Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Thermodynamics of hydrogen bonding in N-monosubstituted amides by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Chang Yun Chang
Preferences for tactually and visually varied stimulation : the intermodal effects of specific early experiences, Thomas R. Chibucos
Heats of combustion, formation, vaporization and sublimation of some organic compounds, Jong K. Choi
Documentation of the one man show of Lenice K. Colangelo art drawing, Lenice K. Colangelo
The effect of four starting techniques on efficiency in baserunning in baseball, Michael P. Conroy
Prestige and other job characteristics as influences on job choice by business faculty, Jimmy Don Cook
Documentation of the one man show of painting, Daniel C. Coonce
Universals and Wittgenstein's theory of family resemblance, William T. Craig
A study to determine the relationship between attitudes of recently terminated civil service employees and earlier selected civil service employees, George Walter Crull
A comparison of religious beliefs of college women, Sandra K. Cunningham
A quantitative analysis of lake-effect snowfall, Kenneth F. Dewey
Documentation of the one man show of Russell G. De Yong Jr. graphic design, Russell G. De Yong
Temperature dependence of spin-lattice relaxation time : AsO₃²⁻ molecule ion in single-crystal calcite, Joachim Doehler
The status of data processing instruction in the public junior colleges of the state of Illinois, June Dostal
Is understanding of instructions a major factor in dietary adherence among patients with chronic renal failure?, Catherine Virginia Draper
Fiscal policy in underdeveloped countries : a case study in Pakistan, Edward W. Eboch
Documentation of the one man show of paintings, Joan Evanchuk
Designing a flexible theatre for the secondary school, Edward J. Ewald
Documentation of the one man show of jewelry and metalwork, Bruce A. Feddema
A study to determine the training needs of chemical plant operators, Terrence L. Fenimore
Characteristics of social service agencies and board members : the De Kalb case, Eugene Francis Flynn
Occurrence of cull in managed oak stands in Northern Illinois, Howard W. Fox
Documentation of the one man show of prints and drawings, Dennis L. Friend
An analysis of the barriers to foreign direct private investments in Chile, Alvaro S. Garcia
The effects of hypnotic suggestions on learning and memory in a non-fakable paradigm, J. Richard Geisler
Gravity anomalies and crustal mass concentrations in north-central Illinois, John C. Georgiou
Prestige and other job characteristics as influences on business faculty retention, Lee Allen Graf
The debates and religious forums of Clarence Darrow, Harry W. Greene
Instructional practices and procedures used by recordkeeping teachers in public secondary schools in Illinois, Sharon A. Grove
Documentation of the one man show of photographic compositions, Charles A. Hagen
A comparative study of the Keogh Act and other selected retirement programs for the self-employed, Ronald Charles Hain
A comparative study of the behavioral characteristics of motorcycle and non-motorcycle vehicle operators, Geraldine Hampton
Mossbauer investigation of solid solutions of Gamma-Fe+Mn, William C. Harper
An investigation of the application of input/output analysis in practical business problems, Dale V. Hibst
A study to determine the need of a secretarial office practice course at Woodstock Community High School, Dorothea M. Himmler
Toward a middle range theory of collective behavior, Kenneth E. Hornback
Cheating as a function of expectancy, internal-external control, and type of task, James C. Hosek
Comparison of body-self-cathexis and feelings of security in college women with various body attitudes and body sizes, Jiang Kuang Hsieh
Sensitivity training and the managerial grid as management training methods, Charles Richard Iannone
A cinematographic analysis of the forward stalder shoot on the horizontal bar, Llewellyn F. Iffland
The historical geography of Bensenville, Illinois, Thomas J. Itrich
Does a backward-conditioning CS initially acquire excitatory properties?, James H. James
An attempt to obtain state-dependent familiarization to flavors, Irwin Kahn
Ultrastructure and cell division of the filamentous oral bacterium Alysiella Filiformis, Gary E. Kaiser
The origin and evolution of the Islamic minar in Syria, Iraq and Egypt, Suzanne J. Kanbour
A preliminary investigation of the oral language of elementary school teachers, Mary S. Kealey
Evaluation and formulation of range accounting, David Earl Keys
A study of the various state requirements for certified public accountants with a view towards uniform requirements, Frederick E. Kipp
Workers' education as a means of amelioration of industrial unrest, William J. Klouthis
Development of metamorphic competence by Xenopus laevis embryonic tissues in response to 3,5,3'-triiodo-L-thyronine, Thomas Lowell Knutson
Electron microscope study of the egg envelopes and developing integument of a uropodine mite, Dennis R. Kolata
The effect of the Aicpa Audit Guide for Banks and Opinions nos. 9 and 13 of the Accounting Principles Board upon current bank accounting practice, Kenneth J. Kolbet
Authigenic and detrital K-feldspars in the franconia formation, David J. Kramer
Galena, Illinois : urban land use change and development of a mid-western mining town, (1820-1980), Gerald H. Krausse
A study of the interindustry propensity to strike, W. Dale Krueger
The status of programed instruction in business courses at the secondary level in the state of Illinois, Robert A. Kumpf
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
An analysis of product adaptation strategies for marketing selected consumer durables in foreign countries, Donald E. Adams
Electronic structure of superplastic alloys, Sn¹¹? + Bi (tin + bismuth), Rahim Afshar
The status of numerical control in northern Illinois industry, Albert W. Albrecht
Personnel retention as related to the relocation of Chicago area industrial operations, James W. Albrecht and Robert E. Lane
A radiorespirometric study of D-glucose dissimilation in Actinoplanes Philippinensis, Richard Glenn Allen
The electrophoretic analysis of serum and intraocular fluid, Robert Attilio Andrini
Documentation of the one man show of painting, William E. Arloff
Further chemical and physical analyses of the pigment fractions of Serratia Marcescens strain 75, Jack L. Armstrong
William Godwin as a literary worker, 1756-1800, Alan M. Babler
Ionic protection of x-ray induced dominant lethals in drosophila melanogaster, Kenneth Edward Balkin
Documentation of the one man show of sculpture, John G. Balsley
A comparative study as to how business students, business college faculty members, corporate recruiters, and contemporary critics view the objectives of collegiate schools of business, Donald James Barbas
The impact upon the self concept of the mentally ill of participation in a program of industrial work, Margaret Sohl Barbee
The adaptation effect among mentally retarded stutterers, Henry E. Baud
Industrial training practices in selected Chicago area industries, George Alexander Beaudoin
The applicability of generally accepted accounting principles to life insurance companies, Robert L. Becci
Impulsivity and its relationship to certain personality, demographic, and antecedent variables, Richmond T. Bell
Chromatographic studies in the purification of bovine milk alkaline phosphatase, Thor F. Berg
An investigation into the nature of selected international business courses in colleges and universities, Thomas M. Bertsch
Documentation of the one man show of paintings, Carol Lee Bishop
Documentation of the one man show of paintings, David Bishop
A sociological analysis of criminal homicide in the city of Rockford, Illinois, Donald L. Blazicek
A study to determine the type and effectiveness of motivational devices in high school beginning bookkeeping classes, Stan D. Block
Post conditioning stimulus effects on memory consolidation demonstrated in carassius auratus by means of protein synthesis inhibition in the central nervous system, Harry Edward Bose
Contract tomato farming in Northeastern Illinois, Franklin J. Bradach
Employment standards and job requirements in office occupations, Canton, Ohio, 1968-69, Bernadine P. Branchaw
A study of the application of linear programming techniques in establishing equitable regional sales quotas for an industrial marketing firm, Robert E. Branshaw
Comparison of electrophoretically separated serum proteins and blood types in the chicken, Eugene Kurt Braun
Resistivity and Hall coefficient of metals, James C. Brown
A critical analysis of the "Procedure Manual for Business Affairs" at Northern Illinois University, Robert W. Burdick
Stratigraphy, structure, and petrography of carboniferous rocks from Crystal Mountain region, Arkansas, M. R. Burkart
John Maynard Keynes and Robert Triffin and the idea of an international central bank, Wesley K. Caine
Absolutes at the abyss : ethical commitment in the writings of Sartre, Ionesco, Camus, Hemingway, and Yeats, Joseph P. Caravello
Pulse readings of cost reduction programs, Peter Frank Caruso
Transition and dissent : a study of committee activity in Albany County, New York, 1765-1778, Janet D. Chess
Correlates of status differentiation among teacher union activists, Thomas Choi
An investigation of how much error can be expected when a slow chemical reaction is performed with an automatic titrator, Dennis Cielaszyk
Peer acceptance and rejection of young children in relation to their self-concept scores, Lucy M. Ciganek
Magnetic properties of Au₈₀V₂₀₋ₓFeₓ in the temperature interval 60°-300°K, Richard H. Clark
A survey of the preparation and qualifications of marketing instructors in Illinois public junior colleges, Kent H. Claussen
Competition between savings and loan associations and commercial banks, Stephen B. Cole