Theses/Dissertations from 2004
The role of context in the orientation of perceptual symbols, Christopher A. Kurby
Finite element model updating problem in structural dynamics, Maitreya Lagadapati
A generalized Gummel-Poon model for heterojunction bipolar transistors, Jitendra Lagu
Reconfigurable all-digital phase-locked-loop frequency synthesizer, Vamshi Krishna Lakkaraju
An analysis of state-approved curicula in character education, Richard J. Larson
An extreme dew point climatology for the Midwestern United States, Ryan G. Lauritsen
Tao, art and adult learning, Sze-oi Lau
Hawaiian contemporary slack key, David X. Lee
Geochemical constraints on the evolution of the fluid-rock system in the salt-detached Nuncios Fold Complex, Mexico, Liliana Lefticariu
Diagenetic history of the cenozoic carbonate sedimentary rocks of the Northwestern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Mihai Lefticariu
A case study of Midwest Elementary School's assessment and accountability model, S. B. Lillis
Anti-amino acid antibodies as tailor-made chiral selectors in high performance liquid chromatography, Heather Jo Lindstrom
The relationship among reading self-efficacy, reading scores on the Illinois Standards Achievement Test, and reading performance in the classroom, Nicole N. Linhardt
A novel linker study for the hairpin ribozyme : gaining insight into tertiary structure, Randall J. Lockner
Latent typologies of violent family interactions : patterns and practices of American families, Jeff Long
"Profitable humiliation" : disability and shame in the novels of Jane Austen, Trina W. Lorde
Municipal government, social capital, and decentralization in Thailand, Chandra Mahakanjana
Redefining Corneille's heroines : a study of Mʹedʹee, Horace and Rodogune, Lisa L. Mammel
Implementation of a fractal image decoder on an FPGA, Sathyendra K. Marivada
Surface critical phenomena in binary fluids, Lyle W. Marschand
Process optimization for the pulsed laser deposition of perovskite thin films, Lesly A. McAnelly
Stages of concern of selected Illinois public high school teachers toward integration of the Internet into the curriculum, David V. McCartney
Developing tutor expertise in an early reading intervention program, Maria Gregory McClurkin
Breaking down barriers : a case study on welfare-to-work job training programs in Chicago from the program administrator's perspective, Alexis D. McCoy
The role of the principal in developing a professional learning community in selected Chicago public elementary schools, Donald A. McKinney
Illinois public school superintendents' and teacher association presidents' perceptions of knowledge and skills and group performance-based pay, David A. Moyer
Performance evaluation of transform-domain adaptive algorithms, Arpitha Muthoju
Searching for the self : an identity control theory approach to triggers of occupational exploration, Katherine L. Myers
Analysis and design of a centrifugal fan, Rupesh Kumar Nandanoore
Toward a comprehensive environmental ethic, Greg Novak
Two definitions of metaphysics : Kant and Heidegger, Tom Nugent
Performance evaluation of a cyclic-prefix free OFDM system in accordance with the IEEE 802.11a standard, Jyothirmayee Nulu
Constructing geographic areas for analysis of homicide in small populations, Van M. O'Brien
A qualitative examination of the opinions and attitudes of WIC mothers toward feeding their overweight children, Jennifer B. Ortner
The para-educator and data collection : a training module in functional behavior assessment, Jennifer L. Pecoraro
Prostaglandins, not lipoxygenase products, mediate insect microaggregation reactions to bacterial challenge in isolated hemocyte preparations, Pamela K. Phelps
Where has all the music gone? : a case study on the effects of migration upon the musical practices of an Iu-Mien community, Lynne R. Picker
Implementation of a mandated literacy initiative : a case study of educational change in three schools, Patricia Ann Piech
Balance and mobility training to improve self-efficacy in an older adult population, Sarah Piekielny
A geographic analysis of stock car racing, Martin Pinnau
"How came such a man as Herbert?" : allusions to George Herbert in the writings of Emerson, Thoreau and Fuller, Dianne Piper-Rybak
Identifying gender bias through verbal instructional feedback in middle school physical education, Christy P. Presseau
Mood effects on the accuracy, dependability, and mean item ratings of Angoff method judgements : a generalizability study, Daren S. Protolipac
An investigation of the relationship between coping behaviors and personality variables during job transitions, Daylashunta Lakesha Randolph
Cognition and parenting : belief in corporal punishment and evaluations of child transgressions in a college sample, Heather J. Risser
Operational modal analysis, Rudroju Shiva P. Rudrudu
Profanity, persuasion and credibility, Cory R. Scherer
The relationships between procedural and distributive justice perceptions in the selection process, Karen E. Schnite
Emerging leadership practices of national board certified teachers, Jeffrey T. Schuler
Perceptions of selected elementary school principals regarding violence : experiences, causes, and interventions in schools, Christine M. Schumacher
Don Delillo : an annotated primary and secondary bibliography, 1971-2002, Christina S. Scott
Illinois principals and the performance indicators associated with the content area standards for principals, Susan Sebright-Smith
Citizen participation versus representative councils : a muncipal [sic.] case study, Jonathan Trent Shaskan
Who are they? : military parents who homeschool their children: recommendations for adult educators in the military community, Melissa S. Silva
Power supply reliability in electric network with and without embedded wind generation, Andrius Simkevicius
Perceptions of privilege and skin tone bias among African Americans in the workplace : implications for diversity training, Cynthia Howard Sims
An examination of burnout and stress-related issues experienced by certified athletic trainers working in the high school setting, Kimberly A. Singer
Perceptions of technology directors to computer acquisition and usage in their Illinois rural public K-12 unit school districts, Karen Sirgany
A green chemistry approach to multifunctional materials and coatings, Charles A. Sizemore
Using trait maternal affect and adult attachment style to predict bias in mothers' perceptions of their children's behavior, Allison Marie Smith
An examination of the semantic network for smoking-related information in smokers and nonsmokers, Eric S. Snitchler
Flavor analysis and reaction monitoring using surface acoustic wave microsensors and artificial neural networks, Robert Matthew Sobel
A correlation of self-assessed leadership skills and interpersonal communication competencies of public school principals in five Illinois counties, Jean Hayes Sophie
Detection and inhibition of bacteria by LIBS and nanoparticle sol-gel coatings, Zephen G. Specht
FIR filter design using a XILINX Virtex 300 FPGA, Bipin Sreedharan
Design of the "flying workstation" and analysis of its structure and aerodynamics, Varad Narayan Srivastava
Attitudes and preferences of intercollegiate female athletes when comparing male/female coaches, Allison Stafne
Faith and moral development : a case study of a faith-based correctional education program, Karen K. Swanson
Performance evaluation of the IEEE 802.15.3 UWB system, Susmitha Tarlapally
In search of the characteristics of adults who are gifted and have a learning disability, Scott Fredrick Terry
Numerical analysis of a turbulent fluid flow over a surface-mounted block with adverse pressure gradient, Ajay Thirunagari
Epistemological development among gifted high school students : a three-cohort study, Jerald A. Thomas Jr
Adult education, citizenship, and textual imagery, Amaal V.E. Tokars
Impact of a childhood history of physical abuse and social support on aggresive behavior, attributions, and affect in male adolescents, Randi M. Tolliver
The hippocampus, timing and trace conditioning of fear-potentiated startle in rats, Mehul A. Trivedi
Indians in Thailand : issues of identity and transnational perspectives among immigrant communities, Neha G. Trivedi
A comparision [sic] of semiconductor stresses in boost and SEPIC converters, Naveen Kumar Tumula
Democratization without consolidation : the case of Cambodia, 1993-2004, Kheang Un
Accelerated life testing of a notched aluminum beam, Praveen Uppaluri
Extrusion simulation and optimization of profile die design, Srinivasa Rao Vaddiraju
Making the case for Afrikan-centered adult education, Authens Oppong Wadie
Ritual activity at Gottschall Rockshelter, Iowa County, Wisconsin, Stephen C. Wagner
Causal modeling performance excellence in higher education : 2001-2003 Baldrige National Quality Program Education for Performance Excellence, Marjorie Ann Wall鉍
Small sample properties of estimates and tests in generalized linear mixed models for correlated binary data, Shaolin Wang
A cam-controlled, single-actuator-driven leg mechanism for legged vehicles, Xiaonan Wan
The evolution of an open computer laboratory for English as a second language (ESL) in a community college context, Leatha Ware
The Pointing Buddha image of Mandalay Hill : Gautama Buddha "shows the way" in late nineteenth- and early twentieth- century Burma, Cynthia Warso
Exposure to peer suicide in college students, Robin L. Watkins
The process of response : an examination of how middle school literacy teachers utilize dialogue journals, Donna E. Werderich
Isolation and characterization of Bacillus megaterium QM B1551 plasmids, Christen A. White