Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Molecular studies on homologous recombination at the intergenic region of brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV) : determinants, mechanisms, and relationship with transcription, Rafal Henryk Wierzchoslawski
River cities : a study of agenda-setting, Anton E. Wohlers
A leading researcher approves of this thesis : pseudo-credibility and persuasion, Sarah E. Wood
Statistical aspects of gene expression microarray analysis, Aiming Yang
Excitation of surface plasmon polaritons by nano-hole and 2-D active optics by nano-hole arrays, Leilei Yin
Optimal control formulation based on the reduced order differential equations of vortex model, Haiyan Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Analysis of cellular nucleases that selectively degrade EGF-R mRNA, Frank Adamo
The impact of relational schema-based expectations on the processing of social information, Samuel D. Aloian Jr.
Secure copyright protection of digital media using watermarking techniques, Navin Anand
States of consciousness and cognition : a study of state-dependent learning, Paul D. Anderson
Do women's friendships affect their health? : a look at influences on satisfaction with friendships, and the influence of satisfaction with friendships on health, Angela J. Andreasen
Genetic population structure by microsatellite DNA analysis of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus Catenatus Catenatus) at Carlyle Lake, Michael A. Andre
Perceptions of college student drinking behavior : reality is relative, Patrick C. Archer
An osteological study of seven Mississippian sites near Lake Carlyle and Lake Shelbyville, Illinois, April L. Arrecis
High frequency AC operation of LEDs to resolve the current sharing problem when connected in parallel, Srinivasa M. Baddela
Effects of various crossover techniques to a creature developed using genetic algorithms within a user chosen environment by Ariel Balaoing, Ariel Balaoing
Diptongos en el continuo Latín-Español, Georgina Balbontin
The differences in attitudes and self-efficacy for computer technologies of didactic program directors based on technology training and use, Kimberlee Ballantyne
Convection in response to electron beams, Laura L. Bandura
An application of multiple imputation for missing data in linear regression analysis, Julie F. Banks
The relationship between sport commitment and athletic injury, Tabitha Barber
The effects of child sexual abuse, child physical abuse, and combined child sexual and physical abuse on adult sexual victimization and adult posttraumatic stress disorder, Elizabeth J. Barbo
A Markov chain analysis of the Dow, Quinton Barkley
Attitudes toward corporal punishment, stress, and social support in the prediction of child physical abuse potential, Leah E. Behl
Snacking and meal patterns in relation to disinhibition and restraint, Megan A. Bengtson
Transport phenomena in surface alloying of metals irradiated by a high-energy laser beam, Kiran Dattatraya Bhat
Equilibrium and kinetic ligand binding studies with some heme proteins, Anil Kumar Bidwai
An examination of two daily mean temperature calculations : is the mean temperature adequate for calculating heating degree days?, Russell L. Bigley
Meskwaki flintlocks : cultural accommodation and adaptation during the early fur trade in the western Great Lakes, Brad W. Bodoh
Managing instructor feedback : politeness theory in the classroom, Ian M. Borton
Learning the norms : an investigation of moral atmosphere among a division 1A football team, Deborah T. Brown
A trait theory of adolescent leadership, Sarah E. Brown
Assessing the emergence of tense marking in young children : is parent report valid?, Cynthia Bryant
Save them! : the life of Paul Rader, Christian radio pioneer, Paul D. Butler
Factions, parties, coalition change, and cabinet durability in Thailand: 1979 to 2001, Paul Chambers
Marriage and the family in the history of political philosophy, Jennifer N. Chesher
What's spirituality got to do with it? : a comparison of the effects of spirituality and religion on health and life satisfaction, Krista Marie Clark
Wilderness city : the post-World War II American urban novel, Ted L. Clontz
Evolving artifacts at work : a case study of computer-supported cooperative work implementation in a bank, Marlin M. Cluts
Dietitians' optimism about the ability of patients/clients to achieve and maintain ideal body weight, Jamie Cornett
Who you are is where you stand, Todd A. Culp
Exploring sex differences in sexual interest cues : participant perceptions versus self-reports, Elaine L. Davies
Stereotype threat in leadership : the effects of gender and task type, Daniel J. Davis
Social support and self-esteem in early adolescents with disruptive behavior characteristics, Lauren K. DeLong
Assistive technology : the effects of training on attitude, Shannon Alice Demmert
Early childhood educators' attitudes toward and knowledge about computers in the classroom, Craig L. Derscheid
The impact of increased exposure to fruits and vegetables and nutrition education on the food acceptance of third-grade children, Marlene Victoria Devine
Reduction potential measurement as a method to elucidate the structure-function relationship in the heme protein cytochrome c peroxidase, Cory M. DiCarlo
Prevention of eating disturbances : an ecological approach to improving eating behaviors, body image, and self-esteem in early adolescence, Jennifer L. Doty
Parenting stress and daily parenting hassles as predictors of difficult mealtime interaction, Timothy James Drew
Adaptive fuzzy sliding control for a passive robotic manipulator, Subashini Elangovan
Why do regional actors comply? : subnational structure and collective action in Indonesia, 1990-2001, I Ketut Putra Erawan
The role of individual characteristics in predicting the stability of party identification : a cross-cultural study, Maria-Magdalena Farc
Characterization of a Trans-acting factor that stabilizes epidermal growth factor receptor mRNA, Jill E. Feinstein
Mating behavior of the parasitoid wasp : Spalangia endius, C. Robyn Fischer
Partial characterization of the stringent response genes in Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Scott Daniel Fisher
The spatial variation of labor productivity and its relationship to population density : U.S. industries at the county level in 1997, Matthew K. Fitzgibbon
A study of informal learning in an adult degree-completion cohort program, Gwen Freiberg-Svoboda
Teachers' perceptions as affected by diagnostic labels and child behavior, Amy N. Fritz
Design and hybridization of efficient 433MHz encrypted transmitter and receiver modules for multipurpose applications, David Galica
Using a study-reading intervention to improve success in a community-college nursing program, Peggy A. Gallagher
Effects of sexual victimization on threat perception and resistance to sexual coercion by Marilyn Garcia, Marilyn Garcia
An analysis of the vocabulary gloss selections of college-level L2 readers when reading a narrative hypermedia text in Thai, Jenjit Gasigitamrong
Evaluating the emergence of a democratic regime of the Americas : evolving norms and changing standards, David M. Goldberg
Meta-analysis of induction and mentoring programs' contribution to new teacher retention during the first five years of employment, Libby L. Grant
A naturalistic investigation of voluntary service in faith-based adult literacy programs : altruism, education, and spiritual development, Cynthia Ann Gray
Effects of spontaneous phonemic awareness knowledge, contextualized phonemic awareness instruction, and decontextualized phonemic awareness training on phonemic awareness, reading, and spelling development in kindergarten students, Regina L. Slattery Gursky
Reduction of thermal loading on a one-kilowatt field effect transistor source follower power supply, Brian M. Hall
An evaluation of sponsorship and ambush marketing at grassroots level sporting events, Jennifer S. Hassrick
The seven habits of highly effective students : a case study in character education and school cultural transformation, Robert L. Hawkins
Implicit and explicit attitudes as predictors of both automatic and intentional social behavior, Jeremy D. Heider
The retinal epithelium : roles of melanin and extracellular matrix in protection against light damage, Courtney J. Hill
The intended and unintended consequences of mandatory educational requirements in law enforcement, Kristie A. Hilton
How apartheid predisposed blacks to HIV infection and AIDS in South Africa, Cynthia N. Hlongwane
Body image and weight attitudes : a comparison among Caucasian, Hispanic, and Asian-American college students, Ka-Yee Phoebe Ho
Relationships between phonological, lexical, and morphosyntactic development, Jill R. Hoover
An adaptive FIR filter design for compensation of nonlinear distortion in OFDM systems, Jiong Hua
The effects of group discussion on the acceptance of low-achieving children who display variable academic effort, Todd M. Huenecke
Theoretical and finite element model for vibration of a damaged ceramic beam, Shihong Huo
Performance evaluation of transceiver in IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN standard, Pavan Inturi
Modeling school effects on the Black-White achivement gap, Carrie J. Ippel
Principals' perceptions of virtual learning as part of the overall curricula in Illinois public high schools, Richard Louis Jancek
An examination of the effects of self-perceived stigma in criminal offenders, Christine Janis
A morphometric analysis of Neandertal zygomatic bones, Ivor Jankovic
The utility of curriculum-based measurement writing indices for progress monitoring and intervention, Jennifer Jewell
An analysis of library web sites at colleges and universities serving distance education students, Odin L. Jurkowski
Performance analysis of OFDM-CDMA systems in Rayleigh fading channels, Jagadish Chandra Kalaga
The design of a fast efficient fault restoration system in WDM networks, Vamseedhar R. Kalam
Virtual sensors in active noise control systems, Srinivasa Kalluri
A three-dimensional finite element analysis of the melting of an alloy irradiated with a Gaussian laser beam, Bhavani Vikram Kasula
A novel expression vector for human ABCR, a protein expressed in the photoreceptor outer segments, Lanea M.M. Keller