
Cora Moy

Document Type



A prevalent issue that homeschooled students face is access to interscholastic athletics at public schools. Over the past several decades, the United States has seen an upward trend in the number of children who are homeschooled. In Illinois, the local public school determines whether homeschooled students may participate in activities at public schools. While this Comment explores a sample of varying laws and regulations on homeschooled student participation in public school athletics, the purpose is to examine the debate on homeschooler's access to public schools and why the Illinois Legislature should create a minimum standard that would allow homeschooled students to participate in interscholastic athletics in public schools.

Publication Date



College of Law

Original Citation

Cora Moy, Comment, Equal Access: A Proposal For Homeschooled Students And Athletics, 7 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. Online Supp. 32 (2015).

Included in

Law Commons
