Publication Date


Document Type


First Advisor

Pohlman, Nicholas A.

Degree Name

M.S. (Master of Science)

Legacy Department

Department of Mechanical Engineering


Fermilab is responsible for many experiments involving proton acceleration and requires a significant upgrade to its linear accelerator infrastructure to meet the needs of the 21st century high energy physics. The Proton Improvement Project II (PIP II) is a plan to allow Fermilab to maintain its title of most intense accelerator by doubling the output of its proton beam to 800 MeV. An array of high frequency cryomodules generate the beam but are limited in total manufacturing lengths. To connect the multiple devices, a combination of magnets and ion vacuum pumps at room temperature -- therefore called warm units -- were designed satisfying structural support and adjustment for alignment. A crucial feature is that the vacuum beampipe along with focusing and bending magnets in the warm units are in-line with the beam axis. Each warm unit includes multiple stages of 6 degree-of-freedom adjustment. There is +/-30 mm of overall adjustment for the warm unit as a whole, and +/- 15 mm of precision adjustment for integrated components. There is access to be able to adjust each stage in-situ, and considerations were taken for the weight of the instrumentation, the effects of proton radiation, and interfaces with other components. The structure is comprised of a series of 6 adjustment rod kinematic stands. Analysis was performed to ensure structural safety requirements at the extreme position extents of the alignment devices. The results of proposed research will be implemented for the 15 warm units planned between each cryomodule. The structure stands ready to be iterated on for a final design review.


92 pages




Northern Illinois University

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