Publication Date

Spring 5-8-2022

Document Type


First Advisor

Kudernatsch, Simon

Second Advisor

Ferdowsi, Hasan

Degree Name

B.S. (Bachelor of Science)


Department of Mechanical Engineering


It is no secret that lifting heavy objects is one of the premier causes of workplace injury, and the modern worker needs help to remain healthy. Workers need something they always have with them that makes their work safer as well as easier; our solution is an active lift-assist exoskeleton. The proposed exoskeleton design includes a military backpack exoskeleton frame, on which two actuators pull cables attached to end effectors that the operator will be holding. This system can adjust to conform to a wide variety of operator sizes, without restricting any of their range of motion. This leads to the design being lighter, less complex, and allows a greater range of motion than most conventional exoskeletons. A cable branches from the portion of the frame by the shoulder down to the end effectors for load transfer. It is controlled through wireless communication between the end effectors and the rest of the frame. The team resulted in a completed prototype design proven by simulation to withstand the loads required. Future steps will include testing real world use which includes battery-life, comfortability, and lifting capability.
