

AJ Link

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The possibilities within the realm of outer space and future space exploration have always been limitless. There has been renewed interest in space over the last decade, largely fueled by the private commercial space sector. As more and more people become interested in space and connected to the space industry, we must take care not to repeat the mistakes of the distant and recent past. Space should be accessible to all who wish to travel amongst the stars. We should not discriminate or bar individuals from going to space based on race, gender, gender identity or expression, nationality, religion, disability, financial means, or any other characteristic. We should work to build systems that are as inclusive and accessible as possible. That includes allowing folks equitable access to outer space, to their rights in space, and to the benefits of resources found in space. This Article explores a proposal for interplanetary human rights protections that are rooted in Crip Legal Theory. A “post-realist” disability perspective centered on accessibility provides an opportunity to be as inclusive as possible as humanity continues its journey of space exploration.

First Page


Last Page


Publication Date

Summer 6-1-2022








Northern Illinois University Law Review

Suggested Citation

AJ Link, Galactic Accessibility: An Introduction to Interplanetary Human Rights Law Through Crip Legal Theory, 42 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 345 (2022).

Included in

Law Commons



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