Publication Date


Document Type

Student Project

First Advisor

Coffman, Kara

Degree Name

B.S. (Bachelor of Science)


School of Allied Health and Communicative Disorders


Low back pain is a common occurrence experienced by many individuals. An estimated 75-85% of Americans experience some form of back pain during their lives [1]. While low back pain can be uncomfortable and debilitating, approximately 90% of cases are temporary and can resolved without surgery; however, 50% of patients will experience recurrent episodes of back pain. Low back pain that has persisted for more than twelve weeks is considered chronic low back pain [1]. Many researchers and therapists have been seeking the optimal treatment plans for individuals suffering from low back pain. Mirror therapy (MT) is a type of therapy that utilizes a mirror to help create a reflective illusion of an unaffected limb to trick the brain into movement without pain, it can also provide visual feedback of movement for the patient. MT has been shown to reduce pain and help with movement in patients recovering from a stroke or an amputation. There is ongoing research investigating the use of mirror therapy for patients with back pain and assessing whether this therapy can be advantageous for them. This review is focused on mirror therapy and how it can be utilized with patients who have low back pain. Peer-reviewed journal articles were sourced from databases such as PubMed, NIU Library Databases, and JOSPT. The findings indicate that mirror therapy may offer assistance with low back pain, although with limitations.

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Anatomy Commons
