Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Student Perceptions of Racial-Ethnic Socialization and Outcomes across Race and Gender, Megan Gilbertson
Through The Labyrinth: Lived Experiences of Women and The Superintendency, Michelle Christine Graham
Transport of Polyethylene Microplastic Spheres in a Sandy Aquifer, Alyssa Marie Graveline
Factors Contributing to College Counselors’ Probability to Take A Client’s Sexual History, Adam Gregory
Understanding the invasion history and dispersal patterns of the faucet snail, Bithynia tentaculata, Emma B. Grindle
Methods for Computing the Global Optimum of Non-Convex Objectives, Isaac Michael Hawn
Perceived Social and Environmental Impacts of the Maya Train Project on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico: A Case Study of Puerto Morelos, Emely Hernandez Yac
investigating Implicit Cognitive Bias toward Guilt and Shame Among individuals with Histories of Childhood Emotional Abuse, Sarah B. Hill
An Exploratory Case Study on the Perspectives of African American Men Pursuing a Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathway at an Urban Community College in Illinois, Kimberly Kay Hollingsworth
Perceptions of Family-of-Origin Belief Systems Among Cisgender Men in Outpatient Treatment for Sexual offending: A Phenomenological investigation, Jessie K. Huebner
Three Essays Examining The Impact of Paid Maternity Leave offers on Women’s Labor Market Outcomes, Murshed Jahan
Forecasting Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin Prices Using Machine Learning, Sai Prabhu Jaligama
Medical Laboratory Professional Faculty Perspectives on Academic integrity: A Narrative inquiry, Andrea L. Jensen
Development of The Moral Disengagement and Bullying Scale, Shengse Ruth Jeong
Three Essays Examining The Effects of Labor Market Conditions on College Enrollment and Completion, Dezhi Jiang
investigating Boredom within The Context of Sixth-Grade Mathematics Classes, Tammy S. Judkins
Preservice Teacher Socialization For Social Justice: Exploring Stances and Enactments of Social Justice Pedagogies, Eric R. Junco
Midrash Therapy: A Hermeneutical inquiry, Robert T. Jury
A New Boundary interlock Geometry Design Method For Fdm Multi-Material Part Strengthening, Shivaram Sree Venkata Shanmukha Kakaraparthi
'Black Knight' Effect: The Role of Russia in Countering Democratization in Montenegro and Serbia, Danilo Kalezic
The Role of Childhood Abuse in Subsequent Event-Level Risky Sexual Behavior and Substance Use, Megan C. Kennedy
Microbial Community and Soil Responses to Land Management Practices in Remnant and Restored Tallgrass Prairies, Desirae Marie Klimek
Longitudinal associations Between Parenting Stress, Adolescent Temperament, and Externalizing Behaviors, Kristina Kochanova
Impact of Prairie Restoration on Geochemistry and Microbial Communities in Groundwater, Kayla Koenig
Temperature analysis of a square lid-driven cavity with particle suspensions, Justin Kortge
Promoting Personal and Social Responsibility in Higher Education, Karisa L. Kuipers
Coming off Mute: A Case Study of Elementary Students' Perceptions of Remote Learning During the Height of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Karen L. Ladendorf
Parental Smartphone Use and Parent-Child interactions During The Covid-19 Pandemic, Giana G. Lagioia
Value and Impact of Nurse innovators Working in Academic, industry, and Government Settings: A Qualitative Study, Olivia A. Lemberger
Sexual Satisfaction and Dysfunction in Female Survivors of Sexual Violence: The Moderating Effect of Sexual Motivations, Kyla A. Leonard
Heathen Husband: The Corrupting Patriarchal Hierarchy in Shakespeare’s Othello and Its Absence in Cinthio’s Gli Hecatommithi, Heavyn Renee Lester
The Effect of Fatigue on Lower Extremity Electromyography During Clean Performance in Elite Female Weightlifters, John A. Littner
Fundamental Study of Dopant Effect and toxicity in Perovskite Materials, Xun Li
Changing The Narrative of Disengagement: Exploring Academic Identity Formation For Non-Ethno-European Students, Luis E. Lopez
An Examination of Observed Maternal Social Coaching Strategies and Early Adolescents' Social Adjustment, Natalie Low
Counterexample to Eremenko's Conjecture, Paradise Low
Building an Imperial World: Ideologies of Imperialism and the Tariff Reform Movement in Britain, 1900-1914, Kevin Jennings Luginbill
Bowling online: introduction to Social Worlds in Second Life, Hope Mac Donald
The Moderating Effects of Disability on The Relationship Between Job Embeddedness and Turnover intention Among Veterans, Beverly Maier
Touchpoints: How Faculty and Advising Understand and Colloborate on Guided Pathways Reforms to influence and Support Major Choice in a Community College, Bryant Bates Manning
Administrator Impact: A Survey of The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy, Mckinney-Vento Legal Literacy, and Program Effectiveness in Ensuring The Educational Stability of Homeless Youth., Anthony J. Marinello
Not A Good Fit For The Job: An intersectional Study of Occupational Stereotypes in The Field of Technology, Jesus Jose Martinez
Assessment of Adolescent Anxiety, Anna E. Martinez-Snyder
A Quantitative Analysis of Factors Contributing to Adult Education Students’ Transition to Credit Courses, Heather Martin
Comparison of topsoil Moisture in E3SM Model Simulations and in-situ Observations Over Illinois, Jacinda Lee Mayer
Integrating Experimental Parameter Space for Granular Flow within Polygon Tumblers, Michaela Mcmahon
“it Takes A Village”: Student Mothers’ Experiences with Barriers and Support While Navigating Community College, Jeanine Mcmillen
Writing in Film Studies: Poetics and Pedagogy, Bryan Mead
Locus of Control, Burnout, and Work Engagement among K-12 Teachers During COVID-19 Remote Learning, Kellie Menter
Teaching and Learning Numeracy in Health Sciences: A High School Health Classroom Case Study, Jasmina Mesic
An Observational Study of Maternal Parenting Behavior and Adolescent Social Anxiety, Cassandra R. Mick
Merely Mortal: A Quantitative Examination of the Dehumanization of First Responders, Kari M. Mika-Lude
Cadet Perceptions of Learning Using Police Video Simulators, Stephen Francis Miko
Mu2e Pion Degrader For Detector Calibration, Jessie Bouche Miles
Stories of Teaching on a Conceal and Carry Stage: A Dramaturgical Narrative inquiry, Christopher J. Miller
Development of pH-Sensitive and Amine-Reactive Lifters for the Detection of Latent Fingermarks, Andrei Gregory Mlakar
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Ecological Systems: An Examination of Child Perception on School Climate and Connectedness, Siddhant Modi
Fluorescent Cellular assays For Kinase inhibitors, Myar Mohamed
A Parametric Study of Thermochemical Energy Storage Using Chemical Looping For Concentrated Solar Power (csp) Plants, Imran Anees Mohammed
Evidence-Based Decision Making in Elementary Schools: A Case Study of How Districts Make Decisions When Implementing Foreign Language Programs, Danielle Elizabeth Moran
“if I Had Felt Comfortable Or Accepted, I Would Have Made More Progress”: A Phenomenological investigation into The Experiences of Lgbtq+ Persons in Clinical Professional Counseling, Valerie Moreno-Tucker
Controlling Women’s Appetites: Food and Femininity in Victorian Literature, Elizabeth Murray
Impact of Budget information Framing on Citizens' Budgetary Choices: An Experiment, Frankline K. Muthomi
Third-integer Resonant Extraction Regulation System for Mu2e, Aakaash Narayanan
How Principals influence, Facilitate, and Support instructional Coaching Programs, Nadine Y. Norris
Characterization and Quantification of Far Red Oxygen Production Rates in Acaryochloris Spp., Jose Manuel Orench-Benvenutti
Experimental Analysis of Flowing Layer Characteristics in Equilateral Triangular Tumblers For Quasi-2d Macro-Particle Flow, Jason Quinn Ostenburg
Dissociating Sensorimotor and Posterior Parietal Contributions to Fine Motor Control in Female and Male Mice, Jenna Rae Osterlund Oltmanns
Engagement Detection Using Prosodic Cues: An Approach For Measuring Child Emotional Engagement Level in Child-Robot interaction Scenario, Mustafa Oztoprak
Parent Training Workshop for Children with Selective Mutism: a Randomized-Controlled Trial, Jacqueline M. Pabis
A Narrative inquiry on The Leadership of Latina Women Practitioners in Community Colleges, Cynthia Padilla-Gaytan
Gas Phase C-H and C-C Bond Activation by Ternary Metal Complexes, Kevin Parker
Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in the tau+nu Final State with 139 inverse fb of pp Collision Data at sqrt(s)=13 TeV with the ATLAS Experiment, Elliot Wesley Parrish
Design and Fabrication of a Small-Sized Omni-directional Spherical Robot, Aayush P. Patel
Warm Unit Stand Analysis For Proton Improvement Project II, Michael William Pavlick
Considering construct strength and personality differences on susceptibility to context effects, Joy Samini Pawirosetiko
First-Generation College Students Experiences in Master's Counseling Programs Using Social Cognitive Career Theory Framework, Sandra Mary Bednarz Petersen
Modeling of Sub-Terahertz Wakefield Structures For Electron-Bunch Acceleration, Cassandra Phillips
Monitoring Plants Growth in indoor Vertical Farms Using Computer Vision and Ai Techniques, Bhama Krishna Pillutla
Connecting School Finance Policy with Practice: A Site-Based Expenditure Report Study, Julia Chapdelaine Pontarelli
A Measure of Psychological Needs For Higher Education Students: A Validation Study, Elyzia Edward Powers
The Effects of Rater Training on Rater Effects and Validity of Direct Behavior Ratings, Abigail E. Pruitt
The Role of Social Support in The association Between Socioeconomic Status and Academic Outcomes For Early Adolescents, Yoonsun Pyun
Climate Change Impacts on Baseflow Contributions in a Semi-Arid, Snowmelt-Dominated Basin within the Upper Colorado River Basin, Kaelyn Quinlan
Modeling and Visualization of Long-Term Public Opinion on COVID-19 Vaccine, Ashiqur Rahman
Conductors for Maximal Orders of Group Rings over Local Fields, Brooke Randazzo
Investigation of A Piezoelectric Pressure Sensing to Drive an IGBT Circuit, Sonali Rawat
Exploratory Study of Practicum Counselor Strategies of Connection and Disconnection, Ashley S. Roberts
Case Study of Elementary Teacher Perceptions Regarding Technology integration in The Writing Curriculum, Dana Marie Robinson
Qommunities: A Characterization of Qanon Support in The US, Alexa Rogalla
Cathode Electron Sources For Cold Field Emission: Fabrication Methodology For Discretely Patterned High aspect Ratio Silicon Nanotips, Austin Luke Rose
Covidalert - A Wristwatch-Based System to Alert Users From Face touching, Mrinmoy Roy
Exploring the morphometrics of the diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis as a proxy for paleo-sea surface temperature in the Late Pleistocene-Holocene Southern Ocean, Joseph Anthony Ruggiero
The Effect of Drawing on The Memory and Comprehension of Scientific Explanations, Kathryn E. Rupp
Reconstructing Queer Outsiders: intersecting Identities of Contemporary Gay Ethnic American Poets, Anthony Salazar
Synthesis and Advanced Characterization of Energy Materials, Erik Sarnello
Eat Glass and Walk on Fire, While Managing A Pandemic: A Narrative Study of African American Women Who Serve as Chief Housing officers, Valronica Marie Scales