Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Design of remote laboratory applications using Python, Suresh Vakati
Ruminative resolution of trauma cognitions : modes of processing in an analogue study, Christine E. Valdez
Learning in the discipline of psychology : an action research project using the paired course model, Rebecca L. Vaughn
The Great Recession's impact on the counties of Illinois : did stimulus spending and collaboration create jobs?, Lawrence E. Vaupel Jr.
Coherently enhanced radiation from inverse Compton scattering with tailored electron bunches, I. A. Viti
How do project managers become experts : an examination of the engineering procurement and construction management (EPCM) industry, Derrick J. Walters
Methionine aminopeptidase enzyme inhibitors as promising targets toward discovery of novel anti-infective agents, Phumvadee Wangtrakuldee
Standardized assessment and the accountability structure in the state of Illinois, Daniel M. Warlop
Assessment of urinary methylmalonic acid levels in older adults on proton pump inhibitors, Tashia Sue Warner
Employee engagement in an economic downfall : perspectives of first-line supervisors, Susan K. Warren
Plant-virus interactions : suppression activity of the viral proteins, coat protein trans effects on recombination, and viral host-RNA encapsidation in horizontal gene transfer, Philipp Heinrich Weber
Factors that affect the development of writing competence in fifth-grade students, Ellen D. Weinstein-Blackman
I'm ready warden : an examination of the rhetoric of death, Zac Wendler
Quality control chart for tool wear : a residuals approach, Richard L. Whaples II
Acoustic emission monitoring of multi-phase fluid flow in laser-engineered net shaping process (LENS), Justin Whiting
The Workplace Hassles from Interruptions Measure (WHIM), Stacy Wilkes
Addressing the union of counselor education and military families : creating best practices, Katherine M. Wix
Jane Austen and Belles Lettres : the rhetorical influence of Hugh Blair in Jane Austen's Fiction, Miriam Elizabeth Antonia Wolff
Statistical analysis of interval-censored failure time data, Alicia Worrall
Technologically enhanced inquiry-based learning : experiences and perspective of first-graders, Janise Venia Wriddle
Perfectionism and cognitive functioning : clarifying relationships between OCD and OCPD, Sara Wyman
Holistic visualization of high-performance computing facilities, Adam Young
La femme-artiste dans Elle et Lui, Lucrezia Floriani de George Sand et La Jongleuse de Rachilde, Sabie Zenku Baftiri
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Papr reduction in OFDM using hybrid method, Yeshwanth Reddy Aendapally
Faculty online teaching self-efficacy : a cultural perspective, Fahad AlShahrani
Interaction of stress and stimulants in female rats : role of dopamine in the stress-induced reactivity to methamphetamine, Eden Marie Anderson
Characterization of table algebras by their multiplicities, Angela Antonou
A (re)conception of the city : commercialization, domestication, and resistance in New York City from Melville to McKay, James Baltrum
A shadow you will soon be, Daniel Alexander Berrones
Synthetic and mechanistic investigations of superelectrophilic reactions, Kenneth Nicholas Boblak
Exploring Thai teachers' conceptual beliefs about reading and their influences on instructional practices, Patchara Boonteerarak
The implementation of a hybrid learning environment at a community college in the mechanical trades, Christopher Carlson
Nodal solutions of nonlocal integral boundary value problems, Jeremy E. Chamberlain
The effect of a warming up to fluency intervention on second-grade students' reading, Jacqueline J. Cleven
The power of words : a study of the intentional use of language to frame interactions in the elementary classroom, Julia Cloat
Poeisis as political educator : Aristotle and the purpose of poeisis, Stephen Eugene Clouse
Resolving deep relationships of PACMAD grasses : a phylogenomic approach, Joseph L. Cotton
Mindfulness meditation in first-year composition : effects on attention, metacognition, and apprehension, Kristin DeMint
High school teachers' disciplinary literacy knowledge : a mixed-method study, Paula Di Domenico
The power of place in the fiction of E.M. Forster, Ashley Diedrich
Inorganic/organic hybrid nanocomposite coating applications : formulation, characterization, and evaluation, Tsehaye Eyassu
When push comes to shove : an equity analysis of a uniform tax rate and equalized assessed valuation in Illinois, Susan L. Farrell
Parental and adolescent characteristics predicting adolescent disclosure to parents across various social domains, Michael Patrick Flores
Peak to average power ratio reduction in STBC MIMO-OFDM, Kishor Gannamaneni
Back biasing technique in preventing clogging of pores on the porous silicon templates for the deposition of zinc oxide, Swetha Garaga
Cinematic representations of female teachers : a narratological analysis of mise-en-scene in recent Hollywood films, Laura A. Gilbert
Altering shyness mindset : enhancing treatment for social performance anxiety, Michael J. Gillen
The syntheses, characterizations, and applications of novel photo- and electrochemical catalysts, Lauren Rae Grabstanowicz
Biodegradation of drilling fluid used in South McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, Andrea Xamplas Greer
Co-option versus compliance : how electoral systems affect countries' immigration policies, Michael Griswold
"I feel young, I feel alive, I am discovering a new world" : life transitions and identity construction of adult English-language learners, Renata Gutowska
How are curious people affected by seductive details in written texts? : exploring the various relationships among curiosity, the seductive details effect, and learning outcomes, Edward James Hansen
Should I stay or should I go : the effects of leave context on interpersonal meta-accuracy, Camille Jacqueline Heneghan
Food elimination based on ALCAT testing and the effect on overall body inflammation, Dawn Michelle Herbig
A comprehensive phylogenetic study of the core genome of thirteen Bacillus and related species using known and novel techniques, Jennifer Diane Hintzsche
Extending self-discrepancy theory to the social role of mother, Nicole J. Holmberg
Novel uncharged local anesthetics, Rob Hussain
Converging play therapists' voices : facilitating parental involvement in child therapy process, Mi-Hee Jeon
Coherent X-ray and laser spectroscopy measurements of diffusion in concentrated alpha-crystallin solutions, V.N.C. Karunaratne
A classification of class two and class three nilpotent table algebras, Caroline Kettlestrings
Magmatic water content of Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala, determined from a thermodynamic model for the plagioclase-liquid hygrometer, Christine A. Knudson
Magic, mimesis, and the Annunciation to Mary : six early Byzantine cameos and the Late Antique tradition of medical amulets, Ashley A. Lee
Distance learning : adult learners and computer-mediated communication, Shari J. Lendy
The effect of a mentoring intervention on the teaching self-efficacy of pre-service special education teacher candidates, Mary M. Lombardo-Graves
Becoming who we are : informal learning and identity formation among the Garinagu of Western Belize, Harold Anthony Lopez
Enhanced multi-channel active noise control system and real-time implementation for infant incubator, Zhou Lv
Magnetic circuit utilizing soft switching for LED driving, Mounika Maligireddy
Design and fabrication of a testing platform for liquid cooling of 3D integrated circuits, Chandrasekhar Mandalapu
A conceptual model of ice shelf sedimentation, Matthew W. Mayerle
Examining teacher self-efficacy about best practices in science during a professional development series, Jessica L. Menez
Impact of social influences on men and women's risk recognition of sexual assault, Mary Catherine Mercer
Outside university walls : Alexandra David-Neel's influence in developing the field of Buddhist studies, Mary Michele
Assessing the factors that influence the food choices of college commuter students, Amanda Miller
A comparative analysis of primate first metatarsals : implications for Ardipithecus ramidus, Kristine Mitchell
Characterization of the native microbial communities in the karst aquifer of Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Anni Moore
Controlling AC motor using Arduino microcontroller, Nithesh Reddy Nannuri
The games men play : how community college men use video games to construct masculinity, Eric J. Niemi
Measuring adolescents' perceptions of academic social support : the relationship between academic social support, global social support, and level of functioning, Sonia S. Nowakowska
The importance of pre- and postnatal thermal conditions in determining growth trajectories in three viviparous grassland snakes, Tanya K. O'Brien
Using sample validation in auditing, A. Ochigbo
An examination of impact fees in growing school systems, Ronald V. Pacheco
Hand writing using SCORBOT arm, Jasvanth Satya Prabhakar Pakalapati : a website designed to provide public speaking articles through Weebly's content management system for the purpose of building a personal brand online, Jomin G. Panicker
Exploring a statistical test for modality, James E. Petkus
Gas-phase chemistry of tryptophan-based radicals, Andrii Piatkivskyi
Investigation of the many oxidation states of vanadium for the purpose of making a rechargeable battery, Kathryn L. Pilson
Blaschke products and parameter spaces, Katherine Plikuhn
Performance evaluation of subcarrier mapping techniques for multiuser in presence of Doppler in LTE uplink, Kushal Kumar Ponugoti
"Amorous ghosts" by Paco Ignacio Taibo II : translation of "Amorosos fantasmas" from the Spanish, Shevon Porter
Measuring efficiencies in U.S. hospital mergers, Sandhya Radhakrishnan
Assessing social and emotional skill development in early elementary students, David K. Rongey
Teaching the Health at Every Size® curriculum to dietetics students : a look at anti-fat attitudes, Amber Marie Rosalez
Integrating spirituality and religion with counselors-in-training in practicum : a look at competence and comfort level, Nikki Renee Ruffin
Maximum power point tracking of a solar panel using a DC bus, Rithvi Reddy Sathapur
Science fairs and Science Olympiad : influence on student science inquiry learning and attitudes toward STEM careers and coursework, Kathleen M. Schmidt
A straw tube tracking detector for the New Muon g-2 E989 experiment, Mary Elizabeth Shenk