Theses/Dissertations from 2005
From wine to water : the research and construction of Mark Twain and the American steamboat, Marcus Leshock
The validity of different hypotheses regarding subject and object drop in child language, Erin B. Lin
Employee disability : its effect on the performance evaluation process, Joel Edward Lynch
Development and analysis of a powder feeder for laser cladding, Praveen Kumar Reddy Mallu
Integration and optimization of active noise equalizer with FELMS algorithm, Sridevi Mallu
Parenting and internal working models in preschool-age children, Patricia M. Martens
An analysis of the relationship between recovery and prevention methods for eating disorders and personal human development, Cathy Maxwell
Train whistle noise and quality of life : a comparative ethnographic assessment of two Northern Illinois communities, David McCaig
A historical analysis of Cosmopolitan magazine as a medium of women's liberation, Caroline McGawley
The development of professional expertise through reflection in the principalship, Eric G. McLaren
Single-channel adaptive feedback active noise control for headsets, Sohini Mitra
Anarchism in the works of Pio Baroja, Luisa M. Montelongo
Acoustical studies of the steelpan and HANG : phase-sensitive holography and sound intensity measurements, Andrew C.H. Morrison
Body regard and risk for self-injurious behavior in a sample of clinical and non-clinical adolescents, Jennifer J. Muehlenkamp
Young adults' perception of suicide : an information-processing approach, Michaele A. Mueller
Process optimization for fabrication of nano scale resist patterns using electron beam lithography, Thomas L. Mulcahy
Phylogenetic implications of molar enamel formation in modern humans, Carlos E. Muñoz
Overcoming the conceptual and methodological constraints in examining teacher-child relationships in kindergarten, Kelly M. Murray
Physical therapy educators' perceptions of Certified Athletic Trainers' roles and qualifications, Tanya Nadine Muskievicz
A survival analysis of premature weaning in high-risk mother-baby couplets, Caludine P. Myers
Women becoming mentors : reflection and mentor identity formation as a process of lifelong learning, Noreen F. Mysyk
Fatigue life of notched aluminum beams at elevated stress levels, Vinod Kumar Nagulapalli
Synthesis and characterization of 1:1 covalent, site-specific cytochrome c peroxidase-cytochrome c complexes, Siddhartha Nakani
Fatigue life estimation of a gas turbine blade, Pramod Reddy Nalla
Examination of the use of political power by selected superintendents, Pamela R. Nichols
Frequency estimation in speech processing systems, Venkat Ram Reddy Nimmala
Globalization, growth and regional disparity : testing Thailand's experience 1981-2003, Threetep Nopkhun
An examination of sources of subjective task value among female hockey players, Kerry Krystosek Norton
La paradoja del poder : realidad femenina en las novelas de E. Garro, Norma Gabriela Ortega
A study of the relationship between resiliency attitudes and selected risk factors of gang involvement in adult Honduran males, Georgina Panting
A biocultural understanding of overweight and obesity among Filipino Americans, Cynthia Geronimo Paralejas
Cardiovascular responses in older adults using different grips on an elliptical trainer, Prashant V. Patil
Machinability of 1020 steel using HSS drill bits with MQL, Gurudutta Manohar Pawar
The effects of two instructional strategies on the development of the golf swing, Aaron M. Pembroke
On the Krylov subspace solutions of matrix equations in control theory, Wujian Peng
Implementing the circle of courage as a behavior modifier for youth in a residential living community, Laura B. Perales
Varieties of syncretism in Philippine indigenous healing, Jeffrey W. Petersen
An exploratory investigation of the construct validity of experiential avoidance, Scott M. Pickett
Attachment anxiety and the activation of strategic words in a lexical decision task, E. Brook Pope
Understanding participation in online courses : a case study of online interaction, Noppadol Prammanee
Effects of frequency separation on rate of convergence in multiple-frequency periodic noise control systems, Ajay Bose Puvvala
A Nash equilibrium approach to dynamic power control in CDMA systems, Mohammed Qasimi
Effects of thought suppression on adult victims of sexual assault with and without symptoms of PTSD, Mandy M. Rabenhorst
Sensitivity analysis and robustness of decision-making processes, Sandhya Radhakrishnan
The impact of posttraumatic stress disorder on physical health in women with histories of childhood sexual abuse, Ukha L. Rampersaud
Why family matters most : Montesquieu and Tocqueville on the political significance of the family, William Troy Reddinger
Effects of written disclosure on experiential avoidance, emotional expressiveness and psychological well-being in college students, Madhavi Keesara Reddy
The nineteenth-century photographs of Désiré Charnay : images and interpretations of pre-Columbian past, Brian A. Reis
A brief intervention targeting self-focused attention and safety-seeking behaviors in social anxiety, Kerry A. Renner
Hearing-impaired children's social/emotional understanding skills, Deborah J.P. Reyes
Ubiquinone (Q) biosynthesis in Klebsiella pneumoniae : evidence for the formation of 4 hydroxybenzoate from tyrosine, John Robbins
Post-Pleistocene glacial retreat, colonization routes, and geographic variation of the northern watersnake, Nerodia sipedon, in the Great Lakes region, Jace W. Robinson
A case study about the perceptions of effective building-based professional development, Victoria M. Ross
Examining social support and academic self-efficacy in Indian American and Caucasian American undergraduate students, Purva J. Rushi
Heart rate and perceived exertion responses to power yoga asanas, Karen M. Rzesutko
The effect of opportunity cost, level of cooperation, and social value orientation on preferences for structural solutions to the N-person prisoner's dilemma, Traci L. Sachteleben
Immigrant family attitudes toward education and adolescent performance in school, Adina T. Salmansohn
Relating surface dew point temperatures to mesoscale convective complexes, Michael A. Sandstrom
On the dynamics of household consumption over a life cycle : theory and evidence, Debarshi Sanyal
Fundamental frequency estimation for music signals, Megan Sarver
Investigating the importance of land cover on evapotranspiration, Charles H. Schaffer III.
360-degree feedback : motivation for leader development, Amanda R. Seidler
Statistical inference in meta-analysis in the presence of publication bias, Naarsha D. Sewraz
Social influence on probability judgements and the puzzling stylized facts in markets, Hammad A. Siddiqi
A comparison of square wave and multi-resonant filament preheat topologies in electronic fluorescent lamp ballast, Kushal P. Singh
The body and the self in social psychology : an alternative approach, Joseph Peter Skala
"The liberty of killing a deer" : histories of wildlife use and political ecology in early America, Andrea L. Smalley
Ecomorphology of the largest terrestrial mamalian predators and a biomechanical constraint on their body mass, Boris Sorkin
Becoming an intercollegiate athlete : an investigation into the process of role transition experienced by freshman athletes, Sue Spielbauer
The glass transition in thin supported polystyrene films, Jarrett Stark
Team teaching and the democratic classroom, Ivy D. Sukenik
Perceptions of the use of a hiring interview protocol : a case study of one Illinois school district, Beth Sullivan
Design of a high-sensitive closed-loop analog accelerometer with digital feedback, Vishweshwar Rao Suram
Structural investigation of melanins, Aneta Szczurowski
Learning from hypertext : the influence of reader goals, comprehension ability, and desired learning outcomes, Michelle Christa Thruman
Adaptive multirate CDMA interference cancellation using a subspace-based approach, Srinivas Totapally
Epitaxial thin films of Sr₂FeMoO₆ : synthesis, growth, and characterization, Srinivas Totapally
Validity of maximal oxygen uptake predictions made by the Polar S810i heart rate monitor, Michael Turner
Exo-polyhedrally substituted thia-, phospha-, phosphathia, and carboxy carboranes : a structural and synthetic investigation, Arun K. Vadali
Pureza e hibridez racial en Celia Valdés, de Cirilo Villaverde = racial purity and hibridez in the novel Celia Valdés, by Cirilo Villaverde, Armando Valdés Rivera
Analysis of current sense noise in a current mode-controlled flyback converter, Anath Parthasarathy Vankipuram
The formation and electron transfer of covalently crosslinked cytchrome [sic] c Peroxidase and cytochrome c complexes, Thanarat Viriyakul
Finite precision error analysis and applications of fast algorithms in linear prediction theory, Ravi Bhaskar Vompolu
Ecological aspects of grassland bird communities at Nachusa Grasslands, Stacie Lynn. Voss
Information costs and voting in Thailand : explaining party- and candidate-centered patterns, Napisa Waitoolkiat
The political economy of privatization : a comparative study of Indonesia, the Philippines and Taiwan, Cheng Wang
Biochemical study of mechanism of damage to the retinal pigment epithelium, Zhen Wang
Working together? : an examination of a multicultural Thai office, Jennifer Weidman
The influence of Lilian G. Katz on early childhood education : an oral history, Lauren A. Wellen
Towards further purification of the brome mosaic bromovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, Hanna Izabela. Wierzchoslawska
Predicting pro-gay activism with the theory of planned behavior, Wayne W. Wilkinson
The effect of mentoring on the leadership practices of principals in large unit districts in Illinois, Susan Baker Wolfe
CFD analysis of free convection along an isothermal vertical duct, Lan Wu