Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Thermal study of laser-assisted machining of silicon nitride, Sepehr Omidi
Genus Varecia : anatomy, morphology, and pathology, Elise R. Orellana
A metafictional antecedent of Don Quijote : Rosian de Castilla, Brenda Orsucci
Phylogenomic study of selected species within the genus Zea : mutation rate analysis of complete chloroplast genomes, Lauren M. Orton
Applying Frances Fowler's model to analyze the history of compulsory attendance laws in the United States, Deborah Dyer Osborne
Understanding and strengthening the education expectations of undocumented Latino high school students, Cynthia Padilla-Gaytan
Something creepy this way comes : PAC advertising and its attack on Obamacare A visual narrative analysis, Marguerite Teruggi Page
Study on phase-matched amplification of coherent electromagnetic waves through co-planar traveling wave structure for broadband power RF generation, Andrew Rae Palm
Noncontact liquid level measurement using Ultrasonic Transducers, Dinesh Pamerla
Computation of contact points between wheel and rail surfaces, Chao Pan
Investigations and applications of field- and photo-emitted electron beams from a radio frequency gun, Sriharsha Panuganti
"I'm sorry for the mistakes I'm about to make" : interaction, social status and emotion in the Indonesian EFL classroom, Francesca Pase
An exploratory study of arranged-love marriage in couples from collectivistic culture, Samreen Qamaruddin Patel
Current equalization in parallel LEDs using flyback converter, Ankita Patil
The role of maternal conversation in children's social understanding during middle childhood, RaeAnne Morgan Pearson
International counseling traits : identifying counseling traits ranked most important by international counseling professionals through Q sort analysis, Nathan C.D. Perron
School counselors-in-training perceptions of their academic preparation and training using the ASCA National Model during internship, Chantelle M. Peterson
Examining the stress-buffering effect of social support on the relations between daily hassles and psychological adjustment in adolescence, Christina L. Piccirillo
Interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plants under climate change, Phyllis H. Pischl
Elementary and middle school second language learning program models and pronunciation achievement, Monica Elaine Ploger
Accelerated testing of components made by additive manufacturing, Shravya Sree Potluri
Tweeting to an empty room : a case study of the rhetorical strategies used during the Ebola crisis, Mary S. Pritchard
Competition for soft power in nineteenth-century Anglo-American relations as exemplified by mid-Victorian novels, Melina R. Probst
Impact of client-centered tailored vs. expert-centered tailored nutrition education on the perceived autonomy of food pantry clients, Ellen Victoria Pudney
An examination of elementary teacher candidates' challenges in reflecting on critical incidents, Anna M. Quinzio-Zafran
Biodegradation and idealized modeling of drilling fluids, South McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, Ellen Lynn Raimondi
Image quality measures in proton computed tomography, Saroj Rai
Recombination of brome mosaic virus genomic RNA3 between fescue strain and Russian strain in barley protoplasts, Parth R. Rao
Performance analysis of adaptive algorithms and enhancement using Kalman filter, Anusha Ravva
Design of 3C-SiC/Si vertical MOSFET, Vamshi Vardhan Reddy Veesam
They decided to be educators : a study of African American male experiences in the K-12 education system, Sherry Reynolds-Whitaker
Role of school boards in promoting social justice : a critical race theory perspective, Tia Lorese Robinson
Relationship between Catholic affiliation and traumatic-stress symptoms in women post-abortion, Lauren Alyssa Rodman
A multimethod experimental investigation of the relationship between hoarding symptoms and confidence in memory, Arielle P. Rogers
A journey of joy- a biography of an excellent mathematics teacher : exploring what influenced her retention in teaching, Patricia S. Mannion Rowe
A legal analysis of school vouchers and the social justice impact, Michael Patrick Ryan
Exploring the application of Meta-RaPS for scheduling flow shops with blocking, Mohammad Sadaqa
When student-on-student sexual harassment triggers school district liability under Title IX, Joe Salmieri III
Cold plate designs for lithium ion battery stack of an electric vehicle, Sandeep Samineni
Blaming the victim : the role of assault characteristics and victim attractiveness, Sapir Sasson
The functional characterization of rmtA, an arginine methyltransferase gene in Aspergillus flavus, Tim Satterlee
Teachers' and administrators' attitudes towards inclusion, Leatrice Lynn Satterwhite
Intent through event : the promotion of identity and interests at the Olympic Games, Joseph Scanlon
Your teacher said what on Facebook : application of First Amendment rights to teacher cyber speech, Anthony M. Scarsella
Combinatorial interpretations of continued fractions with multiple limit points, Herman Schaumburg
Professional learning communities : teacher perception of components of professional learning communities in high schools, Erika Schlichter
Relationship of Facebook usage and Facebook belongingness to emerging adulthood's self-esteem and social identity, Mary Marjorie Schufreider
The use of discussion at the kindergarten level to advance cognitive abilities, Gayle J. Sears
A multi-species approach to elucidating the ecological function of primate geophagy, Brandon Semel
Student cyberspeech targeting faculty : what can school administrators legally do about it?, Bradley L. Shortridge
Synthesis and characterization of carborane-appended biomolecules, Tirtha Raj Sibakoti
Adjunct faculty evaluation at public community colleges : a precursor of organizational learning, Muhammad Muddassir Siddiqi
PEM fuel cell with high-performance bipolar plates, Sathwik Singari
Data analytics for machinery vibration, Sunil Sirimalla
Violence in the family of origin, intimate partner violence, and romantic relationship satisfaction, Sarah Slavenas
Effects of perturbation on photosystem redox state in three species of octocorals, Emily L. Somova
Using tablet-based instruction to improve communicative responses in the world language classroom, Ashley C. Soriano
MOSFET parameter extraction and spice modeling, Sai Subhash Sripada
New approach for direct analog circuit design, Muralidhar Sriram
Empire of the scene : film adaptations of the novels of J. G. Ballard, Scott R. Stalcup
The role of a residential learning community in the faith development of Catholic college students, Michael J. Stang
Conceptual metaphors in Ayn Rand's "Philosophy: Who needs it", Ilya Startsev
Linkages between Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) expansion and county board politics in rural Illinois, Eric A. Sterling
Supporting growth mindset in upper-level high school students : a comparison of two classroom interventions, Steven K. Stern
Radiation simulations of the CMS detector, Graham J. Stoddard
Helmet with outside padding, Kiran Surapaneni
CFD analysis of blood flow through stenosed arteries, Narmada Surigala
An exploration of elementary teachers' self-efficacy beliefs about teaching mathematics among teachers with advanced degrees, Kelly J. Talaga
Numerical and experimental study of Bauschinger effect on AA5182 sheets, Abhinav Talla
Evolutionary and structural analyses of plant cell wall synthesis-related glycosyltransferase family 43 and 2, Rahil Taujale
Design, synthesis, and evaluation of inhibitors of IspD and IspE as potential antibacterial, antimalarial, and herbicidal agents, Michael Philip Thompson
Increased heat transfer using interrupted convection in back iron laminations, Nicholas Thompson
Cutting edge design for cataract removal, Vaishnavi Tirumala
Landscapes, temples, and colonization in Sicily : a study of Greek sacred architecture and colonization in Sicily to better understand cultural ethnicity, Cassandra C. Tobin
(De) constructing students of concern : how Chief Student Affairs Officers make meaning regarding concerning student behavior, Melanie V. Tucker
Design of rigid mechanical manipulating system for multiple lasers, Vinay Prabhath Turaga
Moderating factors between self-efficacy and role stressors for high school counselors, Nathan Gene Underwood
Analysis and simulation of keyhole formation in micro laser welding, Harish Vadde
Simple design modifications of NIU laboratory equipment for the remote applications, Krishna Chaithanya Vakati
Design of remote laboratory applications using Python, Suresh Vakati
Ruminative resolution of trauma cognitions : modes of processing in an analogue study, Christine E. Valdez
Learning in the discipline of psychology : an action research project using the paired course model, Rebecca L. Vaughn
The Great Recession's impact on the counties of Illinois : did stimulus spending and collaboration create jobs?, Lawrence E. Vaupel Jr.
Coherently enhanced radiation from inverse Compton scattering with tailored electron bunches, I. A. Viti
How do project managers become experts : an examination of the engineering procurement and construction management (EPCM) industry, Derrick J. Walters
Methionine aminopeptidase enzyme inhibitors as promising targets toward discovery of novel anti-infective agents, Phumvadee Wangtrakuldee
Standardized assessment and the accountability structure in the state of Illinois, Daniel M. Warlop
Assessment of urinary methylmalonic acid levels in older adults on proton pump inhibitors, Tashia Sue Warner
Employee engagement in an economic downfall : perspectives of first-line supervisors, Susan K. Warren
Plant-virus interactions : suppression activity of the viral proteins, coat protein trans effects on recombination, and viral host-RNA encapsidation in horizontal gene transfer, Philipp Heinrich Weber
Factors that affect the development of writing competence in fifth-grade students, Ellen D. Weinstein-Blackman
I'm ready warden : an examination of the rhetoric of death, Zac Wendler
Quality control chart for tool wear : a residuals approach, Richard L. Whaples II
Acoustic emission monitoring of multi-phase fluid flow in laser-engineered net shaping process (LENS), Justin Whiting
The Workplace Hassles from Interruptions Measure (WHIM), Stacy Wilkes
Addressing the union of counselor education and military families : creating best practices, Katherine M. Wix
Jane Austen and Belles Lettres : the rhetorical influence of Hugh Blair in Jane Austen's Fiction, Miriam Elizabeth Antonia Wolff
Statistical analysis of interval-censored failure time data, Alicia Worrall