Publication Date


Document Type


First Advisor

Gunkel, David

Degree Name

M.A. (Master of Arts)

Legacy Department

Department of Communication


This study was an initial attempt to investigate faculty and student perceptions of the impact of ChatGPT in the classroom. The primary purpose of this study was to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the opportunities and challenges of ChatGPT in education. The following research questions were investigated to achieve this goal: (a) What fears do faculty have about using ChatGPT in education? (b) What fears do students have about the use of ChatGPT in education? (c) What are the possible benefits and consequences of using ChatGPT from students’ perspectives? (d) What are the possible benefits and consequences of using ChatGPT from faculty perspectives? (e) What are the shared views about ChatGPT, and where are there significant differences or gaps between student and faculty perspectives?

A Qualtrics survey was conducted with 41 responses from a large university in the mid-western part of the United States. The survey was designed to understand their perceptions of using ChatGPT in the learning environment. After the data was collected, Taguette was used to evaluate the answers to the survey, and based on the results of this research, it was concluded that both students and faculty agreed that although this AI tool is resourceful, it has some detrimental effects on the student's cognitive, writing, and thinking skills and creativity. It also affects not only the institution's reputation but also the students.


57 pages




Northern Illinois University

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