Theses/Dissertations from 1966
An analysis of the purposes and techniques used by administrators in teacher recruitment, Richard Joseph Jackson
A comparison of conventional teaching methods and pre-teaching of background material in earth science, William Thomas Jackson
The opinions of 58 Illinois secondary school shorthand teachers regarding selected areas of the Diamond Jubilee Edition of Gregg shorthand, William Max Jaeger
Nursing student dropouts from Northern Illinois University, Lois Ann Jarnagin
An analysis of the time spent by supervising principals on the instructional and non-instructional programs, John David Jelinek
Adjusting grain storage facilities in Kendall County to meet the demands of the decade 1965-1975, Robert E. Johnson
Television in American college football, (1946-1960), George Kasap
Changes in sixth graders' use of the dictionary as a result of differing methods of instruction, Robert Michael Katrein
A study of one success and one failure as motivation, James L. Keeney
The extent and importance of executive development in small business, Larry J. Kempf
A comparison of a reflective and a traditional method of teaching sixth grade social studies, Anthony Kent
A study of the role of the assistant principal in selected junior high schools in Illinois, Norman Eugene Kerans
An evaluation of the summer aerospace institutes held at Northern Illinois University, 1959-1963, Lois Tate Kliefoth
A comparison of home and away shooting percentages in basketball, Gary S. Krahenbuhl
A survey of scheduling practices for non-academic activities in selected junior-high schools in northern Illinois, Marvin George Krause
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
The effect of training with ankle weights on running speed, Robert Leo Aho
A survey of attitudes and opinions as to the strengths and weaknesses of the alumni interview program at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, John A. Allison
A study of the two-year secretarial program at Northern Illinois University, 1961-1963, Audrey A. Anderson
Attitudes toward exceptional children, Barbara Elder Arnold
A study of the economic understanding of four select groups of St. Charles, Illinois high school students, Frederick M. Arnold
The effects of weight reduction on school absenteeism of high school wrestlers, Gerald A. Auchstetter
Effect of fatigue on free throw shooting accuracy of high school basketball players, Ellis W. Austin
A follow-up study of the guidance graduates from Northern Illinois University during the first ten years of the guidance program at NIU, Theodore J. Bacino
The business experience of business teachers in the northern twenty-one counties of Illinois (excluding the city of Chicago), Merlin Herbert Baumann
An evaluation of the accelerated science program in the Freeport Junior High School, Darryl W. Bausman
The effects of foot position on the pitching rubber on throwing strikes in baseball, Charles R. Behrends
The relationship between reading ability and motor coordination, Dwayne B. Beidelman
The use of printed hand-out materials accompanied by reaction questionaires in the in-service training of teachers, Neil F. Bennett
The effects of functional overload upon training for competitive swimming, Joel A. Bloom
An investigation of certain factors concerning the salaries of female office workers in selected Chicago area businesses, Gerald F. Bober
The validity of the axial rotation system as a means to objectively evaluate the difficulty of selected trampoline skills, Robert F. Bollinger
A study of junior high typewriting and course content in selected schools in Northern Illinois, James John Braida
A study to determine the relationship of certain anthropometrical, motor ability and reaction-movement measurements of high school girls, Charlene E. Bremberg
A comparative study of two groups of guidance counselors with different backgrounds, Fay Trolander Brill
A survey of the study habits and attitudes toward homework of classes grouped by achievement in a selected junior high school, John G. Brinkman
A comparative study to determine the needs of prospective secondary school teachers, E. Grant Bullock
A study of the building principal and his role in school-community relations, Richard Joseph Cahill
A study of the role of the elementary school principal in developing effective staff morale, Marshall G. Carlson
The North Central study : an inquiry into factors determining college choice, Dallas B. Chapman
A study to determine the effectiveness of outdoor education in the elementary school curriculum, Claude Wesley Crase
A survey of policies regarding interscholastic basketball in junior high schools in Illinois, Bruce Clark Dempsey
Evolvement of a teachers handbook for Monroe Center Grade School, Raymond E. DeVore
An investigation comparing honor point average to national merit scholarship test scores before and after weighting grades, William James Dolan
A study of the effectiveness of ability grouping in the Lena-Winslow Elementary Schools, Delbert E. Eicholtz
A follow-up study of the graduates of Waterman Community High School for the years 1956 through 1963 inclusive, Charles David Erickson
Programmed circuit bowling, Caryle Feddeler
A study of freshmen orientation problems, Martha Morton Fisher
Relationship of the Illinois school code to the policy guide of the National School Board Association and the National Education Association, Seth W. Flanders
A study of the relation between running speed and certain anthropometric measures, Jeffrey Fort
A survey of elementary school guidance practices and needs of a midwest industrial community, Dean R. Garrett
A descriptive survey study of the time consumed by out-of-session activities performed by junior high school teachers in eight counties of northern Illinois, Cletus Oscar Gass
A comparison of business education curriculums in Illinois community colleges with those in selected community colleges of California, Florida, New York, and Texas, Grace Williams Grizzard
Secondary school source material in a phase of Arizona history: the Spanish period, Russell Robert Groat
A comparative study of three methods of starting used in competitive swimming by age-group swimmers, Robert Gullborg
A critical analysis of the interscholastic athletic practices of the junior high schools of Rockford, Illinois as determined by the roles of the principal and the athletic director, Robert Clinton Gustafson
A proposed program in American history for gifted students in McHenry Community High School, Herbert Anthony Hagemann
An analysis of the factors contributing to the success of the March 14, 1964, referendum for unit consolidation in the Coal City township high school district number 98, Ralph Joseph Haldorson
Reporting pupil progress to the parents of Rockford elementary school children, Leonard Lee Hallen
The effect of isometric and isotonic exercises on the endurance of the standing broad jumper, Dean Anthony Hayes
An examination of the certification requirements for secondary school teachers of business education in the United States, Homer Miller Hayes
Spotting techniques for tumbling : illustrated techniques for beginning and intermediate tumbling stunts for high school girls, Shirley Elizabeth Hein
The effects of rhythmical and non-cadance signals on the time of the offensive football charge, Michael John Henigan
A study of the 1960-1964 business education graduates of Byron, Illinois High School with implications for improving the business curriculum, Lois Hazzard Hobart
Improving the educational program for the slow learner at Yokata, Japan, Edward Joseph Hosek
An analysis of the organizational pattern of Antioch community consolidated grade school district #34, Illinois, Clifton A. Houghton
An investigation of the role of the school in relation to evacuation drills in the event of a national military emergency, Norman C. Huntley
A comparison of children's performance on two variations of the test-study plan of learning spelling, Dorothy E. Jensen
A follow-upd study of the further educational efforts of graduates of Elgin Community College, Robert Hays Jenson
An analysis of the program for superior students of science and mathematics in the Freeport Public School District number 145, James N. Kleindl
An analysis of characteristics of successful salesmen in Rockford, Illinois environs, Robert J. Kleinz
A comparison of interests of high school boys who finished the track season and boys who did not finish the track season, Richard Floyd Kloepfer
The relationship between physical fitness and academic success as measured by the American association for health, physical education, and recreation youth fitness test, Donald Klusendorf
The elementory [sic] school principal's role in planning and developing the curriculum, Russell Kenneth Koerner
An experimental investigation to determine the effectiveness of programmed learning on the mastery of chemistry, Sigmund Kolano
A survey of mathematics offerings in selected public junior colleges, Otto M. Kolar
A unit of American history developed making use of historical generalizations and critical thinking abilities, Richard J. Kraft
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
A study of the correlation between the California achievement test and the SRA primary mental abilities test, Gordon James Amundson
Development of a learning-resource unit on stock investments for twelfth grade students at Greendale High School, Greendale, Wisconsin, Eugene O. Bahr
The effects of exercising to music on tenth grade girls and eleventh grade boys of Big Foot High School, Dwight R. Bidwell
A follow-up study of the business education graduates of Woodstock Community High School from 1958 through 1962, Patrick T. Brady
Percentage rebounding of selected varsity high school basketball teams under game conditions in Illinois, James E. Bryant
The development of a rating scale for evaluating the basic fundamentals of batting, Ralph C. Buhrow
Relationships between social behaviors and scores of the Stanford Achievement Tests for institutionalized delinquent boys ages 10-17 years in a northern Illinois school, Harold S. Callihan
A survey to determine curricular needs in applied technology at Freeport Community College, Donald Floyd Capes
An evaluation of the experimental course entitled Modern English at Argo Community High School, John E. Connelly
A study of industrial occupations available to male high school graduates in the Belvidere area, Michael Louis Copp
A study of educational needs of Medinah Elementary School District 11, Dale Crone
The effect of two methods of centering a football on accuracy and speed, Wayne E. Dannehl
The administrative problems of Northern Home for Children, Richard C. Davis
A comparison of the performances of high school seniors and college students in a first semester college-level accounting course, Linda Lee Dowell
An enquiry into contemporary philosophers of education in regard to a basic philosophical dichotomy, Clifford J. Eagleton
An analysis of the ungraded primary organization in four schools in the Chicago suburban area, Francine Dee Elder
The use of arithmetic in the teaching of science in the intermediate grades, Harvey Allen Erikson
Two training methods of improving shot putting, George Evans
An investigation of the relationship between selected observable variables and throwing accuracy in football, George Feuerschwenger
A study of team teaching from an administrator's point of view, Joseph Kenneth Fielding
A study of the predictive value of the Iowa tests of educational development at Guilford High School, Rockford, Illinois, Thomas G. Ford
A study of the treatment of classroom behavior problems in twenty high schools of northern Illinois, Gregory Robert Foster