Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Spin polarization of electrons by reflection at a barrier, Voltaire Teodorescu
The impact of a face-to-face orientation and sociocultural factors on student retention in a community college distance learning course, Darrylinn D. Todd
Data-driven problem solving and students' critical thinking in a problem-based learning environment, Ming-Huey Tseng
Negotiating the senior project : epistemology and expectations, Linda E. Urman
The tendency of affections: Natural families in nineteenth-century Louisiana, Thomas Jay Vaughan
An analysis of the levels of moral decision making of public elementary school principals, Charles J. Vitton
Hearing the voices : African American nutrition educators, Jill H. White
A Monte Carlo investigation of bootstrapping in covariance structure modeling under varying levels of multivariate nonnormality, Wayne W. Wilkinson
Effects of adult sexual assault types and tactics on cognitive appraisals and mental health symptoms, Maha H. Zayed
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
The effects of using different types of multimedia presentations on Thai seventh-grade learners' understanding of a social studies text, Rosarin Adulseranee
Faculty attitudes and perceptions concerning the use of course management systems in higher education, Muhannad Anwar Al-Shboul
"Minimalist" administration : an innovative administration model utilized by a film institute in Arizona, Jane Campa Alvarez
Thai government reform : The case of the integrated provincial administrative system, Udomchoke Asawimalkit
A study of two technology-enriched inclusion classrooms that promote learning for students with learning disabilities, Sylvia Elisabeth Asplund
Levels of thinking in individual vs. group problem-based asynchronous online learning environments, Mary Ellen Aydam
Use of epiphyseal and total fusion scores as methods of age estimation and evaluation of morphological indices in the macropodidae, Caroline K. Ballard
The impact of a tailored lesson introduction on learners' motivation and cognitive performance, Jennifer Rebecca Banas
Regional autonomy and patterns of democracy in Indonesia, Anies Rasyid Baswedan
Cross-hedging with futures and options : bivariate lognormal and other distributions, Anthony J.F. Biagioli
Relationships among academic stress, social support, and internalizing and externalizing behavior in adolescence, Stacy Marie Bjorkman
A phenomenological study of superintendents of high-performing, high-poverty school districts as servant leaders, Robert G. Bohanek
Subcutaneous : the life experience of African American transsexual college students, Darnell J. Bradley
Comparing methodologies used to predict outcomes on high stakes tests with curriculum-based measurement, Sarah Eleanor Brown
The high-temperature synthesis and an investigation of the optical and catalytic properties of transition metal chalcogenide compounds, Douglas N. Bryhan
Achievement Motivation : the effects of conscious, chronic, and nonconscious goals on task performance, Jill Susan Budden
Ethical epiphanies of an instructional technologist : an autobiography, Bernard Dean Bull
Three essays in growth and development, Qiang Chen
How one community high schoo (sic) district addresses the needs of student at risk for academic failure, Dorothea M. Chianakas
A study of faculty attitudes, perceptions, resistance, and expectations toward teaching Web-based learning courses in higher education, Constance Cooper
Playing the external market : efficiency wage as a means for strategic compensation in the public sector, Trenton J. Davis
Using metaphor in designing training activities to support large-scale organizational change efforts : a case study, Susan L. Dodt
"A little kingdom of mixed nationalities" : race, ethnicity, and class in a western urban community--Rock Springs, Wyoming, 1869-1929, Timothy Dean Draper
The improvisational theater art form in theory and practice : a phenomenological study into the cognitive and affective dimensions of undergraduate students' education and learning, Max Broderick Elsey
The role of motivational and attitudinal variables in second language acquisition, Ricardo Espinosa de los Monteros
Return-to-school decisions of adults in the workforce, Qi Feng
Nonverbal teacher immediacy behaviors of baccalaureate nursing faculty, Ruth Fiedler
Frozen at 435 : the size of the U.S. House of Representatives, district constituency populations and the implications for representation, Brian Frederick
Divine benevolence to the poor : charity, religion and nationalism in early national New York City, 1784-1820, Amy M. Godfrey
The process of becoming : a grounded theory study of Hispanic nursing student success, Carla R. Goetz
Bargaining of beliefs : agencies, advocacy groups, and the evolution of pesticide regulatory reform, Thomas J. Greitens
Childhood sexual abuse and adult sexuality, Jennifer M. Guimond
The liberated beast : evolution and liberty, Lauren K. Hall
P-polynomial table algebras and distance-regular graphs, Robert J. Hein
Children's understanding of gossip as it relates to reputation, Valerie A. Hill
Negotiating identities : South German Catholics and the formation of national identity, 1871-1914, Pontus A. Hiort
An Interpretive analysis of selected peace education activists with implications for adult education, Hsiu-Chu Hsu
Military retirement transition as learning, James E. Hunt
Use of an advance organizer in the ill-structured problem domain of information seeking : a comparative case study, Terry Lillian Huttenlock
Influences on career decisions of international students attending community colleges in the United States, Patricia L. Jachowicz
The role of resiliency in the journey from welfare to self-sufficiency for former welfare recipients : a quantitative study :, Pamela D. Jackson-Smith
Narrative delivery of psychoeducation : decreasing phobic symptoms through narrative interference, Adrian S. Janit
Agency strategy, strength, and adaptation : implementation of the Bush administration's competitive sourcing policy, Ma Ernita T. Joaquin
Faculty perceptions of teaching and learning in adult accelerated courses, Carrie Johnson
Gay and lesbian school administrators : negotiating personal and professional identities and professional roles and responsibilities within heteronormative organizations, Sophia Jones-Redmond
The foreign direct investment - export relationship : a US-Mexico analysis using the Gravity model, Thomas Allen Jones
Spectral concentration in the Sturm-Liouville differential equation, Jeffrey C. Kallenbach
Production, characterization, and applications of stereoselective antibodies to a-hydroxy acids, Tigabu Kassa
Behavioral signatures of parent goal selection, Donald E. Koelpin
Redefining teachers' roles : a collaborative paradigm for EL teachers and Title I reading specialists to serve a bilingual learning community, Lucas Redale Lambatos
Directors of Pupil Personnel Services' perceptions of student needs, program resources, and service effectiveness for at-risk high school students, Craig Davis Lehigh
I think I might be in over my head : a study of counselor ethical decision-making patterns in boundaries of competence concern situations, Linda Leitch-Alford
In vitro models for the study of the mechanisms of damage in age-related macular degeneration and Stargardt's disease, Thomas E. Liggett
Lace up the boots, full tilt ahead : recreation, immigration, and labor on Chicago's soccer fields, 1890-1939, Gabriel S. Logan
Connecting policy and practice to the construct of pedagogical content knowledge : listening to the voices of elementary teachers, Kirsten L. Mahoney
Predicting individual and team performance through personality traits, cohesion, and mental models, Stephanie Jean Marberry
Aggression form and function subtypes and social goal preferences in fifth-grade children, Jeffrey W. Martens
How classroom teachers conceptualize continuing professional development : emergence of a practice-based participation model, Joan McCollom
Mandatory service and government observations in a secondary government curriculum : a case study, Heather McMurray McCurdy
Perceptions of the meaning of dance choreography by contemporary African-American dancers, choreographers and educators, Debra J. Nelson
A study of the relationship of middle school team ideology and school achievement status, Jeanne E. Okrasinski
Positive Psychology : Implications for leadership development, Lynne Panega
Cytochrome c binding to cytochrome c peroxidase : mutagenesis and kinetic studies, Naw May Pearl
The characterization of reflection by student teachers using the critical incident technique, Barbara R. Peterson
Observed confidence levels for regression parameters, Cathy D. Poliak
Identification of play therapy strategies that are used with Latino children, Daphne N. Pradilla
Russians in Warsaw : Imperialism and national identity, 1863-1915, Robert L. Przygrodzki
A grounded theory investigation of change leadership during turbulent times, Tess Reinhard
School leadership and happiness, Sandy Renehan
The transmission of knowledge : perspectives on the change from traditional to modern settings in Papua New Guinea, Bruce I. Renich
Overall effectiveness and cognitive mediators of a brief intensive treatment for social anxiety, Kerry A. Renner
Toward a code of ethics : an inquiry into the ethical constructs valued by selected superintendents, Lauren Dale Rentfro
An examination of the perceived influences on the practices of beginning classroom reading teachers, Patricia Lynne Rieman
High school staff development design and implementation : a case study of a cross-curricular writing initiative, Matthew A. Ruckoldt
A self-regulatory approach to 360-degree feedback and motivation for leader development, Amanda R. Seidler
Historical understanding, personal epistemology, and the educational experiences of students at a suburban high school : a case study, William Charles Stepien
Adolescents' perceptions of parenting styles in social context among low-income African Americans, Mary Swinney
Dialogic management in adult education : a case study in Spain, Itxaso Tellado Ruiz de Gauna
Using ion-molecule reactions to probe the structure and reactivity of metal ion complexes with amino acids in the gas phase, Katrina Emilee Vaitkunas
A developmental examination of the mood congruence effect in 6th- and 8th- grade adolescents, Angelina L. Valente
Geochemical and hydrodynamic characterization of the groundwater system of Puebla Valley, Mexico, Guadalupe Velazquez-Oliman