Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Developing a hybrid push/pull manufacturing system using genetic algorithm, Boon Aik Tan
Effect of ethanol on growth hormone stimulated JAK-STAT signal transduction pathway in 3T3-F442 cells, Wahbeh A. Tawil
Use of linerar [sic] solvation energy relationships and surface acoustic wave sensors for investigation of viscoelastic phenomena in polymers, Ryan P. Taylor
Failure recovery procedure implementation in FTP, Harini Tokala
A study of female principals' moral orientations and reasoning through the use of self-generated moral dilemmas, Kelly M. Tough-Doogan
"Do I count?" Adult experiences with involuntary separation from the job : context, perspective, violence, and institutionalized myth, Daniela Truty
Throughput maximization of packet data transmission and implementation of forward error correction using BCH codes, Ushasree Vankadaru
Teacher perceptions of the impact of teacher recertification requirements, Debra L. Van Maldegiam
Therapeutic effects of apomorphine on neglect following unilateral destruction of the medial agranular cortex, Thomas M. Van Vleet
Examining the predictive ability of job satisfaction attitudes characterized by consistency among their affective and cognitive components, Kristian M. Veit
Performance evaluation of various quality of service techniques, Nitin Bharadwaj Vyakaranam
Phenomenological profiles of selected Illinois public school superintendents as servant leaders, Laurel A. Walker
A study of Illinois elementary principals' teacher selection criteria and process, Thomas A. Watrobka
Empirical Bayes process monitoring of Poisson data, Sean Patrick Weldon
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a standard enteral nutrition order form, Brandy L. Wells
Explanatory styles of superintendents, principals, and business managers in public schools located in Northern Illinois, Thomas P. Wensch
An analysis of the evolution of instructional technology as a discipline, James A. West
The death of philosophy in Karl Popper's The open society and its enemies, Christopher M. Whidden
The effects of high- versus low-intensity dynamic resistance training on excess postexercise oxygen consumption, Christine L. Wiese
The changing Balinese caste system : modern contestations of commoners' status in the social hierarchy, Ayu Krisna Dewi Wijaya
An analysis of the perceptions of superintendents and school board members regarding the ability of the school board to effectively govern in local districts, M. Susan Workman
The difference in temporal structures of mental events and physical events, Xu Xu
The impact of R&D-based knowledge and geographic spillovers on manufacturing growth in the United States, Michael J. Youngblood
The impact of block scheduling on student academic achievement, Gongshu Zhang
A structural damage identification method using modal parameters through finite element discretization, Xiaoping Zhou
A study of quadruped gaits for acceleration and dynamic blancing [sic], Yong Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Atomic force microscopy of epitaxial thin films, Marian Elaine Melby Aanerud
Ligand binding to ferric heme proteins : nuclear magnetic resonance and kinetics studies, Angela J. Ahrendt
Leadership, community, and the role of the elementary principal in two performing bilingual schools : a comparative study, Christie L. Aird
The effects of casino gaming on selected midwestern municipalities : gauging the attitudes of local government officials, local business officials, and civic leaders, Ross C. Alexander
Religious movement and economic and social development : Islamic government experience in Kelantan State, Malaysia, Abdullah Alghanim
Citizenship, social capital, and public school inequality, Emmanuel Allie
Correlation studies of experimental and analytical techniques in vibration, Sridhar Amara
Characterization of the alloantigens C, D and L of the chicken, Keith A. Ameiss
Grip strength prediction model, Siti Nooraini Noor Anwar
Algorithmic and algebraic methods in the foundations of mathematics, Alexander Aris
Transformation of self : portrait of youth investigators and forensic interviewers exposed to repeated trauma, Lynn Atkinson-Tovar
The relationship between anxiety sensitivity and fear-potentiated startle, Laura Leal Avila
Associative learning in male Nasonia Vitripennis, a parasitoid wasp (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), Jeffery Michael Baeder
Optimizing network processor by employing selective caching to data cache used for route lookup, Rana Banerjee
The down-regulation of cellular growth through the pharmacological induction of antizyme protein, Jill S. Bates
Sexual abuse and forgiveness, John Beckenbach
Tenured high school teachers' perceptions of their professional growth when using an alternative form of teacher evaluation, Lisa R. Black-Gomez
The relationships among personality, process, and performance in interactive brainstorming groups, Aaron U. Bolin
An investigation of the use of contemporary congregational music in undergraduate sacred music programs, Margaret M. Brady
Verb lexicons and the emergence of syntax in late-talking children, Jennifer K. Brinkmeier
Measuring mothers' self-efficacy and perceived barriers toward brushing their children's teeth, Larissa Simon Brouwers
Suburban population clusters of multi-family housing in Dupage County, Illinois : a look at walkability and quality of life, Honor Melanie Buell
A case study examining the effective teaching practices that increase achievement of at-risk African-American and Caucasian students, Patricia J. Burke
The ontogeny of the axillary border of the scapula of Neanderthal and modern human juveniles, Amanda Marie Busby
Dickens and the legal system, John M. Carlberg
A comparison of evidence of Watson's carative factors in performance appraisals for medical surgical registered nurses in the state of Illinois, Elizabeth M. Carson
La religioń como estrategia de supervivencia en dos novelas indigenistas = : Religion as a survival strategy in two indigenous novels, Rebecca A. Carte
Experimental and computational bonding study I. solid state materials II. gas-phase thermochemistry of main-group halides, Catherine Elizabeth Check
Conflict styles among African, Asian, Hispanic, and Caucasian Americans in same-ethnic and inter-ethnic conflict situations and their relationships to participants' ethnic identity level, Tsui-yee Dorothy Chow
A critical examination of the virtual organization and the mutual dependencies of trust, communication, and collaborative learning, Deborah Lavin Colky
Design and implementation of a Microsoft Windows 9X/NT Front End for a TRE electromask pattern generator, Raymond P. Conley
Sponsorship of Catholic health care : an adult education model for preparing the laity, Jeanne M. Connolly
Control expectancies as cognitive schemata in mothers who are at high risk for child physical abuse, Heather A. Conyngham
A reanalysis of the Putney Landing ceramic material, Lisa M. Creighton
The relationship between trauma history, daily hassles, and physical symptoms, Melissa R. Cross
Diversity capital and organizational performance : a new paradigm for strategic human resource development and higher education, Steven D. Cunningham
Job satisfaction among certified athletic trainers across different occupational settings, Steven G. Dam
Anxiety sensitivity dimensions and prediction of fearful responding to interoceptive exposure exercises, Brett J. Deacon
A naturalistic investigation of homeschooling parents as adult learners, Dennis L. Disselkoen
Maturing perceptions of school building climate by first-year teachers : the role of evolving perceptions in optimizing instruction success, Douglas Paul Domeracki
Analysis of the relationship between certain works by Jorge Luis Borges and The Theory of the Inner Child, Nahir Dominguez
Teacher's roles in social competencies of elementary-school students, William T. Doran
Validation of a non-exercise regression model for the prediction of maximal aerobic capacity, Kymberli Dustman
Community empowerment through participatory research : environmental enhancement on the west side of Chicago, Patricia Booker Easley
The relationship among religious affiliation, core values, level of prejudice, and reaction to speakers in Promise Keeper attendees, Calvin D. Elifson
A comparative analysis of Illinois park districts and Illinois municipal parks and recreation departments, David Emanuelson
An exploration of strategies to help students identified at risk for passing NCLEX-RN and implications for nurse educators, Mary Lynn Engelmann
Leadership and the organizational culture in change-oriented schools, Evelyn M. Ennsmann
Mechanisms that lead to damage of the human lens during aging, Lisa A. Ervin
The regulation and role of protein kinases in CCK-induced pancreatic secretion, Brian R. Estvander
Cultural identity and social closeness, Shanon M. Fender
Evaluation of a nutrition education program to increase fruit, vegetable, and dairy consumption in Girl Scouts (grades 3 and 4), Nicole S. Ford
A study of structure/function relationships in cytochrome c peroxidase : base catalysis and hydrogen-bonding in the formation of compound I, Miriam C. Foshay
The correlation between dissatisfaction with body image and eating disorders in high-school males, Georgeann M. Freimuth
Conjoint analysis : traditional models and some new approaches, Roberto Furlan
Aggression towards children : the effects of the strain of poverty, Nadee Gajanayake
Gender differences for women in Illinois prisons : parity or equality?, Deborah Ann Gantz
The psychological effects of exposure to suicidal behaviors on minority college students, Patricia Garcia
Literate adult nonreaders : a critical qualitative investigation of why people who can read do not, Karen S. Gersten
An ethnographic investigation of police education : implications for professionalism and continuing criminal justice education, Mario A. Giannoni
Discovering the linkages between visual literacy and textiles and clothing, Janet Giesen