Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Effect of a structured pre-chemotherapy teaching program for cancer patients on their anxiety level and experiences of physical side effects, Kathleen A. Mikos
Relationship of personal variables and attitudes toward children with cancer among school nurses, Penelope S. Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Effective preoperative information : does content make a difference?, Susan L. Galczak
An experimental study of the use of distraction technique to reduce anxiety behavior in children during the administration of intramuscular injections, Janice Johnson Head
The effectiveness of teaching breast self-examination comparing teaching model practice vs. practice on the subject's own breasts, Nancy M. Jacobsen
Impact of ostomy upon the spouse, Laura L. Kobza
Effects of a preparatory education and play program on responses of young children to selected medical procedures, Kathryn S. Moehling
A descriptive study of the perceptions of children with cancer and their parents about the child's re-entry to school, Wanita C. Owen
The relationship between feeling-tone scores and primary or repeat cesarean status, early or late hospital status and a variety of personal variables, Donna M. Tcheng
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Toward a phenomenology of exclusion, Nancy Drew Anderson
Effects of expressive touch on post-admission distress in hospitalized patients, Sandra L. Bellinger
Factors influencing older adults' participation in the decision to utilize an adult day care center, Carol J. Farran
A study of the relationship between age, occupation, educational level, and attitudes toward mental illness, Jane M. Garfield
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
A study of the correlation between selected behavioral traits and the television viewing habits of high school freshmen, Robert L. Brown
Status and communication : a study at the international level, Joanne L. Callahan
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Decision making and program practices in adult educational broadcasting : a comparison study in Sweden and Chicago, Kent P. Kjellgren
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
The Lot test and school-age children, Charles R. Behnke
The cultural context of Irish broadcasting, Farrel John Corcoran
The use of paired stimuli in the modification of the articulation of hearing impaired young adults, Angie Jo Fabiszak
The effects of a standard earphone and an ear canal insert device on interaural attenuation, Janice M. Hajost
Self esteem and utilization of personal space by baccalaureate students of nursing, Lois M. Horton
A study to discover how debaters relate arguments to the proposition, Aloysius C. Juodvalkis
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Standardization of a fiberglass color frame, Martin L. Brackin
Relationships between semantic scales in the measurement of attitudes toward three levels of black language, Lorraine T. Cole
An evaluation of four selected ear protectors, Joseph R. Delorier
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
A preliminary investigation of spontaneous and imitative methods of assessment of syntactic skills in four year old children, Alice R. Gawin
An investigation of the concept of understanding, Russell E. Hamm
An analysis of the 1968 vice-presidential speaking of Senator Edmund S. Muskie, Sharon L. Howell
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Teachers' perceptions of children with hearing aids, Kenneth A. Brooks
Designing a flexible theatre for the secondary school, Edward J. Ewald
The debates and religious forums of Clarence Darrow, Harry W. Greene
A preliminary investigation of the oral language of elementary school teachers, Mary S. Kealey
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
The adaptation effect among mentally retarded stutterers, Henry E. Baud
A comparison of what selected theological terms mean to ministers and students, W. Glyn Evans
A comparative analysis of representative speeches of Wilberforce on the slave trade and Phillips on slavery, Lewis L. Greenough
A study of opportunities to communicate and social orientation in a simple conflict setting, James G. Greenwood
An investigation of the acquisition of transformation types among children, Cheryl N. Kloer
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
A dimension of source credibility which affects jury decision making in personal injury cases, Troy T. Baker
Acoustically evoked responses as a function of recruitment phenomena, Lawrence G. Clayton
Acoustically evoked responses as a function of tonal stimulus duration, Eskel E. Curtiss
A historical study of the contents and changes of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Shows, William E. Deahl
The rhetoric of Father James Groppi in the Milwaukee civil rights movement : a study of the rhetoric of agitation, Thomas R. Feld
A costume design project for The beggar's opera by John Gay, Patricia R. Foerster
A comparison of the effects of three types of discussion on student responses on attitude scales, Alan A. Goldberg
An experimental study of the effectiveness of two forms of a programmed instruction based upon the formulation of judgement scales defined by Muzafer Sherif, Raymond Joseph Hassler
The effect of substandard grammatical usage on audience ratings of general speech effectiveness and speaker credibility, Georgia Hershey
A comparative analysis of Anton Chekhov's "The Wood Demon" and "Uncle Vanya", Donald E. Jacklich
Acoustically evoked responses to pure tones at low sensation levels, Wynnette E. Janicek
A validation of two measures of the concept of understanding, Richard Allen Katula
A study of leadership and rhetoric : two elements in the success of Charles Harting Percy, James George Kuntzelman
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
A historical study of the legitimate theatre in Cripple Creek, Colorado, 1897-1907, Allen John Adams
The response of students in fundamentals of speech to oral criticism, Merlyn D. Albright
An analysis of the elements of rhetorical art in the pulpit speaking of Dr. Clarence Edward Macartney, Louis Alee Baptist
Oscillator placement in bone conduction testing with selected groups of children, Prudence S. Barber
An exploratory investigation to determine the effectiveness of teaching two sounds simultaneously during articulation therapy, Brenda Rose Baumbich
A study of a speech improvement program at the kindergarten level as a means of reducing articulation errors, Sharon D. Broers
An analysis of the influence of naturalism on the theatre-libre, Guy Joseph Cardarelli
An investigation of auditory imprinting in prenatal chickens, Samuel Allen Counter
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
An examination and evaluation of selected speeches of James Madison, father of the constitution and fourth president of the United States, Paul Wesley Batty
The status of speech education in the junior high schools of northern Illinois, Donald J. Hagerty
An investigation of some effects of different types of auditory stimulation on the human pupillary reflex, Ira Hamburg
A study of visual perception in auditorally handicapped children, Janet Marie Johnson
A historical study of WRSE-FM : an educational radio station, Donald Leroy Juday
A classification and summarization of the published empirical research on stuttering, Judith R. Klein
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
A phonetic analysis and comparison of some Bronx and Brooklyn speakers, Phyllis Naomi Berger
A study of the social schema of normal and hard of hearing young adults, Delores F. Davis
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
Theatrical fencing and Shakespeare's Henry IV, part I, George D. Glenn
A survey of the administration and financing of extra-curricular debate programs in the state of Illinois, 1963-1964, Robert W. Goldman
Theses/Dissertations from 1963
The effects of prior information on attitude change, William E. Arnold
An investigation of sex differences in oral reading adaptation to delayed sidetone as measured by fluency and duration, Joan Dubofsky
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
Results of the Staggered Spondaic Word Test with an old age population, Robert F. Balas
A test for localizing lesions of the auditory mechanisms, Rocco A. Basil
The function of comedy in Jean Giraudoux' Amphitryon 38 and Electra, Dennis E. Catrell
The relation of style and theme in the long plays of Thorton Wilder, David M. Clark
The history of speech correction at Northern Illinois University, Mary Jane Clegg
A comparative study of resistance to extinction in classical and instrumental avoidance galvanci skin response audiometry, Robert J. Connelly
Theses/Dissertations from 1961
An analysis of invention in John F. Kennedy's speeches concerning foreign policy during the 1960 presidential campaign, John B. Fiduccia
A comparative study of the verbal learning performances of normal and speech defective adults, Randolph Scott Johnson
Theses/Dissertations from 1960
A comparative study of bilinguals and monolinguals in language learning, Suzanne Marie Kohut
Theses/Dissertations from 1959
An analysis of invention in selected speeches of Harry S. Truman in the 1948 presidential campaign, Jerry M. Anderson
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
Oral factors in written language, Myrna M. Evans
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
Horace Walpole's correspondence and memoirs, Lucille Lamb Aikins
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
A prompt book for George Kelly's - The show-off containing history, characterization, general pacing and scenic designs, Marian Goddard Hake
Theses/Dissertations from 1954
The importance of speech readiness in the speech development of a child, Amy May Brown
A study of intelligibility and quality ratings of speech handicapped children, Mae Metcalfe Duckels