Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Documentation of the one man show of ceramics, Bradford G. Kaste
A comparative analysis of labor wages and one family house cost, David Emil Kaufman
Documentation of the one man show of metalwork and jewelry, Paulette L. Keil
The importance of specific socio-economic factors in the adoption of selected new food products, Roy G. Kempa
The politics of principle : a political portrait of Archibald J. Carey, Jr, John P. Kilstrom
An investigation into the orthodoxy of seven related pre-reformation German-Dutch mystics, Michael J. King
Magnesium and manganese ions as protection against X-ray induced dominant lethal mutations in Drosophila Melanogaster, Richard J. King
An investigation of the acquisition of transformation types among children, Cheryl N. Kloer
Positron annihilation in metals and alloys, George S. Komada
An analysis of the relationship of new product diversification to the marketing function in selected firms, Thomas H. Krigbaum
A follow-up study to determine the use made of personal typewriting by graduates of St. Bede Academy, Peru, Illinois, 1964-1967, Dorothy A. Kuffel
The influence of body image on weight loss maintenance, Beila Simon Kunis
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
Metternich's internal policies in historical perspective, 1809-35, Herbert K. Achleitner
Peru's last frontier, G. C.W. Ames
Some base-catalyzed reactions of ?-phthalaldehyde with alkyl and aryl amides, David L. Arendsen
A survey of industrial concentration in northern Illinois, Norman R. Aulabaugh
A land use study of Sterling, Illinois, Robert Charles Baither
A dimension of source credibility which affects jury decision making in personal injury cases, Troy T. Baker
A survey of the criteria used by United States industrial corporations in the evaluation of committees, Frank Balthis
An analysis of the marketing of household aluminum foil in Switzerland, Ronald Lee Bane
Contractions of the isolated rat uterus as affected by seminal plasma, Joseph Darwin Bast
Presidential control through appointment: President Kennedy and the National Labor Relations Board, Jeremy E. Baxter
A survey of the office occupations in the Addison, Illinois area, Ann Miller Belland
Chromatographic comparison of pteridines in white locus alleles of drosophila melanogaster, Katherine W. Bennett
An inquiry into the Pell equation, x² - Dy² = N, Doreen Joyce Bentsen
Continued fraction expansions for pure quadratic irrationalities, Raymond F. Bentsen
On mathematical form in nature, Elizabeth Catherine Berni
An exploratory study of the influence of selected social factors on smoking behavior, Paul J. Biestek
The privileges and immunities clause of the fourteenth amendment of the Constitution of the United States, James Branson Bishop
The effect of a linear alkylate sulfonate detergent on the reproduction of helisoma trivolvis (Say), Keith Eldon Blackmore
Accelerated rural development : A counter-insurgency program in Northeast Thailand, Edward L. Block
Forecasting the need for school business managers in Northern Illinois, James Edward Bowen
A follow-up study of cooperative office education graduates in the northern twenty-one counties of the State of Illinois, Caroline Muns Boyd
A study to determine the elements of satisfaction-dissatisfaction possessed by total energy system purchasers, John H. Brandau
Base-catalyzed condensations of ο-phthalaldehyde and thiourea, Carol A. Brookbank
The environmental factors affecting the habitat preference of the cottontail rabbit (sylvilagus floridanus), Wayne H. Bruckner
Professionalization and the purchasing function, Thomas L. Buettner
The relationship between the intelligence quotient and the creative ability of second grade children in the Villa Park School system, Ruth Elizabeth Burnham
Infrafed [sic] photographic analysis of the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition and polyploidy on tobacco ringspot virus infection, Edward Earl Burns
A study of the accounting treatment of research and development costs, Ronnie Jon Burrows
Album for the young, by David Diamond : an arrangement for band, Larry W. Butkus
Caffeine and radiation induced mutations in drosophila melanogaster, Margaret Mary Callaghan
Excystation and fine structure of the rabbit coccidium eimeria stiedae, Larry Richard Chappel
A rating scale for evaluating quality of performance of creative movement, Sosamma Cherian
The influence of motivator factors and hygiene factors upon job satisfaction of female factory workers in both a rural and uraban locale--an investigation, Marion L. Chiattello
Selections from McGuffey's Reader for symphonic band, Stanley J. Ciciora
The philosophy of Henri Bergson as an answer to certain contradictions found in the work of Friedrich Nietzsche, Judith A. Clark
An evaluation of the competitive bidding rule of the public accounting profession, Raymond J. Clay
Acoustically evoked responses as a function of recruitment phenomena, Lawrence G. Clayton
A study to determine the relationship between certain academic factors and the grade earned in Business Education 347 at Northern Illinois University, Walter Schobal Clevenger
A study of the duties and qualifications of bookkeepers and accountants in manufacturing firms in the DeKalb-Sycamore, Illinois, area, John Edward Clow
Moral and spiritual values of the preschool child, Jeanette B. Colburn
An analysis of the impact of interest groups upon Mexican development, John G. Conklin
Program for the development of musicianship in the boys' choir of the elementary school, Rosemary Connell
Illinois - a bibliography, 1960-1966, Muriel Kiple Cooper
A heuristic programming effect on production scheduling in Company X, Michael E. Crawley
The influence of Jean-Jacques Rousseau on Charles Fourier : two romantic views of human nature, David J. Croft
Acoustically evoked responses as a function of tonal stimulus duration, Eskel E. Curtiss
A study of the accounting theory and treatment of self-insurance, Anthony W. Cvelbar
A study in the use of project managers in the microwave communications industry, Harry C. Dahl
Wilsonian dollar diplomacy : conflict of interest between the United States and Germany during World War I, George Daugherty
An investigation of the clay mineral suite in a type section of the Jackfork Group, Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas, Carl G. Davis
A historical study of the contents and changes of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Shows, William E. Deahl
A correlation of first year bookkeeping learning to first semester elementary accounting and an analysis of means of improving this learning, Nancy Ann Dedert
Synthesis and stereochemical studies of fluoro-trans 1,2 diaminocyclohexane complexes of chromium (III), James M. Dejovine
An investigation of the twentieth century role of the Senate in the appointment of Supreme Court justices, Calvin W. Deur
The controversy over the economics of minimum wage, William A. Dietz
An analysis of management development practices in small business, Michael John Dougherty
An investigation of the retention of Algebra I that is necessary for the study of tenth year geometry, Gerald H. Dunn
A study of financial statement terminology and presentation problems, Robert C. Dye
Soil microfungi of a prairie restoration area - study II, Philip G. Eickhoff
The role of the city planner in governmental decision-making : a case study in Rockford, Illinois, Paul M. Eisen
Abundance and distribution of Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd in the Downeys Bluff Limestone, Minerva Mine No. 1, Cave-In-Rock District, Illinois, Donald Ellsworth Englishman
Documentation of the one man exhibit of prints and drawings, Paul C. Falcone
The rhetoric of Father James Groppi in the Milwaukee civil rights movement : a study of the rhetoric of agitation, Thomas R. Feld
Alumina-catalyzed dehydration of isomeric octadienols, Robert D. Feldt
Documentation of the one man show of ceramics, William N. Felt
A study of the feasibility of using linear programming in the designing of a paper mill, Michael J. Fenrick
An investigation of the domestic need for the Boeing 747 in the period 1972-75, Victor E. Fitzmaurice
A survey of data communications as a management tool, Stanley R. Flood
A costume design project for The beggar's opera by John Gay, Patricia R. Foerster
Psychological testing and its future in personnel selection, Alwayne R. Galioto
Introducing electronic digital computers to high school students, John S. Gardner
The demographic analysis of the Town and Country Bank Charge Card, Thomas X. Gatlin
The effects of state patronage on a local party organization, Joseph L. Gaziano
A study of the relative effectiveness of drug promotions and their integration with the promotional needs of physicians, Richard H. Gentile
A study of employment opportunities and job requirements for entry-level office occupations in Freeport, Illinois, businesses, Lee R. Gerber
Kant's theory of the thing in itself in the Critique of Pure Reason, Richard Alfred Glidewell
Management employee attitudes about management attitude surveys, Jerome David Goetz
A comparison of the effects of three types of discussion on student responses on attitude scales, Alan A. Goldberg
Earth science field trips for ninth grade students in the area of Mendota, Illinois, Don C. Gooden
Roosting and flocking behavior of the common crow, Thomas L. Goodwin
U.S. v. Seeger--a case study of the judicial process, Tom Graham
The relationship of intolerance of ambiguity and dogmatism to religiosity, age, sex, and religious preference, Albert James Grandpre
A feasibility study concerning a data processing center for DeKalb County banks, Jeffrey L. Greenacre
The speculative premium of convertible bonds, Donald J. Guy
A comparative analysis of organization theory and practice of the marketing functions in the farm equipment industry, Matthew John Haberkorn
A study of manufacturing engineering staff structures for numerical control production facilities, William F. Hack
A study to determine the status of data processing courses and/or units of instruction in the business education curricula of public high schools of the northern 21 counties of Illinois, Elva Gustafson Hallstrom
An analysis of programmed learning with application to music education, Robert John Hannenberg