Credit or Debit? Unauthorized Use and Consumer Liability Under Federal Consumer Protection Legislation
Daniel M. Mroz
Ethics 2000: What Might Have Been
Steven C. Krane
Let's Make Lawyers Happy: Advocating Mandatory Pro Bono
Donald Patrick Harris
Looking Ahead to Ethics 2015: Or Why I Still do not Get the ABA Model Conflict of Interest Rules
Richard E. Flamm
Repeal of Baseball's Longstanding Antitrust Exemption: Did Congress Strike Out Again?
Charles Allen Criswell Jr.
The Swift Rail Act: Will Sleepless Citizens be able to Quiet Train Whistles, and at What Cost?
Mark A. Gruenes
An Essay on Teaching Professional Responsibility
L. Ray Patterson
In Memoriam--Rodolphe Jean Alexander de Seife (1925 - 1998)
Leroy Pernell, Daniel Reynolds, and Antoine Vialard
Vol.19, no. 2 Winter 1999: Table of Contents
Northern Illinois University Law Review