Publication Date


Document Type


First Advisor

Degges-White, Suzanne

Degree Name

Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

Legacy Department

Department of Counseling and Higher Education (CAHE)


Classism is a recently studied, but historically existent form of oppression. Classism may involve students feeling that they cannot pursue a degree or career due to discrimination related to their social class status. This study explored the relationship between classism, gender, age, race, socioeconomic status, and career agency through survey design research. Career agency is the primary dependent variable in this study. Career agency includes career choice, career forethought, and career related actions related. Psychometrically established instruments including The Experiences With Perceived Classism Scale-Short Form and The Career Futures Inventory-Revised were used to assess classism and career agency. Using this design, data were collected from undergraduate university students of various genders, races, socioeconomic statuses, ages, career anticipations, and potential experiences of classism at a large Midwestern university in the United States. Student data were collected to explore any potential associations between any self-report of perceived classism and students’ reported career agency. Student responses were then analyzed through correlations, an independent samples t-test, and a multiple linear regression analysis.

Keywords: Classism, social class status, multicultural counseling, discrimination, career agency


149 pages




Northern Illinois University

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