Submissions from 2015
Expanded Stepparent and Grandparent Third-Party Childcare in Illinois, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Formalities for Informal Adoptions, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
ICWA's Pre-Existing Custody Requirement: A Flexible Approach to Better Protect the Interests of Indian Fathers, Tribes and Children, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Illinois Lawyer Investigations of Current Client Concerns, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Parentage Prenups and Midnups, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
The Default Rule on Burden of Proof in Civil Cases, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Troxel Revisited: A New Approach to Third Party Childcare, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Collaborations between Lawyers and New Legal Professionals: A Path to Increase Access to Justice and Protect Clients, Laurel A. Rigertas, College of Law
Submissions from 2014
The First Amendment and Religion After Hosanna-Tabor, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Eavesdrop Law's Demise Means Loss of Privacy, Marc D. Falkoff
Fascinating Legal Questions Posed in Recent Criminal Law Cases, Marc D. Falkoff
Illinois Supreme Court Should Consider Reasonable Doubt Issue, Marc D. Falkoff
Life Without Parole for Juveniles and the Retroactivity Mess, Marc D. Falkoff
Overcorrecting Jury Instruction Errors, Marc D. Falkoff
Pro Bono Scholars Idea Could Enhance Legal Education, Provide Aid to Needy, Marc D. Falkoff
The Due Process Failings of Student Disciplinary Board Hearings, Marc D. Falkoff
The Enforcement Challenges for Tattoo Copyrights, Yolanda M. King, College of Law
The Immigrant “Other”: Racialized Identity and the Devaluation of Immigrant Family Relations, Anita Maddali, College of Law
Automatic Elections, Michael M. Oswalt, College of Law
Constitutional Constraints on Second Parent Laws, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Dangers in De Facto Parenthood, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Survey of Illinois Law: Statutory Damage Exclusions, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Survey of Illinois Law: Stepparent Childcare, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Intra Law Firm Privileged Communications Regarding Questionable Attorney Conduct, Jeffrey A. Parness and Evan King, College of Law
How Do You Rate Your Lawyer?: Lawyers’ Responses to Online Reviews of Their Services, Laurel A. Rigertas, College of Law
The Legal Profession’s Monopoly: Failing to Protect Consumers, Laurel A. Rigertas, College of Law
The Supreme Court and Recusals: A Response to Professor Lubet, Laurel A. Rigertas, College of Law
USA: Regulating Non-Lawyers to Close the Access to Justice Gap, Laurel A. Rigertas, College of Law
Submissions from 2013
Afterthought Crimes and the Felony Murder Rule in Illinois, Marc D. Falkoff
"Attempted Threat" Crimes and Oduwole, Marc D. Falkoff
Dictionary Blues: Judicial Reasoning Muddied by Definition Wrangling, Marc D. Falkoff
Investigative Alerts: Smart Policy or a Way to Skirt Warrants?, Marc D. Falkoff
Recording Police Interrogations Has Worked -- And Should Be Expanded, Marc D. Falkoff
Serious Discussions Needed on Police Tactics and False Confessions, Marc D. Falkoff
The Evolving Right to Counsel on State Post-Conviction Review, Marc D. Falkoff
The Oddly Perverse Consequences of Mandatory Sentencing Enhancements, Marc D. Falkoff
A Longitudinal Analysis of the U.S. News Law School Academic Reputation Scores between 1998 and 2013, Robert L. Jones, College of Law
The Challenges “Facing” Copyright Protection for Tattoos, Yolanda M. King, College of Law
Federal Constitutional Childcare Interests and Superior Parental Rights in Illinois, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
New Private Privacy Intrusions During Prelitigation Civil Claim Investigations, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Parentage Law (R)Evolution: The Key Questions, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Submissions from 2012
The Hidden Costs of Habeas Delay, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
Lessons from a Lost Constitution: The Council of Revision, the Bill of Rights, and the Role of the Judiciary in Democratic Governance, Robert L. Jones, College of Law
Witness Protections in Illinois Civil Actions, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Legal Paternity (and Other Parenthood) After Lehr and Michael H., Jeffrey A. Parness and Zachary Townsend, College of Law
Procreative Sex and Same Sex Parents, Jeffrey A. Parness and Zachary Townsend, College of Law
The Price of Pleasure: Children Hurt Too, Jeffrey A. Parness and Zachary Townsend, College of Law
Post-Watergate: The Legal Profession and Respect for the Interests of Third Parties, Laurel A. Rigertas, College of Law
Stratification of the Legal Profession: A Debate in Need of a Public Forum, Laurel A. Rigertas, College of Law
Law Students Lie and Other Practical Information for First-Year Students, Meredith A.G. Stange
Finding a Forum for North Korea, Morse Tan, College of Law
Submissions from 2011
Habeas, Informational Asymmetries, and the War on Terror, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
Padilla v. Kentucky: A New Chapter in Supreme Court Jurisprudence on Whether Deportation Constitutes Punishment for Lawful Permanent Residents?, Anita Maddali, College of Law
The Connection between Animal Abuse and Family Violence: A Selected Annotated Bibliography, Sharon L. Nelson, College of Law
Beyond Red Light Enforcement Against the Guilty But Innocent: Local Regulations of Secondary Culprits, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
State Damage Caps and Separation of Powers, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Survey of Illinois Law: Ins and Outs of The New Illinois Evidence Rules, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Hearsay and the Right of Confrontation in American Trials by Jury, David H. Taylor, College of Law
Submissions from 2010
The Fairness Dimension of Takings Jurisprudence, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
The Land Use Jurisprudence of Chief Justice Rehnquist and Justice Stevens: Two Views on Balancing Public and Private Interests in Property, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Bagram, Boumediene, and Limited Government, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
American State Constitutional Equalities, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Monetary Recoveries for State Crime Victims, Jeffrey A. Parness, Laura Lee, and Ed Laube, College of Law
For Those Not John Edwards: More and Better Paternity Acknowledgments at Birth, Jeffrey A. Parness and Zachary Townsend, College of Law
A State of Rightlessness: the Egregious Case of North Korea, Morse Tan, College of Law
Submissions from 2009
Making Sense of High School Speech After Morse v. Frederick, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Back to Basics: Habeas Corpus Procedures and Long-Term Executive Detention, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
No Room Left For Doubt: More Relevations about Guantánamo, Marc D. Falkoff
No Room Left for Doubt: New Revelation About Guantánamo, Marc D. Falkoff
Torture and Habeas Corpus as Information-Forcing Devices, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
Greater Employment Equalities in the New South Through New Constitutional Guarantees, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Inequalities in Illinois Constitutional Equality, Jeffrey A. Parness and Laura Lee, College of Law
Monetary Remedies for Victims During Illinois Criminal Cases, Jeffrey A. Parness, Laura Lee, and Karen Blouin, College of Law
Lobbying and Litigating Against "Legal Bootleggers"- The Role of the Organized Bar in the Expansion of the Courts' Inherent Powers in the Early Twentieth Century, Laurel A. Rigertas, College of Law
Submissions from 2008
Bong Hits 4 Jesus: Making Sense of Free Speech in High Schools, Mark W. Cordes
Religion as Speech: The Growing Role of Free Speech Jurisprudence in Protecting Religious Liberty, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Guantánamo in the Supreme Court: Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Marc D. Falkoff
This Is To Whom It May Concern: A Guantánamo Narrative, 1 DePaul J. Soc. Just. 153 (2008)., Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
Systemically Screwing Dads: Out of Control Paternity Schemes, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Ex Parte Domestic Violence Orders of Protection: How Easing Access to Judicial Process Has Eased the Possibility for Abuse of the Process, David H. Taylor, College of Law
Submissions from 2007
O Brave New World? Electronic Voting Machines and Internet Voting: An Annotated Bibliography, Therese A. Clarke Arado and Susan M. Boland, College of Law
Conspiracy to Commit Poetry: Empathetic Lawyering at Guantánamo Bay, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
Litigation and Delay at Guantánamo Bay, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
Toward a Limited-Government Theory of Extraterritorial Detention, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law
Finishing a Friendly Argument: The Jury and the Historical Origins of Diversity Jurisdiction, Robert L. Jones, College of Law
Lost Paternity in the Culture of Motherhood, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Safe Haven, Adoption and Birth Record Laws: Where are the Daddies?, Jeffrey A. Parness and Therese A. Clarke Arado, College of Law
Submissions from 2006
Takings Jurisprudence as Three-Tiered Review, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
American General Jurisdiction Trial Courts: New Visions, New Guidelines, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Deserting Mothers, Abandoned Babies, Lost Fathers: Dangers in Safe Havens, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Improving Judicial Settlement Conferences, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
New Federal Paternity Laws: Securing More Fathers for Children of Unwed Mothers, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
No Genetic Ties, No More Fathers: Voluntary Acknowledgment Recissions and Other Paternity Disestablishments Under Illinois Law, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Submissions from 2005
Fairness and Farmland Preservation: A Response to Professor Richardson, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Adoption Notices to Genetic Fathers: No to Scarlet Letters, Yes to Good Faith Cooperation, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Submissions from 2004
Affirmative Action After Grutter and Gratz, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Guiding Civil Case Settlement Conferences and Their Aftermath: The Need to Amend Illinois Supreme Court Rule 218, Jeffrey A. Parness and Lance Cagle, College of Law
Submissions from 2003
Why Won’t Someone Help Me?: The Unspeakable Epidemic of Domestic Violence: an Annotated Bibliography, Therese A. Clarke Arado, College of Law
Mixed Up Questions of Fact and Law: Illinois Standards of Appellate Review in Civil Cases Following the 1997 Amendment to Supreme Court Rule 341, Kathleen L. Coles, College of Law
Civil Claim Settlement Talks Involving Third Parties and Insurance Company Adjusters: When Should Lawyer Conduct Standards Apply?, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law