Submissions from 2003
Federalizing Birth Certificate Procedures, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Nonparty Insurers in Federal Civil Actions: The Need For New Written Civil Procedure Laws, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Old-Fashioned Pregnancy, Newly-Fashioned Paternity, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Participation of Unwed Biological Fathers in Newborn Adoptions: Achieving Substantive and Procedural Fairness, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Expanded Recognition in Written Laws of Ancillary Federal Court Powers: Supplementing the Supplemental Jurisdiction Statute, Jeffrey A. Parness and Dan Sennott, College of Law
Enforcing Settlements in Federal Civil Actions, Jeffrey A. Parness and Matthew Walker, College of Law
Defending the Indefensible to Further a Later Case: Sanctioning Respondents in Illinois Domestic Violence Cases, David H. Taylor, College of Law
Should It Take A Thief?: Rethinking the Admission of Illegally Obtained Evidence in Civil Cases, David H. Taylor, College of Law
Submissions from 2002
Agricultural Zoning: Impacts and Future Directions, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Prayer in Public Schools After Santa Fe Independent School District, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
The Effect of Palazzolo v. Rhode Island on Takings and Environmental Land Use Regulation, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Thinking Outside the Civil Case Box: Reformulating Pretrial Conference Laws, Jeffrey A. Parness and Matthew Walker, College of Law
Civil Procedure by Contract: A Convoluted Confluence of Private Contract and Public Procedure in Need of Congressional Control, David H. Taylor, College of Law
Surveying Gender Bias at One Midwestern Law School, David H. Taylor, College of Law
Submissions from 2001
Recognizing Party and Nonparty Interests in Written Civil Procedure Laws, Jeffrey A. Parness and Dan Sennott, College of Law
Submissions from 2000
Politics, Religion, and the First Amendment, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Abortions of the Parental Prerogatives of Unwed Natural Fathers: Deterring Lost Paternity, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
The Authority of Illinois Lawyers to Settle Their Clients' Civil Claims: On Principles Not Quite Settled, Jeffrey A. Parness and Austin Bartlett, College of Law
Submissions from 1999
Property Rights and Land Use Controls: Balancing Private and Public Interests, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Takings, Fairness, and Farmland Preservation, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Evolving Views of Civil Litigation: Future Civil Procedure Courses, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Unsettling Questions Regarding Lawyer Civil Claim Settlement Authority, Jeffrey A. Parness and Austin Bartlett, College of Law
The Substantive Elements in the New Special Pleading Laws, Jeffrey A. Parness, Amy Leonetti, and Austin Bartlett, College of Law
Submissions from 1998
The Public/Private Balance in Land Use Regulation, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Submissions from 1997
Leapfrogging the Constitution: The Rise of State Takings Legislation, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Property and the First Amendment, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Expert Opinion Pleading: Any Merit to Special Certificates of Merit?, Jeffrey A. Parness and Amy Leonetti, College of Law
Filing With Your Fingers Crossed: Should a Party Be Sanctioned for Filing a Claim to Which There is a Dispositive, Yet Waivable, Affirmative Defense?, David H. Taylor, College of Law
Submissions from 1996
Enforcing Professional Norms for Federal Litigation Conduct: Achieving Reciprocal Cooperation, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Submissions from 1995
Legal Limits on Development Exactions: Responding to Nollan and Dolan, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Sign Regulation After Ladue: Examining the Evolving Limits of First Amendment Protection, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Conflicts of Interest and the Indigent Client: Barring the Door to the Last Lawyer in Town, David H. Taylor, College of Law
Rambo as Potted Plant: Local Rulemaking's Preemptive Strike Against Witness-Coaching During Depositions, David H. Taylor, College of Law
Submissions from 1994
Sanctioning Legal Organizations Under the New Federal Civil Rule 11: Radical Changes Loosen More Unforeseeable Forces, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
The Presence of Family Members and Others During Attorney-Client Communications: Himmel's Other Dilemma, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Submissions from 1993
Designating Male Parents at Birth, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Disciplinary Referrals Under New Federal Civil Rule 11, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Fines Under New Federal Civil Rule 11: The New Monetary Sanctions for the "Stop-and Think-Again" Rule, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Pregnant Dads: The Crimes and Other Misconduct of Expectant Fathers, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
The Forum Selection Clause: A Tale of Two Concepts, David H. Taylor, College of Law
Submissions from 1992
Preparing Minority Students for Law School: The Program for Minority Access to Law School, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Arming the Pregnancy Police: More Outlandish Concoctions?, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Failed or Uneven Discourse of State Constitutionalism?: Governmental Structure and State Constitutions, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Submissions from 1991
Defendant Class Actions Under Rule 23(b)(2): Resolving the Language Dilemma, David H. Taylor, College of Law
Submissions from 1990
Comparative American Judicial Systems, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Observations on Recent Efforts to Deter Frivolous Papers in the Illinois Circuit Courts, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Prospective Fathers and Their Unborn Children, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Respecting State Judicial Articles, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
The Legal Status of the Unborn After Webster, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Submissions from 1989
Policing Bias and Conflicts of Interest in Zoning Decisionmaking, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
Submissions from 1988
Choices About Attorney Fee-Shifting Laws: Further Substance/Procedure Problems under Erie and Elsewhere, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Submissions from 1987
Where to Pray? Religious Zoning and the First Amendment, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law
The New Method of Regulating Lawyers: Public and Private Interest Sanctions During Civil Litigation for Attorney Misconduct, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Submissions from 1984
The Process of Factfinding in Judicial Rulemaking: "Some Kind of Hearing" on the Factual Premises Underlying Judicial Rules, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Submissions from 1983
The Duty to Prevent Handicaps: Laws Promoting the Prevention of Handicaps to Newborns, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law
Submissions from 1982
Let Live and Let Die: Disabled Newborns and Contemporary Law, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law