Publication Date

Spring 5-2023

Document Type


First Advisor

Labatte, Jessica

Degree Name

B.F.A. (Bachelor of Fine Arts)


School of Art and Design


They say time heals all wounds, but in reality, time only Band-Aid's those wounds to make them more tolerable. Frank Richard Schadeck was the man who taught me how to go through life. From being my preschool teacher to teaching me how to defend and speak up for myself, he made me into the person I am today. He was not only my grandfather, but became my best friend, teacher, and mentor. Since his passing, change has become more prevalent and harder to accept.

When my grandfather was living with us, he built a miniature train set in the basement. The miniature world he created contains idyllic scenes of the infrastructure of a small town. There are three working trains on tracks, farms, car dealerships, and all the quaint features of rural American life. From the family of geese waddling beneath the elevated train track, to the young boy letting his dog out the back door, to the construction workers building a new single-family home, he created stories through these imaginary scenes. The basement trainset was a place for him to share joy with close friends and family, especially the grandchildren. These photographs in the series, Inevitable, present a childlike perspective on the village, inviting viewers to escape into the peaceful sanctuary of simpler times.
