Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Positron annihilation in copper, Richard F. Bay
Documentation of the one man show of sculpture, Michael W. Bennett
The magic that works : John W. Campbell and the American response to technology, Albert I. Berger
Aggressive behavior as a population regulative mechanism in the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus, Vlasta K. Blaha
Documentation of the one man show of jewelry, Bonnie J. Bollman
Standardization of a fiberglass color frame, Martin L. Brackin
A study of deterrence in Rockford, Thomas A. Busam
The origins and organization of the International Harvester Company and the beginnings of the modern market structure for agricultural machinery, George L. Canfield
The founding of the École polytechnique : the Jacobins, education and science, Judith Ann Carrara
Intrapopulational variation in Miogypsina, James E. Catlin
A test of the chemical specificity of neural circuits subserving drinking in the lateral hypothalamus of the adult female hooded rat, William T. Chance
The effect of the human development program on the self-esteem of middle school students, Lawrence Chase
Potential for change : a study of western European minicomputer markets and distribution methods, Kenneth L. Cheetham
Activation parameters for deacylation of acyl-elastase and acyl-chymotrypsin, Violet W. Chen
A study of laboratory and wear performances of selected polyester doubleknit fabrics, Harlene Wiseman Childress
Food quality and the environment : a comparison of young adults and their parents in attitudes, knowledge, and willingness to participate, Nancy C. Ciosek
Relationships between semantic scales in the measurement of attitudes toward three levels of black language, Lorraine T. Cole
Documentation of the one man show of painting, Daniel C. Coonce
Proximate composition of fungus mycelia and spores, David K. Dalby
Documentation of the one man show of prints, Joeann Daley
Relationship of extensiveness of food service training in Illinois hospitals and education of food service management personnel, Lola Behm Davis
An evaluation of four selected ear protectors, Joseph R. Delorier
Documentation of the one-man show of paintings and drawings, Deirdre Marlene Derchin
Population and land tenure changes resulting from agrarian reforms in the Vojvodina of Yugoslavia, George William Dervis
A follow up study of the office occupations graduates of Willowbrook High School, Villa Park, Illinois, for the years 1965 through 1970, Sara Anne Dewey
Variables in interracial aggression : exposure to aggressive interracial interactions, Marcia Donnerstein
Documentation of the one man show of ceramic sculpture, Mary Jane Edwards
Significance of nursery school attendance relative to learning and reading readiness and personal-social adjustment in first grade children, Katherine B. Elliott
Documentation of the one man show of ceramic art, James B. Ellison
Documentation of the one man show of jewelry and metalwork, Bruce A. Feddema
Documentation of the one man show of painting, Elaine Ferlita
The pelagic fisheries of Iceland : a geography in transition, Roger Wallace Fischer
A level scheme of tungsten-184 from the electron capture decay of rhenium-184, Michael J. Gartland
Documentation of the one man show of ceramics, Barry R. Geise
American Spiritualism, 1845-1855, Glen A. Gildemeister
A follow-up study of the business education graduates of Lockport West High School, 1968-1971, Kenneth Lee Gorman
Annulate lamellae and chromatoid bodies in the testes of a cyprinid fish (Pimephales notatus), Galen Paul Graham
The development of performance objectives for the two year group instruction phase of the distributive education program at Freeport Senior High School in Freeport, Illinois, William Howard Guymon
The taxonomy of the Thorichthys group of the genus Cichlasoma from British Honduras (Pisces Cichlidae), John J. Hasse
Documentation of the one man show of ceramics, Sarah Jo Hermanson
The Aztalan site : a test of Griffin's climatic hypothesis, Richard A. Hertzing
Differences in middle school science achievement test scores before and after laboratory/inquiry method of instruction, Laura Franz Hiebert
The effects of environmental conditions on Coelastrum microporum Naeg : strain 280, Janet Holderness
The adaptability of linear regression techniques to cost analysis in the short-run, Fang Kuo Hu
Petrography of the La Salle limestone (Pennsylvanian) La Salle County, Illinois, Dolores M. Hughes
Juvenile due process in Northern Illinois : an evaluation of the juvenile court, Bruce Alan Hupfer
A comparison of some pharmacological effects of lanthanum chloride with chlorpromazine in the rat, Michael J. Hurley
Documentation of the one man show of painting, Peter Hynes
Immunogenetic characterization of some alleles at the white locus of Drosophila melanogaster, Katheryn Kai-Dee Jen
Documentation of the one man show of painting and photography, Michael Eric Johnson
Social interaction in gay bars, Robert Michael Johnston
Studies with the antibiotic pigments from Serratia marcescens strain 75 (prodigiosin and its fractions) : I. Effects of embryogenesis. II. Antimicrobial potency, G. Steve Kalesperis
The reception system of science : a typology construction and application, James Everett Katz
Documentation of the one man exhibit of painting, William E. Kelly
Is adult obesity in black females related to early feeding patterns?, Vera Amelia Kernodle
Optical properties of Sb₂Te₃ by Kramers-Kronig transformation, Lin L. Kiang
A study of the ester to ether reduction on some cholanate esters, Elin King
Prior military experience as a factor affecting attitudes toward war, Howard W. Koepp
Correlation of ethanolysis rates of para- and meta-substituted 2-adamantyl benzenesulfonates, Kenneth C. Kolwyck
Documentation of the one man show of design, Kenneth R. Kroger
A test of three approaches to motivation in a manufacturing concern, Kenneth A. Krohn
Sexual responses of subjects high and low in sexual denial in a censorship and arousal task, Walter Krug
Documentation of the one man show of paintings, Ghulam Rasul
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
The development of a typing practice set for the secretarial practice classes, Thorton Township High School, Carol Kratochvil Adamek
Correlation of solvolysis rate of methyl perchlorate in hydroxylic solvents, Horst Rudolf Adolf
Nigeria's high level manpower: a study of the role of the Nigerian students in the United States in economic development of Nigeria, Oladejo Akinfemi Akinkunle
A comparison of financial statement adjustments based on specific and general price indexes, Taskin Akman
Some manpower implications of the selective service system : a case for the volunteer army, Paul Anstett
Solvent extraction studies of metal 1,10-phenanthroline complexes, Rose L. Asamoah
Documentation of the one man show of ceramics, Sandra L. Battles
As silent as a mirror is believed : the process of metaphor in the poetry of Hart Crane and Dylan Thomas, Joseph Robert Bauers
The feasibility of implementing a flexible retirement policy, James L. Beane
A documentation of the one-man show of paintings & drawings by Robert Bemi, Robert Bemi
Documentation of the one man show of sculpture, Michael W. Bennett
The electrophoretic analysis of esterase of rabbit serum, erythrocytes, and intraocular fluid, Ralph Gale Boeyink
Giles Farnaby and the virginal variation, Robert Philip Bron
A description of the role of the intercity bus as a common carrier, Roger Mark Brown
Contingent liabilities and their presentation on the balance sheet, Dennis N. Bunjes
Gravity and bedrock geology study of East-Central Minnesota, David Roy Carlson
Influence of diurnal rhythms and triiodothyronine on the response of the rat uterus to estradiol-17[sub β], Richard A. Carlson
A study of multi-valuation financial statements, Michael C. Chow
An evaluative analysis of the DeKalb community program for the prevention and control of juvenile delinquency, Bernadette Clarke
Documentation of the one man show of paintings, Robert R. Cobb
The effects of drive level on the conditioning of frustration, Jeffrey M. Cohen
Documentation of the one man show of paintings and drawings, Abby Coleman
A study of procedures used in the administration and evaluation of practice sets in bookkeeping and accounting in the state of Illinois, Joseph T. Colmone
Influence of Minoan, Mycenaean, and Egyptian religious beliefs on Near-East Bronze Age art, Robert G. Cosgrove
The marketing of alkali chemicals, Robert A.F. Cross
A study of coordinated bargaining in the copper wire and cable industry, Edward Joseph Curzon
Documentation of the one man show of paintings, Susan C. Cvengros
The petrography of the Iron Mountain trachybasalts, Iron Mountain, Montana, William D. Di Paolo
Petrology of the precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks in the vicinity of St. Cloud, Minnesota, Fred Melvin Dittmann
A case study to evaluate the utility of accounting reports to operating management, Wayne J. Draudt
Some ultrastructural aspects of Emericellopsis salmosynnemata : membrane systems associated with the plasmalemma, Mark A. Dykstra
The Conversion of 2-¹�C-mevalonic acid to smilagenin in Agave lecheguilla, and Ruthenium tetroxide oxidation of some ring A steroids, Olusegun Ekundayo
Documentation of the one man show of paintings, Joan Evanchuk
Geology for planning in Bristol and Oswego townships, Kendall County, Illinois, Dennis George Fedor
The United States and the creation of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1942-1945, William G. Feipel