Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Graded exercise testing of hypertensive and normotensive subjects : a hemodynamic and electrocardiographic comparison, Linda M. Szymanski
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
A comparison of physical practice and mental/physical practice on the accuracy scores of the long, high singles serves in badminton, Melanie A. Adair
An investigation into the relationship between methods of teaching spelling and IQ level, Lynn Ann Andrees
Factors related to exercise adherence in healthy adult women, Jamie Ausmus
A biomechanical evaluation of kinematic variables of the soccer-style and conventional-style placekicks following a prescribed resistance/velocity overload training program, Mary Elizabeth Danz
The effects of three exercise intensities on the alpha brain wave activity of adult males, Paul L. Daugherty
A cinematographical analysis of the takeoff of the long jump as performed by skilled jumpers of various competitive levels, Charles John Rankin
Rheumatology physicians' recommendations related to weight-bearing exercise for children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Karin J. Setterquist
Physiological responses and adaptations to inversion, Pat Roy Vehrs
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
The effect of training specificity and exercise modality on selected physiological variables, Jonathan C. Beasley
The effect of a training program on the health related physical fitness of mentally retarded adults, Edyth A. Donaldson
The effect of motivation on the running performance of mentally retarded adults, Stacey L. Guenther
Factors leading to job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction among adult basic education teachers in northern Illinois, Andrew J. Heresz
Adapted physical education service delivery in Illinois : status and needs assessment, Patricia J. Hoppenrath
A biomechanical analysis of the overhead badminton smash, Kevin G. Hussey
A comparison of health-related physical fitness levels of trainable mentally handicapped adults, Matthew G. Lesniewski
The effects of an adapted physical education program on the gross motor development of preschool special education students, Denise L. Loid
Validation of selected skinfold calipers and body density prediction equations for measuring body composition of nonathletic college aged males and females, Ramasamy Manikam
Alcohol beliefs and drinking patterns of certified alcohol counselors in the state of Illinois, Marinell Miller
Health related physical fitness and gross motor skill performance of children in mainstreamed physical education, Mary Clare Norton
A study of the relationship of gender to selected mathematics attitudes and characteristics of high school students, Randall D. Zamin
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Comparisons of teacher perceptions of child behavior in kindergarten children with employed and non-employed mothers, Mavis Barkley
A comparison of the caloric cost of recovery from submaximal exercise in trained and untrained females, Patricia C. Fehling
United States Indian policy and its effect upon native American women in higher education, Lynn Huffman
The effects of training with an altitude simulator on selected physiological and performance variables : a case study, Michael J. Knauff
A biomechanical analysis of selected spiking patterns used in volleyball, James Anthony Pavlacka
A mechanical energy analysis of the overarm pitch, William L. Siler
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
A comparison of parental attitudes regarding their children's abilities with the professional person's views of the children's ability levels, Debora Litchfield Choutka
A program of basic movement education for visually handicapped children in the Philippines, Ester I. Cunanan
The relationship between hemisphericity and creativity, Margaret M. Dusa
The effect of an interscholastic badminton program on the lipid profile of high school females, Mary E. Grady
Personality traits of intercollegiate baseball athletes playing central versus noncentral defensive positions at three levels of competition, C. Michael Greenwood
Teaching sighted children about blindness, Kathleen M. Ingram
Creative problem-solving : the effectiveness of the future problem solving bowl, C. A. Kaduk
A comparison of hemisphere dominance, sex, and performance on a juggling task, Jean Thiry Kaminski
Factors influencing job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction among physical education teachers, John Ralph Magnotta
Comparison of cooperative and competitive enviornments on overhand throwing performance of first-grade boys and girls, Doradene Manuel
A comparison of health related physical fitness test scores of physical education majors and non-physical education majors at Northern Illinois University, Karen A. McMillin
Jung and Assagioli : an integrative study of the therapeutic use of symbols, Patricia Seaver-Lambert
The effects of a resource room intervention program on the spelling achievement of learning disabled students, Jenifer Sparrow
Program factors perceived effective in outdoor/environmental education experiences for special populations, Shana H. Stearn
Parent involvement program (PIP) : ‡b a program for parents of visually handicapped children in the Philippines, Ma. Corazon S. Tensuan
The effects of preseason conditioning on high school female track and field athletes, Christine A. Trzyna
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Daily sitting as a corporate wellness program of anxiety reduction, Lynn C. Greene
A kinematic analysis of the wheelchair propulsion arm stroke of nonambulatory school age children, Timothy John Hart
A study of the accuracy of sequential time sampling procedures with unaveraged time series data of different durations, Ellen G. Olinger
A study of supervision of teachers of visually disabled children, Victoria L. Pray
A survey of teacher competencies as judged by teachers of the visually impaired, multiply handicapped, Christine M. Schumacher
ITPA factor scores as predictors of intelligence with young children, Victoria A. Spiess
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
The use of sign language in the education of hearing-impaired adults, James Hawking
Sport selection as a function of psychological differentiation, Charlene A. McLear
Mothers' accuracy in predicting their children's performance on a vocabulary test : the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - Revised, Rhea D. Vytlacil
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Effects of competition of selected hormones in women field hockey and volleyball teams, Joy C. Bunt
Physiological effects of a recreational sports season of ultimate frisbee, Michael Edward Jacob
The effects of a running program on selected coronary heart disease risk factors in third-grade students, Kathy Kemp
The influence of lateral foot spacing in the starting blocks upon sprint performance in track, Edward H. Nuttycombe
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
A comparison between the head-first slide and the feet-first slide with respect to time and distance, Thomas J. Birk
A study to determine students' career goals and their reasons for selecting courses in the business education department at Glenbrook South High School, Marilyn Ann Busa
An analysis of the environmental concern of junior college students and their parents, Richard Joseph Jackson
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
A follow-up study of the 1973 and 1974 business education graduates of Triton Community College, Joanne Marie Caeti
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Teacher-principal trust in five elementary schools and its relationship to selected elements of the building climate, John Michael Ireland
A selected annotated bibliography of books for high school business education, Diane Sue Isenberg
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
A descriptive analysis of a computerized football scouting system, John H. Hall
A survey of sexual knowledge, attitudes and activities of male high school students, Charles Ervin Hansen
The effects of chronological age on motor performance of 7th and 8th grade boys, Scott T. Krahenbuhl
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
A follow up study of the office occupations graduates of Willowbrook High School, Villa Park, Illinois, for the years 1965 through 1970, Sara Anne Dewey
A follow-up study of the business education graduates of Lockport West High School, 1968-1971, Kenneth Lee Gorman
The development of performance objectives for the two year group instruction phase of the distributive education program at Freeport Senior High School in Freeport, Illinois, William Howard Guymon
Differences in middle school science achievement test scores before and after laboratory/inquiry method of instruction, Laura Franz Hiebert
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
The development of a typing practice set for the secretarial practice classes, Thorton Township High School, Carol Kratochvil Adamek
A study of procedures used in the administration and evaluation of practice sets in bookkeeping and accounting in the state of Illinois, Joseph T. Colmone
An experimental study to determine effect on achievement when introducing typewritten transcription early in first-year Pitman shorthand, Dorothy C. Hauppa
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
A study of a program of independent study for the low ability, underachieving high school student in English, David Irwin Alex
A study of office occupations in the LaSalle-Peru-Oglesby-Spring Valley (Illinois) area, Barbara A. Cattaneo
The effect of four starting techniques on efficiency in baserunning in baseball, Michael P. Conroy
The status of data processing instruction in the public junior colleges of the state of Illinois, June Dostal
Instructional practices and procedures used by recordkeeping teachers in public secondary schools in Illinois, Sharon A. Grove
A study to determine the need of a secretarial office practice course at Woodstock Community High School, Dorothea M. Himmler
A cinematographic analysis of the forward stalder shoot on the horizontal bar, Llewellyn F. Iffland
The status of programed instruction in business courses at the secondary level in the state of Illinois, Robert A. Kumpf
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
A study to determine the type and effectiveness of motivational devices in high school beginning bookkeeping classes, Stan D. Block
Employment standards and job requirements in office occupations, Canton, Ohio, 1968-69, Bernadine P. Branchaw
Factors affecting performance on the certified professional secretary examination, Frances Marie Craig
Effect of instructional grouping by sex upon the general motor ability of third grade children, Judy Kay Dipert
A study to determine some activities that most adequately provide curriculum enrichment for gifted children at the second grade level in a regular classroom, Eleanore J. Ewers
A study of foreign language offerings and objectives in selected community colleges, David G. Hines
A follow-up study of the graduates of the department of special education of Northern Illinois University for the academic years of 1962-63 through 1966-67, Bernard E. Holler
A follow-up study to determine the use made of personal typewriting by graduates of St. Bede Academy, Peru, Illinois, 1964-1967, Dorothy A. Kuffel
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
A survey of the office occupations in the Addison, Illinois area, Ann Miller Belland
A follow-up study of cooperative office education graduates in the northern twenty-one counties of the State of Illinois, Caroline Muns Boyd
The relationship between the intelligence quotient and the creative ability of second grade children in the Villa Park School system, Ruth Elizabeth Burnham
A rating scale for evaluating quality of performance of creative movement, Sosamma Cherian
A study to determine the relationship between certain academic factors and the grade earned in Business Education 347 at Northern Illinois University, Walter Schobal Clevenger
Moral and spiritual values of the preschool child, Jeanette B. Colburn
A study of employment opportunities and job requirements for entry-level office occupations in Freeport, Illinois, businesses, Lee R. Gerber