Theses/Dissertations from 1969
An investigation into the nature of selected international business courses in colleges and universities, Thomas M. Bertsch
A study to determine the type and effectiveness of motivational devices in high school beginning bookkeeping classes, Stan D. Block
Employment standards and job requirements in office occupations, Canton, Ohio, 1968-69, Bernadine P. Branchaw
A study of the application of linear programming techniques in establishing equitable regional sales quotas for an industrial marketing firm, Robert E. Branshaw
A critical analysis of the "Procedure Manual for Business Affairs" at Northern Illinois University, Robert W. Burdick
Pulse readings of cost reduction programs, Peter Frank Caruso
A survey of the preparation and qualifications of marketing instructors in Illinois public junior colleges, Kent H. Claussen
Factors affecting performance on the certified professional secretary examination, Frances Marie Craig
The impact of computers on auditing, Dean T. Ducray
An exhaustive exploratory survey and descriptive analysis of corporate directors' and officers' liability insurance offered in the United States, Robert John Engling
A survey of the portable electric tool industry from 1957 through 1966, Stephen A. Foerster
An investigation of the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing a data processing service bureau for accounts receivable accounting, Richard A. Fullen
Presidential intervention under Title II of the Taft-Hartlet Act: 1964-1969, Barry M. Greenberg
An investigation to determine the practicability of a convential wage incentive system in its effort to motivate the worker, Edward Frank Heitter
Analysis of the industrial integration and the market development by Illinois firms in the Central American Common Market, Gary Alden Johns
A comparative analysis of labor wages and one family house cost, David Emil Kaufman
The importance of specific socio-economic factors in the adoption of selected new food products, Roy G. Kempa
An analysis of the relationship of new product diversification to the marketing function in selected firms, Thomas H. Krigbaum
A follow-up study to determine the use made of personal typewriting by graduates of St. Bede Academy, Peru, Illinois, 1964-1967, Dorothy A. Kuffel
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
A survey of industrial concentration in northern Illinois, Norman R. Aulabaugh
A survey of the criteria used by United States industrial corporations in the evaluation of committees, Frank Balthis
An analysis of the marketing of household aluminum foil in Switzerland, Ronald Lee Bane
A survey of the office occupations in the Addison, Illinois area, Ann Miller Belland
Forecasting the need for school business managers in Northern Illinois, James Edward Bowen
A follow-up study of cooperative office education graduates in the northern twenty-one counties of the State of Illinois, Caroline Muns Boyd
A study to determine the elements of satisfaction-dissatisfaction possessed by total energy system purchasers, John H. Brandau
Professionalization and the purchasing function, Thomas L. Buettner
A study of the accounting treatment of research and development costs, Ronnie Jon Burrows
The influence of motivator factors and hygiene factors upon job satisfaction of female factory workers in both a rural and uraban locale--an investigation, Marion L. Chiattello
An evaluation of the competitive bidding rule of the public accounting profession, Raymond J. Clay
A study to determine the relationship between certain academic factors and the grade earned in Business Education 347 at Northern Illinois University, Walter Schobal Clevenger
A study of the duties and qualifications of bookkeepers and accountants in manufacturing firms in the DeKalb-Sycamore, Illinois, area, John Edward Clow
A heuristic programming effect on production scheduling in Company X, Michael E. Crawley
A study of the accounting theory and treatment of self-insurance, Anthony W. Cvelbar
A study in the use of project managers in the microwave communications industry, Harry C. Dahl
A correlation of first year bookkeeping learning to first semester elementary accounting and an analysis of means of improving this learning, Nancy Ann Dedert
An analysis of management development practices in small business, Michael John Dougherty
A study of financial statement terminology and presentation problems, Robert C. Dye
A study of the feasibility of using linear programming in the designing of a paper mill, Michael J. Fenrick
An investigation of the domestic need for the Boeing 747 in the period 1972-75, Victor E. Fitzmaurice
A survey of data communications as a management tool, Stanley R. Flood
Psychological testing and its future in personnel selection, Alwayne R. Galioto
The demographic analysis of the Town and Country Bank Charge Card, Thomas X. Gatlin
A study of the relative effectiveness of drug promotions and their integration with the promotional needs of physicians, Richard H. Gentile
A study of employment opportunities and job requirements for entry-level office occupations in Freeport, Illinois, businesses, Lee R. Gerber
Management employee attitudes about management attitude surveys, Jerome David Goetz
A feasibility study concerning a data processing center for DeKalb County banks, Jeffrey L. Greenacre
The speculative premium of convertible bonds, Donald J. Guy
A comparative analysis of organization theory and practice of the marketing functions in the farm equipment industry, Matthew John Haberkorn
A study of manufacturing engineering staff structures for numerical control production facilities, William F. Hack
A study to determine the status of data processing courses and/or units of instruction in the business education curricula of public high schools of the northern 21 counties of Illinois, Elva Gustafson Hallstrom
A study of the effectiveness of an industrial trade catalog, Robert Hartzell
A study of the desirability of business administration personnel in hospital laboratories, John Haveman
A review and revision of the sales training program of the Barber-Coleman Company Industrial Instruments Division, Laurence C. Hawke
A study of the job factors used by college students when selecting a job in industry, James M. Herbison
A study of selected economic characteristics of the white and nonwhite populations of the Chicago Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, Terrence Heyer
A study of partial pooling accounting practices, Clayton A. Hock
A study to determine the differences in specific tax regulations in the United States as compared with those in selected foreign countries, Robert E. Holtfreter
An examination of the effects of H.B. 1525, the Illinois Labor Relations Act, on teachers, school administrators and the public in the state of Illinois, Marshall B. Isaacson
A study of Japan's borrowings from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1953-1967, Akira Ishimine
An evalulation of supplementary compensation methods, Steven Richard Jennings
Long range planning and administration in Iran, Mohamad Kavoosian
A study of limitations imposed by the professional accountant's code of ethics in the practice of management advisory services, William F. Keck
The determination of national productivity levels of machine tool inventories using productivity criteria quotients, Richard L. Klaas
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
An evaluation of the current status of certification for school business administrators in the State of Wisconsin, Dale H. Aleckson
A study of the common stock price trends of a selected group of companies that incurred losses, Ronald D. Bleed
A study of selected international franchisors, Henry Richard Bollman
A study of materials handling manufacturers' representatives in the Chicago area, Kenne Paul Bristol
A study to determine how business objectives are formulated in a selected number of manufacturing companies, Michael J. Broggi
A study in the effect of work measurement on industrial relations, Kenneth Richard Brown
An analysis of bank chartering requirements and their effect on bank competition in Illinois, Howard C. Builta
A study of turnover in a Rockford, Illinois hardware industry, Arnold E. Carlson
A follow-up study of the business education graduates of Crystal Lake Community High School for the years of 1964, 1965, and 1966, Nita Dawson Cherry
Selective factors recognized by midwest colleges and universities for admitting high school business graduates, Stephen James Costos
Labor forecasting : a tool for production planning, Frank S. Covaro
A study to determine the feasibility of employing an insurance administrator at four-year colleges or universities, Warren D. Cuplin
A study to determine the feasibility of establishing a commercial intelligence department in an industrial chemical firm, Thomas J. Daly
The effect of engineering preplanning in selected electronic firms, Henry Eielt Dehne
A study of the incentive plans employed in the mobile home industry and the impact unions play in the installation of the incentive plans, Anthony L. DeRose
A study of book and supply practices in secondary schools in the State of Illinois, James A. Dickinson
The academic accomplishments at Northern Illinois University of accounting transfer students relative to accounting non-transfers, Alan Gordon Donohue
An analysis of the various approaches used in the exploratory phase of new product evolution, Richard Lee Entrikin
An analysis of bad and doubtful accounts in the wholesale food and allied lines industry, Roland C. Eyears
The development of an equipment inventory system using data processing techniques for School District U-46, Elgin, Illinois, William G. Farley
The erosion of management rights, Charles Ferguson
Materiality in external financial reporting, Siew-low Fong
A comparative investigation of the graduate accountance curriculum of Northern Illinois University with graduate accountancy curricula of selected universities, Edward Carl Foth
A study of the accounting treatment for the intangible asset goodwill, John Donald Gedart
Relationship of basic public relations concepts to marketing policies, Donald S. Gordon
An evaluation of the benefits derived from writing a thesis as a requirement for a master's degree in business administration, James B. Gordon
A study of the salary, teaching load and co-curricular assignments of beginning business teachers in selected Chicago suburban high schools, Kenneth P. Grams
A study in management's responsibility : computer utilization, Richard A. Hahn
A study of managerial images of absenteeism in a selected food processing plant, Thomas Michael Hannon
A study of the minimum standards for first-year shorthand in community unit high schools in Illinois, Jacquelynn J. Harder
A follow-up study of the 1962-1966 office practice graduates of Kaneland High School with implications for the improvement of the office practice course, Stephanie Ann Hays
A study of the factors influential to short-run profitability for retailers in the food franchise industry, Kenneth Anthony Heinzel
The development of a proficiency examination in Accountancy 221 for the Department of Accountancy at Northern Illinois University, Robert George Held
An appraisal of the effects percentage depletion has on the price of crude oil, gasoline and profits in the petroleum industry, Jerome D. Helmueller