Theses/Dissertations from 1962
A study of the adequacy of internship programs in certain universities in meeting the needs of beginning public accountants, Thomas Allen Brigham
Financial assistance for student organizations at the university level, Harlan E. Cain
A survey of the training and education program at Motorola, Inc, Ralph F. Catalanello
A study of the teaching experience of the 1953-1960 business education graduates of Northern Illinois University, Duane A. Charlesworth
Determination of training courses, content and methods for custodial employees in certain selected public school systems, Lloyd K. Devereaux
Income and expenditures of five selected, co-educational, independent high schools in the Chicago area, F. John Fitzwilliam
A statistical study of the relationship of earnings per share to market price and dividends per share to market price in a selected control group, Charles Eugene Forsythe
Consumer response to the formal execution of lettering, W. G. Haase
A suggested course of study for distributive education, Zollie W. Hall
Could a junior college operate successfully in the Maine township area?, Wallace James Hommerding
The adaptation of a data processing system to the education and activity therapy program in a state institution for the mentally retarded, Russell O. Horn
Buying influence of functional classes of management for selected chemical companies, William A. Kapella
Curriculum survey of the National Association and Council of Business Schools, Robert E. Karp
Theses/Dissertations from 1961
A survey of operating practices and procedures of elementary and secondary school book and supply stores in Illinois, Richard George Boardman
An analysis of the agricultural cooperation movement with special reference to the state of Illinois, Wayne Ellwyn Dutcher
An analytical study of bookkeeping and accounting positions held by women in the Freeport, Illinois area, Jeannette Burckhardt Ellis
Long-range development planning by selected colleges and universities, Leslie Joseph Farrington
An analysis of the opinions held by school business managers in Illinois to determine the feasibility of state certification for school business managers, Richard A. Folk
Major factors contributing to the relative decline in enrollments in beginning high school bookkeeping courses, Richard H. Fuhler
A follow-up of the Harlem High School business graduates (1955-1959), Ewald Walter Grosshuesch
The development of a personnel appraisal procedure for an operating division of a utility company, William John Hellman
An evaluation of the effectiveness of selected shorthand and transcription devices, Blanche Hill
Theses/Dissertations from 1960
Historical study of American investments in Korea, 1882-1939, Kyung Soo Chai
Prices among chain and independent grocery stores in two northern Illinois counties and their relation to trading stamps, Jere Donald Chapin
An evaluation of the accounting program of Northern Illinois University, 1957-59, Charles Theodore Dykstra
A survey to determine frequency and effectiveness of certain teaching aids in general business, Mary Louise Gregory
The development and construction of a study guide for a home-study course in briefhand, Ronald Wendell Hallstrom
A survey of bookkeeping practices of small businesses in DeKalb, Illinois, F Joseph Hutten
Suggested procedures for teaching a unit of personal federal income taxes to high school students, Howard Arvid Johnson
Theses/Dissertations from 1959
Opinions of high school seniors concerning American business, John Joseph Balek
An analysis of the application of arithmetical skills to beginning bookkeeping instruction, John R. Birkholz
A survey of the use of office machines with implications for the establishment of an office machine course at Mercy High School Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Mary Marguerite Giroux
A proposed manual of style for thesis writing in business at Northern Illinois University, Charlotte Darnell Gould
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
Business education problems in Hampshire High School, Robert Charles Beals
A study to determine the type and effectiveness of motivational devices in high school business law courses, Ralph John Fiala
A study of the office occupations in Joliet, Illinois, Robert Gutierrez
Skill-building and motivating devices for second-year typewriting, Beatrice Hahn
A report on the business education offerings of the public high schools of DuPage County, Illinois, Roger B. Johnson
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
Selected personality factors which influence success in retail selling, William Andrew Creamean