This collection contains publications authored or co-authored by faculty at NIU that are reviewed by experts in their respective field and published in reputable, scholarly forums.


Publications from 2016


Linking abusive supervision to employee engagement and exhaustion, Melinda L. Scheuer, James P. Burton, Larissa K. Barber, Lisa M. Finkelstein, and Christopher P. Parker, Department of Management| Department of Psychology


Risk Assessment of Arsenic in Rice Cereal and Other Dietary Sources for Infants and Toddlers in the U.S., Tomoyuki Shibata, Can Meng, Josephine Umoren, and Heidi West,


'Yo, Prof!' is Not the Proper Way to Address Me: Using a Status Email Assignment in First-Year Legal Writing to Address Issues with Student Correspondence, Meredith A.G. Stange, College of Law


The floral transcriptomes of four bamboo species (Bambusoideae; Poaceae): support for common ancestry among woody bamboos, William P. Wysocki, Eduardo Ruiz-Sanchez, Melvin R. Duvall, and Yanbin Yin, Department of Biological Sciences

Publications from 2015


Maxwell's Paradox: Classical Electrodynamics and its Time Reversal Invariance, Valia Allori,


Primitive Ontology in a Nutshell, Valia Allori,


Quantum Mechanics and Paradigm Shifts, Valia Allori,


Medical Marijuana: An Overview of Select Resources, Therese A. Clarke Arado and Annie Mentkowski, College of Law


Single-Cell-Genomics-Facilitated Read Binning of Candidate Phylum EM19 Genomes from Geothermal Spring Metagenomes, Eric D. Becraft, Jeremy A. Dodsworth, Senthil K. Murugapiran, J. Ingemar Ohlsson, Brandon R. Briggs, Jad Kanbar, Iwijn De Vlaminck, Stephen R. Quake, Hailiang Dong, Brian P. Hedlund, and Wesley D. Swingley, Department of Biological Sciences


Operations management and the resource based view: another view, Philip Bromiley and Devaki Rau,


Drilling-in and chewing-out of hosts by the parasitoid wasp Spalangia endius (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) when parasitizing Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae), S.A. Broski and Bethia H. King, Department of Biological Sciences


Compatibility of the parasitoid Spalangia endius (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and insecticides against Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) as evaluated by a new index., Edwin R. Burgess and Bethia H. King, Department of Biological Sciences


The role of job embeddedness in the relationship between bullying and aggression., James P. Burton, Department of Management


Association of Fungal Secondary Metabolism and Sclerotial Biology, Ana M. Calvo and Jeffrey W. Cary,


An Overview of Investor Sentiment in Stock Market, Amy Chang, Shaokun Yu, Alan Reinstein, and Natalie T. Churyk, Department of Accountancy


Brand spillover effects within a sponsor portfolio: the interaction of image congruence and portfolio size, Joe Cobbs, Mark D. Groza, and Gregg Rich,


Substrate-borne marking in the parasitoid wasp Urolepis rufipes (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), J. L. Cooper and Bethia H. King, Department of Biological Sciences


Schools, Worship, and the First Amendment, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law


Resolving deep relationships of PACMAD grasses: a phylogenomic approach, Joseph L. Cotton, William P. Wysocki, Lynn G. Clark, Scot A. Kelchner, J. Chris Pires, Patrick P. Edger, Dustin Mayfield-Jones, and Melvin R. Duvall, Department of Biological Sciences


Threshold Concepts as Metaphors for the Creative Process: Adapting the Framework for Information Literacy to Studio Art Classes, Larissa K. Garcia and Jessica Labatte, School of Art and Design| University Libraries


Writing quality predicts Chinese learning, Connie Qun Guan, Lindsay N. Harris, Wanjin Meng, and Charles A. Perfetti, Department of Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations (LEPF)


Factors Regulating Immunoglobulin Production by Normal and Disease-Associated Plasma Cells, David A. Jackson and Sherine F. Elsawa, Department of Biological Sciences


Mad Men in the Classroom: A Collection of Classroom-Tested Teaching Tools, Rebecca Johnson and Jimmie Manning, Department of Communication


Customer–company identification and the effectiveness of loyalty programs, Jun Kang, Thomas Brashear Alejandro, and Mark D. Groza,


College Republicans and Conservative Social Identity, Jeffrey L. Kidder,


Interviewee Selection Test and Evaluator Assessments of General Mental Ability, Emotional Intelligence and Extraversion: Relationships with Structured Behavioral and Situational Interview Performance, Donald Kluemper, Benjamin McLarty, Terrence R. Bishop, and Anindita Sen,


Tailored electron bunches with smooth current pro les for enhanced transformer ratios in beam-driven acceleration, F. Lemery and P. Piot, Department of Physics


Construction of Heterogeneous Conjoint Choice Designs: A New Approach, Qing Liu and Yihui Tang,


The rhetorical function of laugh tracks in situation comedies: examining queer shame in Will & Grace and Roseanne, Jimmie Manning, Department of Communication


Popular Culture Studies and Autoethnography: An Essay on Method, Jimmie Manning and Tony E. Adams, Department of Communication


Doing Feminist Interpersonal Communication Research: A Call for Action, Two Methodological Approaches, and Theoretical Potentials, Jimmie Manning and Katherine J. Denker, Department of Communication


Marketing tourism and hospitality products worldwide: Introduction to the special issue, Drew Martin, Mark S. Rosenbaum, and Sunny Ham,


Judges as Framers of Plea Bargaining, Daniel S. McConkie Jr., College of Law


Measurement of Ampère-class pulsed electron beams via field emission from carbon-nanotube cathodes in a radiofrequency gun, D. Mihalcea, L. Faillace, J. Hartzell, H. Panuganti, S Boucher, A. Murokh, P. Piot, and J.C.T. Thangaraj, Department of Physics


Bust Out without Breaking Up, Michael M. Oswalt, College of Law


Challenges in Handling Imprecise Parentage Matters, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Choosing Among Imprecise American State Parentage Laws, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Expanded Stepparent and Grandparent Third-Party Childcare in Illinois, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Formalities for Informal Adoptions, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


ICWA's Pre-Existing Custody Requirement: A Flexible Approach to Better Protect the Interests of Indian Fathers, Tribes and Children, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Illinois Lawyer Investigations of Current Client Concerns, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Parentage Prenups and Midnups, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


The Default Rule on Burden of Proof in Civil Cases, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Troxel Revisited: A New Approach to Third Party Childcare, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


When Sales and Marketing Align: Impact on Performance, Robert M. Peterson, Geoffrey L. Gordon, and Vijaykumar Krishnan,


When sales and marketing align: impact on performance, Robert M. Peterson, Geoffrey L. Gordon, and Vijaykumar Krishnan Palghat,


Positrons ride the wave, P. Piot, Department of Physics


Collaborations between Lawyers and New Legal Professionals: A Path to Increase Access to Justice and Protect Clients, Laurel A. Rigertas, College of Law


Promoting Problem-Based Learning in Retailing and Services Marketing Course Curricula with Reality Television, Mark S. Rosenbaum, Mauricio Losada Otalora, and Germán Contreras Ramírez,


If you install it, will they use it? Understanding why hospitality customers take “technological pauses” from self-service technology, Mark S. Rosenbaum and IpKin Anthony Wong,


Going Off to the War in Hungary: French Nobles and Crusading Culture in the Sixteenth Century, Brian Sandberg, Department of History


The Digital POWRR Project - A Final Report to the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Jaime Schumacher, University Libraries


Intellectual Capital at Risk: Data Management Practices and Data Loss by Faculty Members at Five American Universities, Jaime Schumacher and Drew VandeCreek, University Libraries


Cracking but not breaking: Joint effects of faultline strength and diversity climate on loyal behavior, Chung Yunhyung, Liao Hui, Susan E. Jackson, Mahesh Subramony, Saba Colakoglu, and Jiang Yuan,


Loss of Mnemic Neglect Among Socially Anxious Individuals, Bettina Zengel, John J. Skowronski, David P. Valentiner, and Constantine Sedikides,

Publications from 2014


Understanding internal, external, and relational attributions for abusive supervision., James P. Burton, Shannon G. Taylor, and Larissa K. Barber, Department of Management


The First Amendment and Religion After Hosanna-Tabor, Mark W. Cordes, College of Law


Mathematically optimized cryoprotectant equilibration procedures for cryopreservation of human oocytes, Allyson Fry Davidson, James D. Benson, and Adam Z. Higgins,


Student perspectives on self-directed learning, Carolinda Douglass and Sherrill R. Morris, School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders


The Digital POWRR Project: Enabling Collaborative Pragmatic Digital Preservation Approaches, Stacey Erdman, University Libraries


Eavesdrop Law's Demise Means Loss of Privacy, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law


Fascinating Legal Questions Posed in Recent Criminal Law Cases, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law


Illinois Supreme Court Should Consider Reasonable Doubt Issue, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law


Life Without Parole for Juveniles and the Retroactivity Mess, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law


Overcorrecting Jury Instruction Errors, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law


Pro Bono Scholars Idea Could Enhance Legal Education, Provide Aid to Needy, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law


The Due Process Failings of Student Disciplinary Board Hearings, Marc D. Falkoff, College of Law


The Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) and the Social Phobia Scale (SPS): A comparison of two short-form versions., Thomas A. Fergus, David P. Valentiner, Hyun-Soo Kim, and Patrick B. McGrath,


Examining the symptom-level specificity of negative problem orientation in a clinical sample, Thomas A. Fergus, David P. Valentiner, Kevin D. Wu, and Patrick B. McGrath,


Applying the Framework for Information Literacy to the Developmental Education Classroom, Larissa K. Garcia, University Libraries


No association between perfluoroalkyl chemicals and hypertension in children, Sarah Dee Geiger, Jie Xiao, and Anoop Shankar, School of Health Studies


Do Variations in the Strength of Corporate Governance Still Matter? A Comparison of the Pre- and Post-regulation Environment, Nancy Harp, Mark Myring, and Rebecca T. Shortridge, Department of Accountancy


Error-related negativities during spelling judgments expose orthographic knowledge, Lindsay N. Harris, Charles A. Perfetti, and Benjamin Rickles, Department of Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations (LEPF)


Self-Focused Attention and Post-Event Processing: Relevance to Social Performance Anxiety and Social Interaction Anxiety, Jacob B. Holzman, David P. Valentiner, and Kathleen S. McCraw,


Hollywood, Bike Messengers, and the New Economy, Jeffrey L. Kidder,


The Enforcement Challenges for Tattoo Copyrights, Yolanda M. King, College of Law


The Immigrant “Other”: Racialized Identity and the Devaluation of Immigrant Family Relations, Anita Maddali, College of Law


Competency Modeling in an Undergraduate Management Degree Program, Sarah J. Marsh and Terrence R. Bishop,


Exploring the Essence of Spirituality: A Phenomenological Study of Eight Students with Eight Different Worldviews, Matthew J. Mayhew,


Automatic Elections, Michael M. Oswalt, College of Law


Constitutional Constraints on Second Parent Laws, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Dangers in De Facto Parenthood, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Survey of Illinois Law: Statutory Damage Exclusions, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Survey of Illinois Law: Stepparent Childcare, Jeffrey A. Parness, College of Law


Intra Law Firm Privileged Communications Regarding Questionable Attorney Conduct, Jeffrey A. Parness and Evan King, College of Law


How Do You Rate Your Lawyer?: Lawyers’ Responses to Online Reviews of Their Services, Laurel A. Rigertas, College of Law


The Legal Profession’s Monopoly: Failing to Protect Consumers, Laurel A. Rigertas, College of Law


The Supreme Court and Recusals: A Response to Professor Lubet, Laurel A. Rigertas, College of Law


USA: Regulating Non-Lawyers to Close the Access to Justice Gap, Laurel A. Rigertas, College of Law


A Cross-National Comparison of Voter Turnout in 15 Sub-Saharan African States, Scot Schraufnagel and Peter Gowen,


From Theory to Action: Good Enough Digital Preservation for Under-Resourced Cultural Heritage Institutions, Jaime Schumacher, Lynne M. Thomas, Drew VandeCreek, Stacey Erdman, Jeff Hancks, Aaisha Haykal, Meg Miner, Patrice-Andre Prud'homme, and Danielle Spalenka, University Libraries


Borderline Personality Disorder Features, Self-Verification, and Committed Relationships, David P. Valentiner, Regina Hiraoka, and John J. Skowronski,


A survey of plant and algal genomes and transcriptomes reveals new insights into the evolution and function of the cellulose synthase superfamily, Yanbin Yin, Mitrick A. Johns, Huansheng Cao, and Manju Rupani, Department of Biological Sciences


Draft Genome Sequence of the Toxic Bloom-Forming Cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae NIES-81, Yanbin Yin, Kawachi Masanobu, Yohei Shimura, and Huansheng Cao, Department of Biological Sciences


PlantCAZyme: a database for plant carbohydrate-active enzymes, Yanbin Yin, Nathan McGinn, Rahil Taujale, and Alexander Ekstrom, Department of Biological Sciences

Publications from 2013


Book Review of "Do We Really Understand Quantum Mechanics?", Valia Allori, Department of Philosophy


Book Review of "The Road to Maxwell's Demon: Conceptual Foundations of Statistical Mechanics", Valia Allori, Department of Philosophy


On the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics, Valia Allori, Department of Philosophy


Primitive Ontology and Laws of Nature, Valia Allori, Department of Philosophy


Transformative service research: An agenda for the future, Laurel Anderson, Amy L. Ostrom, Canan Corus, Raymond P. Fisk, Andrew S. Gallan, Mario Giraldo, Martin Mende, Mark Mulder, Steven W. Rayburn, Mark S. Rosenbaum, Kunio Shirahada, and Jerome D. Williams,