Publication Date


Document Type

Student Project

First Advisor

Rossetti, Jeanette

Degree Name

B.S. (Bachelor of Science)


School of Nursing


While every individual experiences and copes with their illness in different fashions, it is important to equip everyone with resources they need for any direct or potential complications. Type One Diabetes is a chronic illness that is always ever changing. Treatment and care for it is constant and can cause burnout, frustration, increased stress, and many other mental health issues for the patient. If left untreated and poorly managed, these feelings can develop into far more serious complications such as depression, PTSD, eating disorders, etc. While a cure for Type One Diabetes is not currently an option, providing preventative education can make a significant difference. Alerting the patient and families about what mental health issues they may expect to experience allows them to take back control and be aware of their own mental health. Equipping patients with resources to support their mental health places patients at an advantage of 13 addressing these complications early enough to prevent any further deterioration. Providing holistic and preventative care for patients that focuses on the patient’s mind, body and spirit is a responsibility healthcare workers and, in particular, nurses, are tasked with.
