D. Cunningham
Job satisfaction among certified athletic trainers across different occupational settings, Steven G. Dam
A naturalistic investigation of homeschooling parents as adult learners, Dennis L. Disselkoen
Maturing perceptions of school building climate by first-year teachers : the role of evolving perceptions in optimizing instruction success, Douglas Paul Domeracki
Validation of a non-exercise regression model for the prediction of maximal aerobic capacity, Kymberli Dustman
Community empowerment through participatory research : environmental enhancement on the west side of Chicago, Patricia Booker Easley
The relationship among religious affiliation, core values, level of prejudice, and reaction to speakers in Promise Keeper attendees, Calvin D. Elifson
An exploration of strategies to help students identified at risk for passing NCLEX-RN and implications for nurse educators, Mary Lynn Engelmann
Leadership and the organizational culture in change-oriented schools, Evelyn M. Ennsmann
Literate adult nonreaders : a critical qualitative investigation of why people who can read do not, Karen S. Gersten
An ethnographic investigation of police education : implications for professionalism and continuing criminal justice education, Mario A. Giannoni
Discovering the linkages between visual literacy and textiles and clothing, Janet Giesen
Transforming two-year colleges into four-year colleges : critical factors in senior leadership and organizational culture, Charisse L. Gillett
Transcendent transformation : transformational adult learning through transcendent encounters, Daniel J. Hamil
Reliability and validity of low back strength/endurance field tests in adolescents, Norman S. Hannibal III
A qualitative study of learner-centered training : a corporate view of web-based instruction, Sharon M. Hudson
The management of time within the school day : trends, motivations, and obstacles in Illinois high schools, Gary B. Hutchinson
Perceptions of sexual harassment in educational organizations by Illinois unit school district certified personnel and the implications on policy, procedure, and product, Carla Johnson-Disbrow
A Naturalistic inquiry investigating the experiences of four English language learners during the ninety-minute literacy block, Jill A. Jones
Gaining insight and exploring the experiences, perceptions, and contextual aspects that influence students with behavior disorders in the general physical education setting, Kara Anne Knickerbocker
Community empowerment and social action : an afrocentric perspective of adult learning in community settings, Joy L. Knight
National Initiatives in alternative teacher certification : advantages and disadvantages of alternative instructional licensure, Julie M. Koller-Morris
The examination of human performance technology efforts within antagonistic environments, Marnell W. Love
A policy analysis of selected public virtual universities in the United States, Douglas Royce McCoy
Adult education and community building in Africa : a critical study of popular theater for development, Samuel Kirk Mills
Eduard C. Lindeman : beyond The meaning of adult education, toward a view of professionalization in adult education and social work, Sandra Janine Mills
The influence of educational administrators' leadership behaviors on student achievement in reading, Robert C. Mocek
Critical issues impeding criminal justice continuing professional education, Terry M. Mors
Education's role in statewide telecommunications network policy development : three models, Sandra Lynn Murphy
The social value of the GED : how students and teachers make meaning, Adell V. Newman
A description of vocabulary learning in at-risk college freshmen cooperatively involved in generative study of self-selected words, Janet L. Pariza
Resilient African-American high school graduates : individual, familial, and community factors that have contributed to their academic success, Pamela J. Parker
Intimacy, differentiation, and marital satisfaction, Shawn J. Patrick
Toward group problem-solving guidelines for 21st-century teams : a case study at a global consulting corporation, Kathryn L. Ranieri
Effects of supplemental, small-group instruction on at-risk kindergartners' metalinguistic awareness, Teresa L. Reed-Schuster
Factors that make outstanding professors successful : a connection to inspiration, Jeanette Rossetti
An adult education comparative study of two experiential education fields : adventure education and popular education, Richard C. Rutschman
Pioneer girls : a history of the first thirty years, 1939-1969, Marilyn Justus Schneider
Quality indicators of optimal inclusive service delivery for students with learning disabilities : attitudes and barriers identified by secondary educators, Kristen Kay School
Public self-consciousness, impression motivation, and social physique anxiety : a comparison of correlations, Lisa A. Schuler
A critical case study of police training : implications for professionalism and continuing professional education in law enforcement, Edward W. Shannon
Reconceptualizing the development and maintenance of support services for college students who are deaf or hard of hearing, Steven R. Sligar
Expanding the small space : Rastafarians as knowledge producers, Cathy S. Stanley
Principals' perceptions of competence needed for administration of special education : implications for principal preparation programs, Rita A. Stevenson
The academic success of unmarried African-American female high school students who are parenting, Tracey A. Stuckey
An analysis of distance education at the University of Botswana from a systems perspective, Ontiretse Seboneng Tau
Aesthetics of transformation : the African-American experience of the Chicago community mural movement, 1967-1970, John Edmond Towns
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Family-based group music therapy for children with autistic spectrum disorders : a treatment case study, Nicole R. Allgood
Effects of split resistance exercise sessions on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, Ken Hedrich
The use of autobiography as a teaching tool in adult contuing [sic] education : an exploratory study, Rebecca A. Johnson
Effects of ice application on nitric oxide levels following rhythmic handgrip contractions, Paul J. Marvar
The physiological responses to skateboarding, Michael L. Mestek
Intracoder and intercoder reliability of the key element scores from the smart start locomoter skill key element checklists, Cheeri Davide Ong
Content development comparisons between middle-school physical education classes and basketball practices, Michelle Petitgout
Primary grade children's school adjustment in multiage versus single-age programs, Christine M. Pfeiffer
An investigation to determine the effectiveness of Q-Ray bracelets as strength and flexibility enhancers, Deann M. Trapp
Phonemic awareness research : a comparison of an implicit and an explicit approach to the teaching of segmenting and blending skills to kindergarten students, Jeanne M. Zurawski
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Aerobic fitness testing and feeling states among 9 to 11 year old students, T. Ronald Bonfiglio
The effects of an educational intervention on rehabilitation adherence in high-school athletes, Dawn M. Castro
Reliability of a fitness plan scoring rubric, Kathleen Landers Day
Arthroscopic surgical repair versus conservative treatment of acute patellar dislocations, Mark E. Freimuth
Character education in an independent Ukraine, two persectives : Thomas Lickona and Hryhorii Vashchenko, Viktoria V. Kontsigir
Fourth-gr[a]de black children's occupational aspirations, expectations, and role models, Stephanie R. Lietz
Contrasting instructional behaviors in middle school physical education teachers with their coaching roles, Daniel R. Martens
The impact of creatine supplementation on anaerobic performance : a meta-analysis, Mark Misic
A qualitative analysis of experiencing a nature-related residential weekend workshop for women, Lucy M. O'Driscoll
Progressive education in an independent Ukraine, two perspectives : Francis Parker and Vasyl Sukhomlynsky, Kateryna O. Roshchuk
Teaching phonological awareness to at-risk learners in kindergarten and first grade : an analysis of four training programs, Jeanne A. Wanzek
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Spinal compression in the conventional versus the Sumo style deadlift, Andrew K. Bramer
A policy study of the litigation process to end segregation in the Chicago Public Schools, Lorie H. Cristofaro
Weight training effects on body satisfaction of body image disturbed college women, Erica Depcik
An explicit intervention package to improve decoding acquisition for first-grade students, Cynthia L. Drumheller