

Sarah Farwick

Document Type


Publication Title

Northern Illinois University Law Review


Under the broad scope of modern civil asset forfeiture, law enforcement agencies routinely deprive citizens of their property without ever formally charging them with a crime. This system diminishes the ideal values of American justice, yet the Supreme Court has long held that civil asset forfeiture is constitutional, leaving prospects of judicial reform unlikely. Therefore, it is crucial that individual states take action to protect their citizens by abolishing the use of civil asset forfeiture. In 2017, the Illinois General Assembly attempted to reform its civil asset forfeiture system, but upon close analysis and application of the statute, it is evident that many of the most troubling aspects of civil forfeiture remain intact.

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College of Law



Suggested Citation

Sarah Farwick, Comment, The Unjust Side of Civil Asset Forfeiture in Illinois: Innocent Victims and Corrupted Incentives, 43 N. Ill. Univ. L. Rev. 153 (2023).

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Law Commons



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