Theses/Dissertations from 1967
"The grand inquisitor legend" and Dostoevsky's concept of man's duality, Richard D. Auman
An analysis of the elements of rhetorical art in the pulpit speaking of Dr. Clarence Edward Macartney, Louis Alee Baptist
Progesterone concentration levels in ovarian and uterine tissue of the normal cycling, pregnant, and human chorionic gonadotropin injected rat, Richard J. Baranczuk
Oscillator placement in bone conduction testing with selected groups of children, Prudence S. Barber
The Robinson-Patman anti-price discrimination act : an economic appraisal, William B. Batte
An exploratory investigation to determine the effectiveness of teaching two sounds simultaneously during articulation therapy, Brenda Rose Baumbich
Factors maintaining local two-party competition in a suburban community, David R. Beam
Discrepancy factors of occupational interests and actualities of occupational choice among college women, Dorothy Jean Beck
A survey of the literature concerning the Montessori method between 1961-1966 to determine its present status in the United States, Jacqueline Jean Benson
Certain aspects of sexual maturation in the male rat, John C. Berg
A study of the open country churches in DeKalb County of Illinois, Edgar E. Biberdorf
The series Σ 1/N and an application, Donald Bielick
Roger Casement, man and myth, Alan Bingham
In vitro proliferation of eimeria stiedae (Lindemann, 1865) within infected homologous cells in heterologous medium, Lawrence J. Blecka
A study of the common stock price trends of a selected group of companies that incurred losses, Ronald D. Bleed
A study of selected international franchisors, Henry Richard Bollman
An experimental study of similar tasks and the Zeigarnik effect, Ernest L. Boltie
Correlation between physical fitness and scholastic grade average, Kenneth John Bond
An investigation of some automated circulation control systems for the Northern Illinois University Library, Lawrence James Bowman
Illinois folk variants, as related to social studies, Martha A. Bowser
A study of materials handling manufacturers' representatives in the Chicago area, Kenne Paul Bristol
Documentation of the one man exhibit of shaped canvases, Kent Bristol
Computed soil moisture patterns in and around the Prairie Peninsula during the great drought of 1933-34, Wayne A. Britton
A study of a speech improvement program at the kindergarten level as a means of reducing articulation errors, Sharon D. Broers
A study to determine how business objectives are formulated in a selected number of manufacturing companies, Michael J. Broggi
Certain effects of a metabolic inhibitor on the seminal vesicle-coagulating gland complex of the rat, Gerald A. Brown
A study in the effect of work measurement on industrial relations, Kenneth Richard Brown
A study of attitudes toward Negroes and Jews in a church related college, Daniel C. Bruch
An analysis of bank chartering requirements and their effect on bank competition in Illinois, Howard C. Builta
The effect of adenosine triphosphate on the frequency of radiation-induced crossovers in male drosophila melanogaster, Thomas Rey Burckhalter
An analysis of the influence of naturalism on the theatre-libre, Guy Joseph Cardarelli
A study of turnover in a Rockford, Illinois hardware industry, Arnold E. Carlson
Validity of word-count scoring for the Thematic apperception test, Hilmer Jon Carlson
Incidence of chromium and its effect on glucose tolerance, Dorothy Chambers
Heat of formation of μ-peroxo-bis(pentaamminecobalt) tetranitrate by solution calorimetry, Romesh Chander
Comparative studies of protein bands of haemolymph and fat body of the cockroach, Blaberus craniifer (Burmeister), Akbar Ali Cheema
A follow-up study of the business education graduates of Crystal Lake Community High School for the years of 1964, 1965, and 1966, Nita Dawson Cherry
An experimental study on the achievement of homogeneous and heterogeneous classes in mathematics, Denis Ciezadlo
The Federal Child Labor Amendment : movement for ratification in Illinois, 1924-1933, Raymond Albert Cipriano
The effects of three different methods of physical exercise on the development of arm strength of eighth grade boys, Alvin N. Cohen
A statistical analysis of the perception of school related attitudes among students and teachers within an elementary school guidance program, James Lawrence Coole
Selective factors recognized by midwest colleges and universities for admitting high school business graduates, Stephen James Costos
An investigation of auditory imprinting in prenatal chickens, Samuel Allen Counter
Labor forecasting : a tool for production planning, Frank S. Covaro
An analysis of the National Farmers Organization, John Peter Craig
A study of community attitudes toward migrant workers, Michael O. Creighton
A study of the development of Clear Lake Camp, Carole B. Cross
A study to determine the feasibility of employing an insurance administrator at four-year colleges or universities, Warren D. Cuplin
A study to determine the feasibility of establishing a commercial intelligence department in an industrial chemical firm, Thomas J. Daly
The effects of various intensities of prenatal shock administered during different trimesters of pregnancy on the emotionality and avoidance learning ability of rat offspring, James Russell Davis
A follow-up study of graduates of advanced business courses at Sterling Township High School for the years, 1956, 1962, through 1966, with implications for curriculum revision, Andrew Joseph De Craene
The effect of engineering preplanning in selected electronic firms, Henry Eielt Dehne
Progressive weight training and skill performances of junior high school boys, Kenneth R. DeMano
Conditions for a 3 x 3 magic square and a variation, Richard F. Dempsey
A study of the incentive plans employed in the mobile home industry and the impact unions play in the installation of the incentive plans, Anthony L. DeRose
A study of book and supply practices in secondary schools in the State of Illinois, James A. Dickinson
The influence of age on the sensitivity of the Guppy (Lebistes reticulatus), to X-rays, Ronald Charles Dickinson
Some relationships of glaciation to land use in Blackberry and northern Sugar Grove Townships, Kane County, Illinois, Ronald R. Dilamarter
A survey of the contributions of early American typefounders to our typographical history and culture, 1728-1828, Marguerite E. Doll
The enrichment of a junior high school science curriculum through the use of free resources, Elmo L. Donoho
The academic accomplishments at Northern Illinois University of accounting transfer students relative to accounting non-transfers, Alan Gordon Donohue
Documentation of a one-man exhibit of prints and drawings, John Doyle
A study of succession on an acid peat bog in Kane County, Illinois, Jon J. Duerr
Equal approximations in the Newton-Raphson method, William L. Duncker
A study of parent attitudes toward parent-teacher conferences in District 47, Crystal Lake, Illinois, elementary schools, Velma Plumb Dysart
Aspects of binding of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in rat serum proteins, J. Charles Eldridge
An analysis of the various approaches used in the exploratory phase of new product evolution, Richard Lee Entrikin
The relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement of pre-adolescent boys, Elmer E. Erbe
A cinematographic analysis of the Eagle giant circle on the horizontal bar, Conrad J. Ettl
A neglected forerunner of Georg Friedrich Knapp : an examination of William A. Berkey, David P. Evans
A study in military unpreparedness : Britain and France and their failure to modernize their armies, James William Evans
An analysis of bad and doubtful accounts in the wholesale food and allied lines industry, Roland C. Eyears
The development of an equipment inventory system using data processing techniques for School District U-46, Elgin, Illinois, William G. Farley
The erosion of management rights, Charles Ferguson
Periodic and terminating decimals in different bases, Raymond Joseph Fetzner
A comparative study of two groups of delinquent boys on reading gains related to vocational goal, Richard A. Flournory
A study of the growth/temperature relationships among the actinomycetes, with special reference to thermophilic groups, William Mace Floyd
Materiality in external financial reporting, Siew-low Fong
Evidence for a modified mechanism in the termolecular alcoholysis reactions of acyl halides in aprotic solvents, Fred David Foss
A comparative investigation of the graduate accountance curriculum of Northern Illinois University with graduate accountancy curricula of selected universities, Edward Carl Foth
Documentation of the one man exhibit presenting figurative drawings, prints and jewelry, Dennis L. Friend
Chronology of air pollution abatement by the Commonwealth Edison Company of Chicago, 1887-1966, Anita E. Gast
A chromatographic analysis of the free and proteinated amino acids of selected strains of Coelastrum microporum Naeg. and C. proboscideum Bohn, James Edward Gates
A coincidence study on the decay of Antimony-124, Marie Diane Gawlik
A study of the accounting treatment for the intangible asset goodwill, John Donald Gedart
A statistical study of microfossiles by application of mass data processing and computer techniques, Richard Joseph Giliberto
The effects of a partially purified thymus extract on lymphopoiesis, Delmar James Gillespie
A many-body approach to the problem of excitons, Stephen Ginsburg
Relationship of basic public relations concepts to marketing policies, Donald S. Gordon
An evaluation of the benefits derived from writing a thesis as a requirement for a master's degree in business administration, James B. Gordon
The effect of rapid weight reduction on the strength, power, and reaction time of high school wrestlers, James T. Grady
A study of the salary, teaching load and co-curricular assignments of beginning business teachers in selected Chicago suburban high schools, Kenneth P. Grams
Unamuno and modern Spain : a study in philosophy and politics, Dana Greene
Norethynodrel and chromosome abberrations in Drosophila, Brian Gene Grimwood
A review of the literature summarizing the cultural, social, and economic factors which hinder the lower class Negro in school, Richard Frank Grosser
A study in management's responsibility : computer utilization, Richard A. Hahn