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Recent release orders, statements by some military lawyers and judges, and the military’s own admission of detention mistakes all confirm that the only way for the Obama administration to restore our legal system’s legitimacy in the eyes of the world will be to close down Guantánamo, scrap the ill-conceived military commissions, and charge in federal court those prisoners we think committed crimes.... More revelations about the illegitimacy of the Bush administration’s war-on-terror detention system have cascaded into the public consciousness this week. This new round of disclosures and court decisions should give pause to those who have joined the fashionable call for creation of new “national security courts.” We now have a critical mass of information from military insiders about detainee abuse and procedural irregularities at Guantánamo, removing all doubt about our need to treat our detainee population in the civilian justice system.
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Marc D. Falkoff, No Room Left for Doubt: New Revelation About Guantánamo, The Professor's Column, March 2009 []..
College of Law
Northern Illinois University College of Law
Suggested Citation
Marc D. Falkoff, No Room Left for Doubt: New Revelation About Guantánamo, The Professor's Column, March 2009 []..