Publication Date


Document Type


First Advisor

Rudnicki, Mary D.

Degree Name

B.S. (Bachelor of Science)

Legacy Department

School of Nursing


Vaccinations are the most significant advancements of science that have helped society. They have nearly eliminated some of the deadliest diseases in human history and have saved millions of lives. However, not everyone is aware of the advantages of vaccines. The purpose of this project is to explore the relationship between the accessibility of healthcare in the form of vaccination and the silent but deadly role that race and socioeconomic classes can play when it comes to public health. As the world is engulfed in a pandemic caused by COVID-19, vaccine awareness has become even more of a pressing and urgent matter. The main focus of this project will be discussing the influenza vaccine, COVID-19 vaccine, and the human papillomavirus vaccine. The project will include recommendations on healthcare and community improvement in the nurse’s role that may aid in minimizing the disparities in our health system. Nurses are an integral part of vaccine education, and therefore, to adequately provide care for this community, they must understand the disparity that affects the community.


21 pages




Northern Illinois University

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