Publications from 2008
Linking justice, performance, and citizenship via Leader-Member Exchange, James P. Burton, Chris J. Sablynski, and Tomoki Sekiguchi,
Representations of the Interregnum and Restoration in English Drama of the Early 1660s, David Bywaters, Department of English
An Efficiency Wage Approach to Reconciling the Wage Curve and the Phillips Curve, Carl M. Campbell III, Department of Economics
Climatology of Surface Cyclone Tracks Associated with Large Central and Eastern U.S. Snowstorms, 1950–2000, David Changnon, Chad Merinsky, and Michael Lawson, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
Bong Hits 4 Jesus: Making Sense of Free Speech in High Schools, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Religion as Speech: The Growing Role of Free Speech Jurisprudence in Protecting Religious Liberty, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Interaction Study of MADS-Domain Proteins in Tomato, Melvin R. Duvall, Charles H. Leseberg, Christie Eissler, Xiang Wang, Mitrick A. Johns, and Long Mao, Department of Biological Sciences
Phylogenetic Analyses of Two Mitochondrial Metabolic Genes Sampled in Parallel from Angiosperms Find Fundamental Interlocus Incongruence, Melvin R. Duvall, J.W. Robinson, J.G. Mattson, and A. Moore, Department of Biological Sciences
Guantánamo in the Supreme Court: Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
This Is To Whom It May Concern: A Guantánamo Narrative, 1 DePaul J. Soc. Just. 153 (2008)., Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
Rethinking the Digital Remix: Mashups and the Metaphysics of Sound Recording, David J. Gunkel, Department of Communication
The Matrix Reconsidered: Thinking Through Binary Logic in Science Fiction and Social Reality, David J. Gunkel, Department of Communication
Žižek and the Real Hegel, David J. Gunkel, Department of Communication
Appropriating the city: space, theory, and bike messengers, Jeffrey L. Kidder,
White Settler / Big City: Mimicry in the Metropolis in Fergus Hume’s The Mystery of a Hansom Cab, Mark Kipperman, Department of English
Computer simulation of the role of groundwater seepage in forming Martian valley networks, W. Luo and A.D. Howard, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
Thickness Induced Structural Changes in Polystyrene Films, Laurence Lurio, M.K. Mukhopadhyay, X. Jiao, Zhang Jiang, J. Stark, Michael Sprung, S. Narayanan, A.R. Sandy, and S.K. Sinha,
Systemically Screwing Dads: Out of Control Paternity Schemes, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Expression Patterns of Arabidopsis DRG Genes: Promoter-GUS Fusions, Quantitative RT-PCR and Patterns of Protein Accumulation in Response to Environmental Stresses, Joel P. Stafstrom, Department of Biological Sciences
Ex Parte Domestic Violence Orders of Protection: How Easing Access to Judicial Process Has Eased the Possibility for Abuse of the Process, David H. Taylor, College of Law
Building a New Generation of Online Public History Resources: Promise and Problems Identified in the Development of the Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project, Drew VandeCreek, University Libraries
Identification and Investigation of ORFans in the Viral World, Yanbin Yin and Daniel Fischer, Department of Biological Sciences
Publications from 2007
Metaphysics Meets Physics on the Banks of the Raritan, Valia Allori, Department of Philosophy
Primitive Ontology and the Structure of Fundamental Physical Theories, Valia Allori, Department of Philosophy
O Brave New World? Electronic Voting Machines and Internet Voting: An Annotated Bibliography, Therese A. Clarke Arado and Susan M. Boland, College of Law
Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Tornado Fatalities in the United States: 1880-2005, Walker S. Ashley, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
An extensive episode of derecho-producing convective systems in the United States during May and June 1998: A multi-scale analysis and review, Walker S. Ashley, Thomas L. Mote, and M.L. Bentley, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
Popular Culture, E. Taylor Atkins, Department of History
The Dual Career of “Arirang”: The Korean Resistance Anthem That Became a Japanese Pop Hit, E. Taylor Atkins, Department of History
Varieties of Evolutionary Psychology, David J. Buller, Department of Philosophy
Multicellular Redox Regulation in an Early-Evolving Animal Treated with Glutathione, Joseph Doolen, Gabrielle Geddes, and Neil W. Blackstone, Department of Biological Sciences
Conspiracy to Commit Poetry: Empathetic Lawyering at Guantánamo Bay, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
Litigation and Delay at Guantánamo Bay, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
Toward a Limited-Government Theory of Extraterritorial Detention, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
Imagining Mexico in 1910: Visions of the Patria in the Centennial Celebration in Mexico City, Michael J. Gonzales, Center for Latino and Latin American Studies
Balancing Ambition and Gender Among Decision Makers, Rebecca Hannagan, Christopher W. Larimer, and Kevin B. Smith,
Fugitive women: Slavery and social change in early modern Southeast Asia, Eric A. Jones, Department of History
Finishing a Friendly Argument: The Jury and the Historical Origins of Diversity Jurisdiction, Robert L. Jones, College of Law
Lost Paternity in the Culture of Motherhood, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Safe Haven, Adoption and Birth Record Laws: Where are the Daddies?, Jeffrey A. Parness and Therese A. Clarke Arado, College of Law
Religious Diversity and Cooperation on Campus, Eboo Patel,
Digital History and the Public: Envisioning the Mississippi Valley of the Nineteenth Century, Drew VandeCreek, University Libraries
Webs of Significance: The Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project, New Technology, and the Democratization of History, Drew VandeCreek, University Libraries
U-series Disequilibria in Guatemalan Lavas, Crustal Contamination, and Implications for Magma Genesis Along the Central American Subduction Zone, James A. Walker, J. Erik Mickelson, Rebecca B. Thomas, Lina C. Patino, Barry Cameron, Michael J. Carr, Mark D. Feigenson, and R. Lawrence Edwards, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences
Do The Sick Retire Early? Chronic Illness, Asset Accumulation, and Early Retirement., Virginia Wilcox-Gök and M. Solaiman Miah, Department of Economics
Publications from 2006
Sacred Swing: The Sacralization of Jazz in the American Bahá'í Community, E. Taylor Atkins, Department of History
Zirkussklaven, Sinclair Bell,
Cloud-to-ground flash characteristics for Atlanta, Georgia (USA), M.L. Bentley, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
Evolutionary Psychology: A Critique, David J. Buller, Department of Philosophy
A Model of the Determinants of Effort, Carl M. Campbell III, Department of Economics
Determination of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients by Heteroatom Selective Detection Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry with Ultrasonic Nebuilization and Membrane Desolvation Sample Introduction, Jon W. Carnahan, Kaho Kwok, John E. Carr, and Gregory K. Webster, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Snowstorms in the Contiguous United States, David Changnon, Stanley A. Changnon, and Thomas R. Karl, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
Takings Jurisprudence as Three-Tiered Review, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
The influence of flaws on joint spacing and saturation: results of one-dimensional mechanical modeling, Mark P. Fischer and A. Polansky, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences
Using dew points to estimate savings during a planned cooling shutdown, Matthew Friedlein, David Changnon, Eric Musselman, and Jeff Zielinski, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
The Virtual Dialectic: Rethinking The Matrix and its Significance, David J. Gunkel, Department of Communication
Crucible of Andean Civilization: The Peruvian Coast from 3000 to 1800 B.C., Jonathan Haas and Winifred Creamer, Department of Anthropology
Self-Determination and International Order, Tomis Kapitan,
Bike Messengers and the Really Real: Effervescence, Reflexivity, and Postmodern Identity, Jeffrey L. Kidder,
The Temporal and Spatial Scale of Microevolution: Fine-scale Color Pattern Variation in the Lake Erie Watersnake, Richard B. King and J.M. Ray, Department of Biological Sciences
The Origins of Monumental Architecture in Ancient Hawai'i, Michael Kolb, Department of Anthropology
Morphometric Analysis of Martian Valley Network Basins Using a Circularity Function, W. Luo and A.D. Howard, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
Topographically derived maps of valley networks and drainage density in the Mare Tyrrhenum quadrangle on Mars, W. Luo and T.F. Stepinski, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
A graph-theoretic method for detecting potential Turing bifurcations, Maya Mincheva and Marc R. Roussel,
`Died in the Service of Portugal': Legitimacy of Authority and Dynamics of Group Identity among the Atsabe Kemak in East Timor, Andrea Molnar, Department of Anthropology
American General Jurisdiction Trial Courts: New Visions, New Guidelines, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Deserting Mothers, Abandoned Babies, Lost Fathers: Dangers in Safe Havens, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Improving Judicial Settlement Conferences, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
New Federal Paternity Laws: Securing More Fathers for Children of Unwed Mothers, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
No Genetic Ties, No More Fathers: Voluntary Acknowledgment Recissions and Other Paternity Disestablishments Under Illinois Law, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Preserving Madagascar’s Natural Heritage: The Importance of Keeping the Islands’s Fossils in the Public Domain, Karen E. Samonds, D.W. Krause, P.M. O'Connor, A.H. Rasoamiaramanana, G.A. Buckley, P.S. Chatrath, D.A. Burney, M.T. Carrano, J.J. Flynn, C.A. Forster, Laurie R. Godfrey, W.L. Jungers, R.R. Rogers, E.L. Simons, and A.R. Wyss, Department of Biological Sciences
Beyond Encounters: Religion, Ethnicity, and Violence in the Early Modern Atlantic World, 1450-1700, Brian Sandberg, Department of History
Through Naval Practice and the Association with Foreigners’: French Nobles’ Participation in Mediterranean Religious Struggles, Brian Sandberg, Department of History
Body Image and Expected Future Interaction, Alecia M. Santuzzi, P.L. Metzger, and J.B. Ruscher,
Flood Frequency in China's Poyang Lake Region: Trends and Teleconnections, David Shankman, Barry D. Keim, and Jie Song, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
Estimating the Long-Term Hydrological Budget over Heterogeneous Surfaces, Jie Song, M.L. Wesely, D.J. Holdridge, D.R. Cook, and J. Klazura, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
Tracing Nitrogen in Volcanic and Geothermal Volatiles from the Nicaraguan Volcanic Front, James A. Walker, L.J. Elkins, T.P. Fischer, D.R. Hilton, Z.D. Sharp, and S. McKnight, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences
On the Origin of Microbial ORFans: Quantifying the Strength of the Evidence for Viral Lateral Transfer, Yanbin Yin and Daniel Fischer, Department of Biological Sciences
Publications from 2005
On the episodic nature of derecho-producing convective systems in the United States, Walker S. Ashley, T.L. Mote, and M.L. Bentley, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
Responding to the Antique. A Rediscovered Roman Circus Sarcophagus and its Renaissance Afterlife, Sinclair Bell,
Climatology of cloud-to-ground lightning in Georgia, USA, 1992-2003, M.L. Bentley and J.A. Stallins, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
Redox Signaling in Colonial Hydroids: Many Pathways for Peroxide, Neil W. Blackstone, Matthew J. Bivins, Kimberly S. Cherry, Robert E. Fletcher, and Gabrielle Geddes, Department of Biological Sciences
Evolutionary psychology: the emperor’s new paradigm, David J. Buller,
Get Over: Massive Modularity, David J. Buller, Department of Philosophy
The Emperor Is Still Under-Dressed, David J. Buller, Jerry Fodor, and Tessa Crume, Department of Philosophy
Lessons from the unusual impacts of an abnormal winter in the USA, David Changnon and Stanley A. Changnon, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
Fairness and Farmland Preservation: A Response to Professor Richardson, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Geometry and kinematics of the Nuncios detachment fold complex: implications for lithotectonics in northeastern Mexico, Mark P. Fischer, I.C. Higuera-Diaz, and M.S. Wilkerson, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences
Observed effects of horizontal surface temperature variations on the atmosphere over a Mid-west watershed during CASES 97, Robert L. Grossman, D. Yates, M. A. LeMone, M.L. Wesely, and Jie Song, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
Harmonic analysis of causal operators and their spectral properties, Ilya A. Krishtal and A.G. Baskakov,
Adoption Notices to Genetic Fathers: No to Scarlet Letters, Yes to Good Faith Cooperation, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Climatology of the Low-Level Jet at the Southern Great Plains Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiments Site, Jie Song, Ke Liao, Richard L. Coulter, and Barry M. Lesht, Department of Geographic and Atmospheric Sciences
Solomon Huebner and the Development of Life Insurance Sales Professionalism, 1905-1927, Drew VandeCreek, University Libraries
Publications from 2004
On the Notion of Primitive Ontology, Valia Allori, Department of Philosophy
What is Bohmian Mechanics, Valia Allori and Nino Zanghì,
Inventing Jazztowns and Internationalizing Local Identities in Japan, E. Taylor Atkins, Department of History
Characterization of the Aspergillus parasiticus delta12-desaturase Gene: A Role for Lipid Metabolism in the Aspergillus/plant Interaction, Ana M. Calvo, R.A. Wilson, P.K. Chang, and N.P. Keller,
The Role of Education in Promoting Interfaith Cooperation, Loreta N. Castro,
Affirmative Action After Grutter and Gratz, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Structural Levels of Mental Illness Stigma and Discrimination, Patrick W. Corrigan, Fred E. Markowitz, and Amy Watson,