Theses/Dissertations from 1968
A study to determine the status of data processing courses and/or units of instruction in the business education curricula of public high schools of the northern 21 counties of Illinois, Elva Gustafson Hallstrom
A comparison of improvement in physical fitness of smokers and non-smokers of high school age, Ronald E. Hansen
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
Discrepancy factors of occupational interests and actualities of occupational choice among college women, Dorothy Jean Beck
A survey of the literature concerning the Montessori method between 1961-1966 to determine its present status in the United States, Jacqueline Jean Benson
An experimental study of similar tasks and the Zeigarnik effect, Ernest L. Boltie
Correlation between physical fitness and scholastic grade average, Kenneth John Bond
A follow-up study of the business education graduates of Crystal Lake Community High School for the years of 1964, 1965, and 1966, Nita Dawson Cherry
An experimental study on the achievement of homogeneous and heterogeneous classes in mathematics, Denis Ciezadlo
The effects of three different methods of physical exercise on the development of arm strength of eighth grade boys, Alvin N. Cohen
A statistical analysis of the perception of school related attitudes among students and teachers within an elementary school guidance program, James Lawrence Coole
Selective factors recognized by midwest colleges and universities for admitting high school business graduates, Stephen James Costos
A study of the development of Clear Lake Camp, Carole B. Cross
A follow-up study of graduates of advanced business courses at Sterling Township High School for the years, 1956, 1962, through 1966, with implications for curriculum revision, Andrew Joseph De Craene
Progressive weight training and skill performances of junior high school boys, Kenneth R. DeMano
The enrichment of a junior high school science curriculum through the use of free resources, Elmo L. Donoho
A study of parent attitudes toward parent-teacher conferences in District 47, Crystal Lake, Illinois, elementary schools, Velma Plumb Dysart
The relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement of pre-adolescent boys, Elmer E. Erbe
A cinematographic analysis of the Eagle giant circle on the horizontal bar, Conrad J. Ettl
A comparative study of two groups of delinquent boys on reading gains related to vocational goal, Richard A. Flournory
The effect of rapid weight reduction on the strength, power, and reaction time of high school wrestlers, James T. Grady
A study of the salary, teaching load and co-curricular assignments of beginning business teachers in selected Chicago suburban high schools, Kenneth P. Grams
A review of the literature summarizing the cultural, social, and economic factors which hinder the lower class Negro in school, Richard Frank Grosser
A study of the minimum standards for first-year shorthand in community unit high schools in Illinois, Jacquelynn J. Harder
A follow-up study of the 1962-1966 office practice graduates of Kaneland High School with implications for the improvement of the office practice course, Stephanie Ann Hays
Three methods to identify the underachiever and causes of underachievement, Thomas George Howard
An experimental study of variations of offensive football line stance and their effect on lateral movement, J. O. Jackson
A study to determine the relationship bewteen grades earned in Business Education 120 at Northern Illinois University and selected personal and academic characteristics, Richard L. Jackson
A survey of mail order policies and procedures with special emphasis on customer service, Ronald D. Johnson
A report of the preparation of teachers for team teaching on the elementary, secondary, college and university levels, Jerrold Ewing Karns
The effects of basketball competition on emotional behavior of boys in junior high school, Robert M. Kennedy
Can direct costing replace absorption costing in the aluminum extrusion industry?, John William Kiep
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
Prevailing trends of elementary school guidance in Cook, Lake, and DuPage counties outside of the city of Chicago, Jerome M. Abern
A survey of office employment requirements in selected Rockford, Illinois, businesses, Myron R. Anderson
A comparative investigation of transfer of training from high school journalism classes to that of college composition courses stressing form in writing patterns, James Francis Baker
An empirical evaluation of a college algebra course, Thomas D. Barbour
A survey of the preparedness evidenced by counselors in providing occupational guidance to modern foreign language students at selected high schools, Barbara A. Barlow
A follow-up study of the 1959-1962 business graduates of Lyons Township High School, LaGrange, Illinois, Burdette Barrett
A history of the Churches of Christ and their educational programs in Michigan 1841-1965, Norman Howard Beaman
A study to determine the idea sources used by small manufacturers, Thomas William Beckman
A historical study of the factors relating to the educational progress of the Gavin Elementary School District, 1945 to 1965, Norman Behling
A survey of the literature from 1955 to 1965 related to sociometry and its application to young children in school, Dorothy Louise Bladt
Musical discrimination as a predictor of success in foreign language learning, J. Ford Blickley
A comparative study of achievement and discipline problems among elementary school children from broken and unbroken homes, Richard Paul Boldebuck
A report of articulation for curriculum improvment between Hinsdale South High School and five feeder elementary districts, Richard Alfred Bort
The effect of warm-up on performance in shot-putting, Larry E. Bowers
A comparison of two training programs on the physical fitness of eighth grade boys, Robert C. Bradley
An investigation of lay participation in suburban public education, Ethel June Brownell
The development of a multiple regression equation for predicting ninth grade English grades at Morrison Community High School, Roger J. Buikema
A comparison of the teaching approach of the word study skills in three basic reading series, Ethel Butler
A comparative analysis of two high school elementary bookkeeping texts and two college elementary accounting texts to determine commonality and emphasis of selected topics, David Allen Bydalek
The effect of athletic participation on the grade point average of high school varsity athletics, Theodore M. Caiazza
The reliability and validity of a badminton tap-up test, Cesare Caldarelli
Intelligence tests as predictive instruments for academic achievement among culturally deprived children, Joseph P. Carbonari
Guidelines to preparing an elementary school science curriculum, Allen L. Carey
A comparison of reading achievement in an ungraded school and a graded school, Ruth Volkening Clapper
An investigation of the extent of staff participation in guidance activities related to student problems at Dempster Junior High School, Phillip Stephen Crail
Comparative validities of eleven predictors of student success in ninth grade Spanish and French : Aurora-West Public Schools, 1961-63, Ted Cathcart Crawshaw
A study of the effectiveness of isometric exercises on the motor fitness of elementary school boys, Donald L. Cunningham
What teachers and principals want in staff meetings in the Oak Lawn Elementary School District 123, William R. Day
The principal's role in the development and presentation of the elementary social studies curriculum, Robert Bernard DeBoer
An investigation of the feasibility of teaching specific basic concepts of electronics to eighth grade students in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, Howard Edmund De Camp
An historical review of project English and a critical analysis of the project and selected curriculum development centers, Robert Thomas Doles
A survey of non-teaching personnel associated with grades seven and eight in DuPage County, Eugene Zygmunt Dombkowski
An experiment to determine if special drills presented with the aid of the overhead projector and the chalkboard improve number typing speed and accuracy, Brock Edward Dorn
An identification and comparison of adolescent problems of day and boarding military academy cadets, William Patrick Doyle
A study of the consumer economic understandings of supermarket employees and high school seniors, Harold P. Echternach
A proposed curriculum in mathematics based upon a study of the mathematics curriculum (1964-65) at Sandwich High School, Illinois, Kenneth Walton Ehren
An analysis of teachers' scores on the National Teachers Examination as a factor in academic achievement of students, Gertrude Engelhardt
The effects of awards as a motivating factor in improving physical fitness, John P. Englert
Differences between students who have studied under the Secondary School Science Project and those who have studied traditional science as related to their critical thinking and scientific understanding, Richard Marlowe Evans
An analysis and evaluation of the factors encountered by local school districts participating in a county-wide pilot guidance program, Ronald Charles Fagan
A survey of literature during the last decade related to reading readiness, Donna Irene Fenwick
Academic readiness and physical fitness of kindergarten boys and girls, Jerry D. Foster
A report of a survey of the current instructional practices in science employed by junior high schools in northeastern Illinois, Harry F. Fulton
An evaluation of the exploratory work in the Introduction to Business I course at Waukegan Township High School (West Campus), Kenneth T. Gehrls
An investigation of five socio-economic factors and the attitudes of mothers of fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students toward homework, Harry Dean Gerber
A study of the attitudes of parents toward Project Head Start in Waukegan, Illinois, Ann Coombs Gilman
A survey of the literature during the decade (1953-1963) pertaining to philosophies and methodologies in the teaching of spelling, Bonnie Schwarze Goldman
A survey of teacher opinion concerning eighth grade mathematics textbooks used in DuPage County, Robert Stanley Graflund
A study of the orientation programs in twenty selected school districts, Kenneth Franklin Greeson
A report of a survey of facilities for and parental attitudes toward assigned homework in the Clarence Olson Junior High School, Woodstock, Illinois, Glen E. Gullakson
The relationship of school entrance age and reading achievement, Hurley Lee Hanley
An investigation of the DeKalb kindergarten parents' understandings of an informal activity approach as preparation for reading, Helen Louise Hannon
A study of the dean of boys in his role as a disciplinarian in the small, medium, and large high school, Wendell Dean Hargis
The effects of heavy resistance and light resistance isotonic exercises on the speed of arm movement, Louis Wilson Hartlieb
A survey of practices in northern Illinois junior high schools examined in the light of the recommendations of James B. Conant, Charles Wesley Hayes
The relationship of player performance to basketball team play, Dennis J. Helixon
Co-operation vs consolidation of school district in Deerfield, Illinois, Richard John Hemme
A follow-up study of the business education graduates of Oak Lawn Community High School from 1960 through 1964, Jean E. Hempstead
A comparison of achievement scores of rural and urban ninth-grade students, Kenosha County, 1962-1965, Donald B. Henne
A survey of current supervisory practices in curriculum in selected junior high schools in northern Illinois, Claire L. Highbarger
An analysis of the extent to which junior high schools in Cook, DuPage, Kane, McHenry, and Will counties utilize science equipment purchased under title III of the National Defense Education Act of 1958, Richard Anthony Hospers
Benefits derived from providing an aerospace enriched curriculum to an experimental and control group of fifth and sixth graders, Grant Peter Ienatsch